
  1. 本课题主要讨论WTO规则下服务贸易补贴问题并针对我国现实状况提出有效的政策措施。

    This paper mainly discusses subsidies of trade in services under WTO and gives some effective policies and measures for Chinese practical situation .

  2. 比如关于补贴的定义还较宽泛,对服务贸易补贴的规定条款还较少等等。

    For example , the definition on the subsidy is not concrete . The regulation is less as well .

  3. 鉴于以上情况,服务贸易规则工作小组多次对服务贸易补贴的问题进行了讨论,这些讨论大体上可以分为两个阶段。

    According to the circumstances mentioned above , the ruling Service Trade work group has discussed on the subsidy issues many times . And these discussions may be divided into two processes .

  4. 就此类谈判而言,各成员应就其向国内服务提供者提供的所有与服务贸易有关的补贴交换信息。

    For the purpose of such negotiations , Members shall exchange information concerning all subsidies related to trade in services that they provide to their domestic service suppliers .