
ɡuān shuì bì lěi
  • tariff barrier;tariff wall
  1. 在后WTO时代,汇率低估就是另一种方式的关税壁垒。

    Post-WTO , an undervalued currency is a tariff barrier by other means .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO和关税壁垒的逐渐消失,绿色壁垒将成为我国出口的一大障碍。

    Green barriers will become a major impediment to China 's export along with China 's accession to the WTO and the gradual disappearance of the tariff barrier .

  3. 它是WTO法律框架中非关税壁垒的多边协定中的一部分。

    It is a part of the multilateral agreement of non - tariff wall in WTO law frame .

  4. 各经济体还将消除各种非关税壁垒,包括扭曲环境产品与服务贸易的地方成分要求(见附件C)。

    Economies will also eliminate non-tariff barriers , including local content requirements that distort environmental goods and services trade ( see Annex C ) .

  5. 尤其是我国加入WTO后,纺织品服装出口必将面临进口市场非关税壁垒的种种限制。

    Our export of textiles and garments will face with the limit of non-tariff barrier especially after we enter into WTO .

  6. 谷歌(Google)威胁退出中国,令此前的无声抱怨公开化,这些抱怨是围绕非关税壁垒和有专横之嫌的监管。

    Google 's threat to quit China has brought into the open previously muted complaints about non-tariff barriers and allegedly arbitrary regulation .

  7. 曼德尔森担心,在中国完全加入世界贸易组织(wto)后,中国会越来越多地使用非关税壁垒来管理进口。

    Mr Mandelson is concerned at the increasing use of non-tariff barriers by China to manage imports following its full accession to the World Trade Organisation .

  8. 我国安全事故频发,加入WTO和经济全球化迫使我国必须重视职业安全健康非关税壁垒。

    The safety fact that many accidents happened these years and our countries coming into WTO compels us to recognize the importance of occupational safety and health .

  9. WTO《贸易技术壁垒协议》作为非关税壁垒的主要方面,制定了一些较严格的技术法规和技术标准。

    WTO 'S Agreement on Trade and Technology Barriers , as an important aspect of the non-tariff barriers , lays down some strict technological regulations and standards .

  10. 随着中国成功加入WTO,世界各国的高关税壁垒相应大大削弱,国际市场国内化和国内市场国际化成为大势所趋。

    The high tariff duties of every country in the world have been weakened greatly while China entered WTO successfully . Market internationalization has become an irresistible general trend .

  11. 世界银行(worldbank)经济学家估计,非关税壁垒,包括补贴、价格管制措施及技术标准等其它造成市场扭曲的手段,占到全球所有贸易壁垒的70%。

    According to estimates by World Bank economists , non-tariff barriers , including other distortions such as subsidies , price control measures and technical standards , make up 70 per cent of all global barriers to trade .

  12. 加入WTO以后,关税壁垒以及传统的非关税壁垒不断降低或拆除,为我国的农产品出口带来了新的机遇。

    After china joined WTO , the trade restricts brought by the tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers are decreased so that it 's a good chance to develop the exportation of farm products .

  13. 她的结论是:当运输成本或关税壁垒较高,工厂层面的固定成本相对于企业层面的固定成本较低,FDI就会更加流行。

    Her conclusion is that : When transport costs or tariff barriers are higher , plant-level fixed costs compared to the firm-level fixed costs lower , FDI will be more prevalent .

  14. 由于随乌拉圭回合的谈判结束和WTO的成立,关税壁垒受到大幅削减,非关税壁垒逐渐成为贸易保护主义的主要措施,而尤以技术性贸易壁垒为甚。

    As with the " Uruguay Round " of WTO negotiations end and the establishment of tariff barriers substantially reduced , non-tariff barriers gradually become the main measures of trade protectionism , especially technical barriers to trade .

  15. 随着中国加入WTO以及纺织品配额的取消,绿色贸易壁垒这一非关税壁垒逐渐成为发达国家对我国纺织品出口设置的主要贸易障碍。

    With China 's entry into WTO and abolishment of textile quota , green trade barrier , the non-tariff barrier , has growing into a main trade barrier which developed countries throw in export of China 's textiles .

  16. 勒庞在竞选造势时鼓吹让法国退出欧元区、构筑关税壁垒、退出允许欧盟内部人员自由流动的《申根协定》(schengenagreement)。

    MS Le Pen campaigns to withdraw France from the euro , impose tariff barriers and roll back the Schengen Agreement on free movement of people across the EU .

