美 [ˌef siː ˈoʊ]英 [ˌef siː ˈəʊ]
  • abbr.外交和联邦事务部


Foreign and Commonwealth Office

  1. Some scholars may receive contribution from partners and sponsors of FCO .


  2. A notorious report on the FCO made similar recommendations more than 30 years ago .


  3. Seller will offer Full Corporate Offer , FCO or Draft Contract to buyer .


  4. The FCO is also using Ashridge to train its more senior diplomats .


  5. The experiences of employees like her have now led the FCO to look for additional skills when recruiting staff .


  6. The seller issues FCO , Buyer signs and returns it to the seller with official bank comfort letter .


  7. The thesis improves the existed ICI and FCO iterative compilation tool , and uses it to collect the machine learning samples .


  8. When Ashridge began working for the FCO it conducted an analysis of training needs , which fed into a review of skills .


  9. Aim To validate spectrum analysis of oxalyl fluoride neutral molecule ( FCO ) 2 and study vibrational mode of the two configuration .


  10. Sir Michael believes the FCO is managed far better than it was a decade ago , although the transformation is not yet complete .


  11. Both exercises informed changes to the recruitment process , says Gerry Reffo , head of learning and development at the FCO .


  12. In 1999 the FCO turned to Ashridge in the UK to train swaths of its middle managers .


  13. Along with all the talk of customers and competencies , one of the most significant pieces of management jargon the FCO has learnt is feedback .


  14. 2 buyer signs , seals , and sends FCO to seller along with buyer 's ICPO with full banking details .


  15. The FCO has also decided to take training in lower-level management skills to the masses , organising courses locally for recruits in the embassies .


  16. The FCO refused to discuss individual cases but , in a statement , said : Staff who terminated their employment as a result of intimidation are eligible for assistance .


  17. Not be a current employee or direct family of an employee of the FCO , British council , any joint partner of the Chevening scheme , or directly related organizations .


  18. These issues , along with the government imperative to make the civil service more professional , have led to a growing realisation in the FCO that management skills are of equal value to traditional diplomatic skills .


  19. Five Britons have been detained by the Iranian navy while sailing a racing yacht from Bahrain to Dubai , the Foreign Office ( FCO ) has said .


  20. Over the seven years of the scheme , attitudes of people on the programmes have changed dramatically , says Valerie Wark , client director for the FCO development programme at Ashridge .


  21. The petition , which called for a new referendum given that a certain quotahadn 't been reached , was quashed by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office ( FCO ) in a statement .


  22. Following the terrorist attacks in Istanbul , in November 2003 , in which three Britons were killed , Sir Michael says he realised that the FCO bore many similarities to a multinational company .
