
  • 网络service information;service info;DVB-SI
  1. 服务信息:描述一组Web服务。

    Service information : Describes a group of Web services .

  2. Web服务信息视图(默认视图)

    Web service information view ( default view )

  3. 找到了类别的输入处理服务器的windows安装服务信息。

    Found Windows Installer information for an in process server for the class .

  4. 静态HTML页面提供服务信息的方式很快就变得落伍了。

    Static HTML pages providing service information rapidly become out of date .

  5. 元服务信息是结合WEBService技术,采用面向服务和面向对象的描述思想,对网格环境中资源及服务的抽象描述。

    Meta-service information is the abstract description of resources & services in grid environment , which combines Web Service technology , and adopts idea of service-orientation and object-orientation .

  6. 伴随着信息化进程的加快,越来越多的企业构建了自己的Web站点,通过站点向用户提供产品和服务信息。

    Now the acceleration of the information-based makes more and more enterprises establish their own websites to provide their users with the information of their products and services .

  7. 如果您的目的是宣传产品或服务信息,甚至是信息本身,Web站点是个好的起点。

    If your goal is to disseminate information about a product , a service , or even about information itself , a Web site is a good starting point .

  8. 云计算SLA详细描述了用户的服务信息及其指标。

    The SLA of cloud computing describes service information and criteria in detail .

  9. RBAC技术在奥运气象服务信息发布系统中的应用

    Application of RBAC Technique to Beijing Olympic Games Weather Service Information Issuing System

  10. WebSphereProcessChoreographer使用组件和连线文件(wiringfile)将连接绑定和服务信息与BPEL文件中的信息连接起来。

    WebSphere Process Choreographer uses component and wiring files to connect binding and service information with the information in the BPEL file .

  11. 在UDDI中发布企业与服务信息使其它企业能大范围的访问到这些信息。

    Publishing business and service information in UDDI makes it broadly accessible to others .

  12. Honeywell服务信息电信行业的解决方案

    The Better Service Honeywell Solutions For Info - telecommunication Industry

  13. 还需要注意的是,对于有关运行时服务信息的查询,诸如IP地址和端口号,对于给定的服务会有多个服务提供者。

    It is also important to realize that , in regard to inquiry for the runtime service information such as IP address and port number , there may be multiple service provider for a given service .

  14. 客户机可以在UDDI注册表中查找服务信息,由注册表返回连接到该服务所需的详细信息。

    Clients can look up service information in the UDDI registry , and the registry returns the necessary details for connecting to that service .

  15. DII客户机可以使用能查找服务信息的服务代理程序在运行时发现这个信息。

    A DII client can discover this information at runtime using a service broker that can look up the service 's information .

  16. SSC包括:服务信息规约、通信数据模型、服务登记/查找、SSC安全、SSC代理、通信模型、服务管理等。

    SSC includes statute of service information , communication , data model , services registration / find , SSC security , SSC agents , communication model and service management .

  17. 主要研究了基于GIS的连锁商业企业的商品配送服务信息系统中的一个基本问题&如何根据居民点的服务请求确定配送商品的连锁商店。

    In this article , the authors discuss a major problem in GIS - based merchandise delivery information systems for a chain Store business company in Shanghai that is to determine the chain store to deliver the merchandise to the customer in any location of the city .

  18. 此时,我们不想将服务信息发布到UDDI注册表或使用TCP/IP监控工具来执行服务监控,因此一定不要选中这些选项。

    At this time , we don 't want to publish the service information to the UDDI registry or perform service monitoring using the TCP / IP monitor tool , so make sure that these options aren 't checked .

  19. 可以对服务信息访问加以限制,方法是使用permissionstate枚举在securitypermission类中设置权限。

    Access to service information may be restricted by using the permissionstate enumeration to set permissions in the securitypermission class .

  20. 规范电信服务信息披露制度,提高服务的透明度。

    Regulate the information disclosure system to improve the service transparency .

  21. 医院远程服务信息系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of the Remote Information System Used in Hospital

  22. 促进政府、企业与社会服务信息资源的整合;

    Promoting the information integration of governments , enterprises and social services ;

  23. 通过软状态机制实现网格服务信息的一致性维护。

    The soft - state mechanism used for consistency maintenance .

  24. 基于多种通讯平台税收管理与服务信息互动系统的设计与实现

    Tax Management and Service Information Interaction System Based on Various Communication Platforms

  25. 以及对客户的服务信息管理和服务状态的查看。

    As well as customer service information management and service status of view .

  26. 甘肃省汽车检测站服务信息系统开发与实现

    Development and Realization of Automobil Inspection Station Service Information System of Gansu Province

  27. 图书馆读者服务信息流的量化单位和定量研究

    Quantification Unit and Quantitative Study on the Information Flow of Library User Service

  28. 在某一个时间段,缓存的服务信息有可能和实际的不匹配。

    Creates a window of potential mismatch between actual and cached service information .

  29. 保安产品及服务信息系统〔香港警务处〕

    Information System on Security Products and Services [ Hong Kong Police Force ]

  30. 立产品之象,取产品之意&产品形态的服务信息之解读

    Establish Product Image and Distill Product Suggestion-Understanding the Service Information of Product Form