  17. 我国应该积极发展与其他国家的双边或多边FTA,绕开非关税壁垒,扩大出口,促进经济发展。

    China should actively develop bilateral and multilateral FTAs with other countries and steer clear of nontariff barriers , so as to expand export and promote economic development .

  18. 许多跨国公司为发展中国家设置出一道比单纯TBT或知识产权壁垒更高、更难对付的非关税壁垒&技术标准壁垒。

    Many multinational companies setting up the technical standards that more higher and more formidable non-tariff barriers than TBT or intellectual property barriers for developing countries .

  19. 随着中国纺织服装行业步入后配额时代,企业社会责任SA8000等非关税壁垒对中国纺织行业的影响越来越大。

    The non-tariff wall such as social accountability 8000 has more and more effect to China 's textile and apparel industry in post-quota age .

  20. 与此同时,欧美各国利用各种非关税壁垒特别是近期推行的SA8000对我国企业提出了严峻的挑战。

    At the same time , it challenges our enterprises that the none-trade barrier especially for SA8000 that was carried out by European and American countries .

  21. 相比之下,中国只达成了12项FTA(尽管它的目标是再达成20项),因此中国产品在进入美洲市场时会遭遇关税壁垒。

    China , by contrast , has only 12 FTAs ( though it aims to create 20 more ), so its products hit tariff barriers upon entering North American and South American markets .

  22. SA8000和反倾销是西方国家对我国国际贸易的两大非关税壁垒,这两种机制对我国经济发展存在多方面的负面影响。

    SA8000 and anti-dumping are two major non-tariff barriers for China in the international trade with western countries , which have negative impact for the economic development of China .

  23. 技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)由于其本身所具有的隐蔽性、间接性、灵活性等特点,已成为非关税壁垒的主要形式。

    Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ), owning to its characteristics of concealment , rationality , flexibility , etc , are becoming the main form of non-tariff barriers in recent years .

  24. 事实上,加在我国纺织品服装身上的不仅是特保措施,还包括技术贸易壁垒、SA8000以及原产地标准等非关税壁垒。

    In fact , not only the special safeguard , but also TBT , SA8000 and standard of origin are all the non-tariff barriers imposing on China 's textile companies .

  25. 随着GATT和WTO的建立和发展,在多边贸易谈判的推动下,关税壁垒逐渐降低,其贸易保护的作用逐渐被以技术壁垒为主的非关税壁垒所取代。

    Along with development and the establishment of GATT and WTO in multilateral trading negotiation promote , tariff barriers reduces gradually , the protective role of its trade had been replaced gradually with the non-tariff barrier mainly with technical barriers .

  26. 加入WTO后,我国企业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,国际关税壁垒的逐步削减导致了市场范围的国际化,增加了企业的经营自由度,扩大了获利空间。

    After joining WTO , the enterprise of our country faces unprecedented opportunity and challenge , cutting down the internationalization which has caused the market range gradually of international tariff barrier , has increased the degree of freedom of management of the enterprise , has expanded the profit-making space .

  27. 文章分析了我国入世后,在关税壁垒和许多非关税壁垒对我国外贸发展的影响日渐减弱的情况下,WTO框架下的技术性贸易壁垒对我国外贸的不利影响。

    This essay analyses the averse impacts on the foreign trade of China caused by technical barriers to trade under the framework of WTO , under the situation that the impacts of tariff and non-tariff barriers on the foreign trade development have gradually weakened ever since China joined WTO .

  28. 本文从WTO消除非关税壁垒和统一合格评定程序出发,分析了我国钢铁企业在贯彻实施ISO9000标准中存在的问题,提出了解决的方法。

    This article , proceeding from the considerations of clearing up of non - tariff barrier by WTO and assessing of unified conformity , analyses the problems existing in implementing Standard ISO9000 by our iron & steel enterprises and puts forward the countermeasures .

  29. 新贸易保护主义抬头,西方国家纷纷实施TBT这一效果最显著的非关税壁垒措施限制其它国家尤其是发展中国家的产品出口,这严重阻碍了世界经贸的健康发展。

    With the rising of the new trade protectionism , TBT , one of non-tariff Barriers with the most remarkable results , is being carried out by western countries in profusion , which gradually hinders the healthy development of international trade .

  30. TBT是当今国际贸易中最隐蔽、最难突破的一种贸易壁垒,已成为继配额、原产地和反倾销措施之后,影响我国对外贸易的又一项重要的非关税壁垒。

    As the most hidden barriers to trade and the most difficult breakthroughs in present international trade , Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ) have been important non-tariff barriers in China 's foreign trade following quota , origin and antidumping measures .