- non-tariff barrier

Our export of textiles and garments will face with the limit of non-tariff barrier especially after we enter into WTO .
The World Trade Organization ( the WTO ) is dedicated to reduce tariff , cancel non-tariff barrier and realize trade liberalization by multilateral trade negotiation .
It is a part of the multilateral agreement of non - tariff wall in WTO law frame .
Economies will also eliminate non-tariff barriers , including local content requirements that distort environmental goods and services trade ( see Annex C ) .
After China 's entrance to the WTO , with the decrease of tariff and non-tariff , the import will increase greatly .
Google 's threat to quit China has brought into the open previously muted complaints about non-tariff barriers and allegedly arbitrary regulation .
Anti-dumping measure , as trade relief means that WTO rule allows , is playing a role of tariff and non-tariff wall in the past .
Mr Mandelson is concerned at the increasing use of non-tariff barriers by China to manage imports following its full accession to the World Trade Organisation .
The safety fact that many accidents happened these years and our countries coming into WTO compels us to recognize the importance of occupational safety and health .
WTO 'S Agreement on Trade and Technology Barriers , as an important aspect of the non-tariff barriers , lays down some strict technological regulations and standards .
With the establishment of WTO and process of economic globalization the general global tariff rates have been getting down and traditional non-tariff trade barriers becoming less .
According to estimates by World Bank economists , non-tariff barriers , including other distortions such as subsidies , price control measures and technical standards , make up 70 per cent of all global barriers to trade .
With the rapid development of trade liberalization all over the world , various tariff and non-tariff measures used as trade barriers have been restricted or totally forbidden by WTO .
On the other hand entry into WTO means reduce tariff and tariff wall . This will make the resources scheme incarnate embody the factor gift and the frame of compare advantage .
The commitment which is involved during the WTO negotiation includes : tariff cut , openness of non-tariff barrier , the permission of the foreign capital into the domestic automobile service sector .
After china joined WTO , the trade restricts brought by the tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers are decreased so that it 's a good chance to develop the exportation of farm products .
In the negotiation of joining WTO , China promised to enlarge the market of farm products , reduce the tariff and cancel non-tariff barrier and allowance of foodstuff export step by step .
As with the " Uruguay Round " of WTO negotiations end and the establishment of tariff barriers substantially reduced , non-tariff barriers gradually become the main measures of trade protectionism , especially technical barriers to trade .
With China 's entry into WTO and abolishment of textile quota , green trade barrier , the non-tariff barrier , has growing into a main trade barrier which developed countries throw in export of China 's textiles .
After admitting the tariff and non-tariff issues on trade freedom and market entrance into the WTO framework , the new and more deep-seated issue arises , i.e. the firm 's anti-competition act hindering the development of free trade .
China should actively develop bilateral and multilateral FTAs with other countries and steer clear of nontariff barriers , so as to expand export and promote economic development .
China makes the promise about textile industry . After entry into WTO , the restriction about tariffs and quotas is becoming less and less , but other non-tariff barriers still exist , and then become more and more intense .
With the globalization of world market and the operation of the WTO , tariff duties have been successfully lowered and the traditional non-tariff barriers have been progressively removed , which symbolized the further liberalization of world trade and investment .
After the access to the WTO , the most barrier is other than the traditional barriers in tariffs and non-tariffs but the Green-barrier set up by some countries ( or area ) for protection of its own trade benefits .
Many multinational companies setting up the technical standards that more higher and more formidable non-tariff barriers than TBT or intellectual property barriers for developing countries .
The non-tariff wall such as social accountability 8000 has more and more effect to China 's textile and apparel industry in post-quota age .
After entering into WTO , the tariff and non - tariff barriers that Chinese government has set up to protect the automobile industry will disappear rapidly . The automobile industry in China will face up to the global competitive environment .
The business environment for China 's petroleum and petrochemical industries will witness three major . changes after the country joins WTO , namely a reduction of tariffs , the abolishment of non-tariff barriers and the gradual opening of the distribution network .
At the same time , it challenges our enterprises that the none-trade barrier especially for SA8000 that was carried out by European and American countries .
SA8000 and anti-dumping are two major non-tariff barriers for China in the international trade with western countries , which have negative impact for the economic development of China .