
  • 网络e-discovery;electronic discovery
  1. Steve经常发表有关信息安全、信息隐私、云计算、项目管理、电子发现和信息治理的演讲。

    Steve frequently presents on information security , information privacy , cloud computing , project management , e-discovery , and information governance .

  2. 尽管质疑的声音不断,但是用户已经开始哀叹缺少能够连接记录管理、电子邮件和电子发现(e-discovery)系统的产品了。

    Despite increasing levels of paranoia , users have bemoaned the lack of products that could link records management , email , and e-discovery systems .

  3. 电子发现的启示与思考

    The Enlightenment and Thinking of the Discovery of Electron

  4. 带电粒子理论对以太理论的胜利&纪念电子发现100周年

    The victory of charged particle theory versus ether theory

  5. 若发出了一个电子发现请求,会发生什么呢?

    What happens if an e-discovery request is issued ?

  6. 借助透射电子显微镜发现:橡胶粒子在SAN基体中分散均匀,达到共混分散的目的。

    Scanning electron microscope results experienced that PBA rubber particle uniformly disperse in SAN matrix .

  7. 价电子谱发现:室温下仅纯ZnO费米能级附近有载流子分布,这表明:压敏电阻界面有陷阱态,氧化锌压敏电阻界面电输运特性需用载流子陷阱对双肖特基势垒进行补充。

    The bulk trap state exists in interface of ZnO varistor , and the interfacial electronic transport of ZnO varistor can be interpreted by double Schottky barrier model with correction of carrier bulk trap state .

  8. J.J.汤姆生与电子的发现

    J.J.Thomson and the Discovery of Electron

  9. 电子被发现前,电流的方向就被确定了。

    The direction of the current was decided before electron was discovered .

  10. 电子的发现,激发了研究电的兴趣。

    It was the discovery of electron that provoked people 's interest in electricity .

  11. 基于电子处方发现不合理用药的方法

    The method of discovering the irrational use of drugs based on the electronic prescriptions

  12. 谁是电子的发现者?

    Who was the discoverer of the electron ?

  13. 电子的发现及其启示

    The discovery of electron and Its Enlightenment

  14. 由电子的发现到认知过程

    The Discovery and Recognition of Electron

  15. 在电子被发现后不久,科学家和发明家便开始使电子发挥作用。

    Soon after it had been discovered , scientists and inventors began to put it to work .

  16. 牛排卵遥测器的研制和应用电子的发现,激发了研究电的兴趣。

    STUDY ON MONITORING OF OVULATION IN CATTLE It was the discovery of electron that provoked people 's interest in electricity .

  17. 46.看着电子表发现表上的有规律的一串数字,比如12:34,或者是10:10和11.11这样成对的时间。

    46 . Looking at a digital clock and seeing a series of numbers , like 12:34 , a pair like 10:10 , or 11:11 .

  18. 利用变温Hall测量研究了重掺杂InGaAs/InAlAs单量子阱中二维电子气,发现在量子阱中由于存在电子对称态和反对称态导致纵向电阻出现拍频现象。

    Beating patterns in longitudinal resistance caused by the symmetric and antisymmetric states were observed in a heavily doped InGaAs / InAlAs quantum well by using variable temperature Hall measurement .

  19. 扫描电子显微镜观测发现,经IFR阻燃的ABS在燃烧时形成了由无数封闭孔洞构成的蓬松焦化炭层,表明IFR对ABS具有良好的膨胀阻燃效果。

    SEM observation revealed that puffy coking charred layers were formed by lots of closed bubbles in ABS specimen filled with IFR after burning .

  20. 通过对摩擦轨迹的电子探针检测发现,PTFE在摩擦过程中于摩擦表面形成了转移膜,因而改善了润滑成膜膏的摩擦学性能。

    It was found that PTFE formed a transfer film on the rubbing surfaces during friction process by using electron probe , this is the cause for improving the tribological properties of lubricating film-forming pastes .

  21. X-射线衍射及电子探针分析发现,基体经离子注氮预处理后镀层的TiN(200)峰宽化,镀层与基体的界面变宽。

    The results of X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and electron probe microanalyser ( EPMA ) analysis showed that , after treating with nitrogen implantation , the TiN ( 200 ) peak of the coatings and the interface between the coatings and substrate become wider .

  22. 其次,利用第一性原理计算得到非磁性金属Cu掺杂ZnO的电子结构,发现其具有稳定的铁磁基态,其磁性来源于Cu-3d电子和O-2p电子之间强烈的杂化作用。

    It is found that the ferromagnetic ground state is stabilized by its half-metal band structure . The originate of ferromagnetism is from the strong hybridization between Cu-3d and O-2p electrons .

  23. 电子显微镜观察发现,在病株嫩枝和叶柄韧皮部筛管细胞超薄切片中,存在着大量的类菌原体(MLO)。

    A lot of mycoplasma-like organisms ( MLO ) were observed within the ultrathin sections of sieve cells in the infected tender shoots or phloem tissues with electron microscopy .

  24. 二乙酰并不是在电子烟中发现的唯一有害物质。

    Diacetyl isn 't the only harmful chemical found in electronic cigarettes .

  25. 警方使用电子监视系统发现违章驾车的司机。

    The police are using an electronic surveillance system to catch drivers who commit motoring offences .

  26. 进而通过免疫金标结合电子显微镜观察发现,大多数类细胞质力蛋白中间链存在于高尔基体附近的囊泡膜上;

    Subsequently by immuno-gold labeling and transmission electron microscopy , we found that the dynein intermediate chain-like protein bound mainly to the membranes of Golgi-associated vesicles .

  27. 实验结果如下:1.透射电子显微镜观察发现小麦根中皮层细胞壁先由靠近细胞质的初生壁开始降解,然后是胞间层。

    The results were as follows : 1 . The first detectable degradation site of cell wall in middle cortical cell was primary wall , and then the intercellular space .

  28. 通过电子结构研究发现物理吸附对表面和次表面的电子结构没有影响,而化学吸附会对晶胞内部电子产生影响。

    The study of electronic structure shows , the physical adsorption has no distinct impact on the electrons in the surface and subsurface , while the influence of chemical adsorption is evidently .

  29. 计算了由过剩硅原子形成的含有硅空位缺陷的纳米晶粒的电子能级,发现计算所得的态密度的特征与观察到的双峰发射吻合。

    The energy levels of electrons in Si nanocrystals with vacancy defects formed from excess Si atoms are calculated and the characteristics of the density of states coincide with the observed double-peak emission .

  30. 智能门禁系统联网接入让监控维护人员及时掌握和维护门禁信息,并能在电子地图中发现门禁报警的位置,做到快速发现、准确定位。

    Intelligent access control system network access make maintenance personnel to monitor and maintain the access control information to grasp , found in the electronic map of the location of access control alarm , so quickly found , and accurate positioning .