
  • 网络non-cooperative game;noncooperative game;non-cooperative game theory
  1. 对Cartel联盟机制的非合作博弈分析

    The Non-cooperative Game Analysis on the Mechanism of Cartel Alliance

  2. 本文就是利用博弈论中的非合作博弈、多阶段完全信息动态博弈以及信息博弈论中的委托代理理论,构建了一个博弈框架来对企业RD激励因素进行分析并提出了相应的对策。

    In this thesis , we apply non-cooperative game , multiple - complete information dynamic game and commitment-agency theory of information game theory to establishment the incentive mechanism of enterprise R & D .

  3. 在N人博弈中存在多重博弈均衡问题,这意味着在非合作博弈中Nash均衡不惟一。

    In N-person game there exist multiple equilibria in game , which means there does not exists unique equilibrium point in Nash equilibrium .

  4. 博弈论可以划分为合作博弈(cooperativegame)和非合作博弈(non-cooperativegame),现在经济学家谈到的博弈论一般指的是非合作博弈。

    Game theory includes cooperative game and non - cooperative game , the game theory that economist now talk about generally refers to non - cooperative game .

  5. 基于非合作博弈论的多小区OFDMA系统动态资源分配算法研究

    Dynamic Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multi-cell OFDMA Systems Based on Noncooperative Game Theory

  6. 基于信干比的CDMA功率控制中存在正回馈现象,而这种正回馈现象实际上是一种非合作博弈。

    There is a kind of phenomena called positive feedback in SIR based power control process of CDMA systems . It does harm to CDMA systems .

  7. 在LTE下行链路中,采用非合作博弈论中的定价机制对多小区OFDMA系统的功率分配进行建模。

    In the LTE downlink , utilize pricing mechanism in non-cooperative game theory modeling power allocation of the multi-cell OFDMA system .

  8. 分别得出了非合作博弈的均衡解(Stackelberg均衡)和合作博弈的均衡解(联合定价),并进一步对各种定价策略的效率进行了分析。

    Non-cooperative game equilibrium ( Stackelberg equilibrium ) and a cooperative game equilibrium ( coordination in price decision ) are obtained .

  9. 将经典非合作博弈拓展到模糊集上,借助模糊优先关系定义了Nash均衡的概念,证明其存在性。

    And the classical game theory is extended to fuzzy set field , with definition of the Nash equilibrium concept via fuzzy preference relationship and proof of its existence .

  10. 基于粒子群优化方法从群智能的角度建立了博弈的演化模型,为求解有限n人非合作博弈的纳什均衡设计了一种粒子群优化算法。

    From the view of Swarm Intelligence Theory , an evolutionary model based on the method of Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO ) is presented , and the PSO algorithm for solving the Nash equilibriums for n persons ' non-cooperative game is proposed .

  11. 针对Internet用户的贪婪行为,引入非合作博弈理论,为非合作网络中的流速与拥塞控制行为建立模型,论证了上述博弈模型中Nash均衡点的存在性和惟一性。

    Because of the greedy behaviors of Internet users , the non-cooperative game theory is introduced to model the behaviors of flow and congestion control in noncooperative network . The existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium point are proved .

  12. 从GATT(关税与贸易总协定)WTO框架体制内发达国家与发展中国家不同的立法对策方面进行分析,WTO多边合作实质上是非合作博弈。

    On the basis of a review of the different legislative strategies of developed and developing countries , as far as GATT / WTO is concerned , this paper believes that the so called multilateral cooperation between WTO member countries is in fact a non cooperative game of chess .

  13. 主要研究互联网骨干网之间的互联决策.为了分析2个互联网骨干网运营商(IBP)在互联过程中的行为表现,运用博弈论的方法,通过建立一个非合作博弈模型分析他们的互联决策。

    To analyze behavior of two Internet backbone provider ( IBP ) in the course of interconnection , a non-cooperative game model to analyze the interconnection decision between two IBP was developed .

  14. 然而由于60GHz系统中不同SINR门限值对应于不同的调制机制和传输速率,如果使用传统的非合作博弈方式,将使得所有用户的目标SINR维持在最小SINR门限值,导致网络吞吐量降低。

    Each SINR threshold corresponds to a different modulation scheme and a different date rate . If we use the traditional non-cooperation game theory , all the users will keep their target SINR on the smallest SINR threshold , which will result in low network throughput .

  15. 企业并购决策的非合作博弈

    Non-cooperative Game Analysis for the Decision of Enterprises Merger and Acquisition

  16. 非合作博弈论对气象产业经济发展的启示

    Enlightenment of Non-cooperation Game Theory to Economic Development of Meteorological Industry

  17. 基于电信重组后新市场格局下网间互联的非合作博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Telecom Network Interconnection Under the New Market Structure

  18. 供应链质量管理中抽样检验决策的非合作博弈分析

    Non-Cooperation Game Analysis of Sampling Inspection in Quality Management of Supply Chain

  19. 异构网络无线资源管理中的非合作博弈

    Noncooperative Game for Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

  20. 认知无线电中基于非合作博弈的功率分配方法

    Power allocation based on noncooperative game theory in cognitive radio

  21. 包括,供需关系理论、信息不对称经济学以及信息搜寻非合作博弈论三个方面。

    Information asymmetry economics and information search cooperative game theory .

  22. 网络化制造环境下任务调度的非合作博弈模型及实现

    A Non-cooperative Job Scheduling Game Model and Its Implementation in Networked Manufacturing

  23. 完全信息下发电机组间竞价上网的非合作博弈行为分析

    Bidding Strategy Analysis among Generation Units with Non-cooperative Game under Complete Information

  24. 基于非合作博弈的无线网络路由机制研究

    Non-Cooperative Game Based Research on Routing Schemes for Wireless Networks

  25. 非合作博弈条件下企业内部知识共享激励机制研究

    Research on Incentive Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing within Enterprise under Uncooperative Game

  26. 两国产业保护非合作博弈分析

    Non-Cooperative Game Analysis on Trade Protection between Two Countries

  27. 客户竞争驱动的任务调度非合作博弈

    Non-cooperation game for customer 's competition driven job schedule

  28. 分别讨论了开发商合作博弈与非合作博弈时系统的均衡解,对合作与非合作定价策略的效率进行了比较。

    The equilibrium solutions about cooperative game and non-cooperative game are also discussed .

  29. 这种非合作博弈问题的解称作纳什均衡。

    The solution of non-cooperative game called Nash equilibrium .

  30. 基于不完全非合作博弈的上市公司违规行为分析

    Analysis of China Listed Companies ′ Violations Based on Incomplete and Non-Cooperative Game