
  1. 随着网络的快速发展,导致了电子信息源的迅速增长,电子科技信息查询技术也有了新的进展。

    The rapid development of networks leads to the rapid progress of electrical technology information .

  2. 电子信息源及其检索电力信息资源的网上检索

    The Electronic Information Resources and Methods of Information Retrieval Approaches to Search Electric Information on Internet

  3. 笔者建议采用后者,并讨论了网络型电子期刊的著录信息源的选取。

    It then discusses the major source and other sources of bibliographic information of online electronic journals .

  4. 随着汽车的日益普及化,汽车产品零件需求量日益增大,汽车传感器作为汽车电子控制系统的信息源,是汽车电子控制系统的关键部分。

    With the increasing popularity of the car , increasing demand for automotive products parts , automotive sensors as information source of automotive electronic control systems is critical for automotive electronic control system parts .

  5. 随着温度传感器在汽车领域的广泛应用,特别是作为汽车电子控制系统的信息源,温度传感器的研究和技术的改进就显得尤为重要。

    With the extensive application of temperature transducer used in Automobile , especially used as the information source of car electronics control system , the research and technical improvement of temperature transducer seem to be particularly for importance .