
  1. 在TPP协议框架下,多个国家自2006年起就开始寻求经济领域的融合。该协议现已成为降低太平洋地区产品及服务贸易壁垒的多边努力的焦点。

    The TPP , a grouping of nations pursuing economic integration since 2006 , has become the focus of multilateral efforts to lower barriers to the trade of goods and services in the region .

  2. 在此基础上构造服务贸易壁垒频度检验的Probit模型,对中国服务贸易壁垒进行频度检验,进而评价我国服务贸易减让表的设置是否有效地维护了我国作为发展中国家的利益。

    Thirdly , it formulates the Frequency Test Model of services barriers based on Probit Model . The frequency test of barriers to trade in services in China is performed to evaluate if China maintained the rights as a developing country when setting its Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services .

  3. 第四部分是我国法律服务贸易壁垒分析。

    The fourth part analyzes the barriers of law service trade .

  4. 我国应对服务贸易壁垒的对策研究

    Research on the Countermeasures Against the Barriers to Trade in Services

  5. 国际金融服务贸易壁垒比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Trade Barrier of International Financial Service

  6. 国际服务贸易壁垒的法律问题研究

    Studies on Legal Issues of International Trade-in-service Barriers

  7. 其次,加强国际合作,避免教育服务贸易壁垒。

    Secondly , strengthen the cooperation with other countries to avoid education service trade barrier .

  8. 第二章是对法律法规形式的国际金融服务贸易壁垒的比较研究,特别对金融服务贸易市场准入壁垒和有违国民待遇的壁垒进行了比较与分析;

    Chapter two has a comparative study on the trade barrier of international financial service .

  9. 中国服务贸易壁垒对外资企业进入的影响分析

    Analysis of the Influence of China 's Service Trade Barriers on the Entry of Foreign Enterprises

  10. 自然人流动壁垒是国际服务贸易壁垒之一,其产生有着特定的成因与背景。

    Barriers to movement of natural persons is a type of barriers to international trade in service .

  11. 第四,在既有研究成果的基础上,对服务贸易壁垒频度测量的方法进行适当地修改,第一次给出其公式化形式。

    Fourthly , after makings some adjustments this paper gives the formula form of the measurement of services barriers .

  12. 经济的全球一体化,要求逐步取消金融服务贸易壁垒,实行金融服务贸易自由化。

    Economic globalization calls for the gradual abolition of barriers of financial services trade and the implementation of financial services trade liberalization .

  13. 第四章探讨了以银行业为代表的中国金融业的国际化问题,提出了我国对待金融服务贸易壁垒的应有态度,并分析了中国银行业国际化的法律途径。

    Chapter four proposes the attitude that our country should take toward the trade barrier of international financial service , and analyses the law way of internationalization of Chinese finance industry .

  14. 签证壁垒不属于非关税壁垒,而是服务贸易壁垒中自然人流动壁垒是一种间接但明显的歧视性服务贸易壁垒。

    Visa barrier is not a form of non-tariff barrier but a form of natural person movement barrier under the barriers of service trade . It is an indirect , obvious and discriminative service trade barrier .

  15. 第五,将中国服务贸易壁垒进行跨国比较。对中国、美国两国服务贸易壁垒进行量化和对比。分析其在服务贸易限制措施设置上的异同,为我国服务贸易自由化提供参考。

    Finally , it measures and compares the barriers to trade in services in China and the American on a general and sectional basis , and the similarities and differences of the services barriers of these two countries are also explored .

  16. 本文针对如何完善我国工程建设标准规范和健全我国建筑业管理法规体系提出了自己的思路,对服务贸易壁垒的建立作了初步的探讨。

    How to perfect of our country engineering construction standardize and perfect of our country constructions manage regulation proposed own train of thought by system by standard , this thesis have done the preliminary discussion to the foundation which served the trade barrier .

  17. 环境商品与服务贸易壁垒既包括一般的关税壁垒,同时也包括商业存在与市场准入障碍、自然人流动限制、国内标准限制、政府采购与政府补贴限制等非关税壁垒。

    The trade barriers to environmental goods and services include tariff barriers in general , and also contain non-tariff barriers such as establishment of commercial presence and market access , restrictions on movement of natural persons , restrictions on domestic standards , government procurement and government subsidy .

  18. 金融服务国际贸易壁垒对中国金融服务国际贸易的影响

    Barriers to International Trade in Financial Services ' Effect on International Trade in Financial Services

  19. 它还将包括减少任何金融服务贸易方面的壁垒,这些壁垒将抑制全球碳市场的发展。

    It would also include the elimination of any barriers to trade in financial services that would inhibit the development of a worldwide market for carbon .

  20. 在这方面,在今后12个月期间,我们将不对投资或商品及服务贸易树立新壁垒,施加新的出口限制,或者实施(非法的)措施来刺激出口。

    In this regard , within the next 12 months , we will refrain from raising new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services , imposing new export restrictions or implementing [ illegal ] measures to stimulate exports .

  21. 但是,由于国内规制措施很容易被滥用,成为阻碍服务贸易自由化的壁垒。

    Nevertheless , domestic regulatory measures tend to be abused and result in the obstacle hindering the liberalization of services trade .

  22. 与会领导人庄严宣告:我们强调,抵制保护主义至关重要我们将避免对投资或商品和服务贸易设置新的壁垒。

    The leaders solemnly declared : We underscore the critical importance of rejecting protectionism We will refrain from raising new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services .

  23. 世界贸易组织于1997年达成了全球金融服务贸易协议,此后各国纷纷降低和消除了金融服务贸易跨境交易的壁垒,逐渐放松或取消了对资本项目的管制。

    In 1997 , the World Trade Organization reached a global financial service trade agreement .

  24. 二战后,随着科技进步、社会分工及全球经济一体化进程加快,服务业及服务贸易发展迅速,越来越成为国际贸易竞争的关键领域,各国都对服务贸易加强了壁垒保护。

    After World War II , with the scientific and technological progress , the deepening of social division of labor and the process of global economic integration , service industry and trade have developed quickly and become the key areas of competition between countries .

  25. 各国出于本国经济利益等方面的考虑,普遍对国际服务贸易实行了严厉的贸易保护主义政策,阻挡或限制外国服务贸易的进入,从而形成了服务贸易的壁垒。

    In consideration of domestic economic benefit , most countries take stern policy of trade protection to resist or limit the enterance of foreign trade-in-service , which forms the trade-in-service barriers .

  26. 在国际金融服务贸易中,各国出于保护本国金融业及国家整体经济安全等方面的考虑,都或多或少对外国金融业在本国的发展设置了非自然障碍,构成了国际金融服务贸易壁垒。

    In the service trade of the international finance , most countries have set up various non - natural obstacles to foreign financial service and service providers in order to protect national finance industry , and this forms the trade barriers of international financial service promptly .