
ɡuān jiàn shí kè
  • critical moment;juncture;the crucial moment;moment of truth
  1. 两人都知道关键时刻到了。

    Both men knew the moment of truth had arrived .

  2. 关键时刻发生在2003年4月一个致命的周末,当时,小型城市银行理索纳银行(resonabank)宣告破产。

    The moment of truth came one fateful weekend in April 2003 when Resona bank , a small city bank , failed .

  3. 战斗已到了关键时刻。

    The battle had reached a crucial juncture .

  4. 我拿不准到了关键时刻我会干出些什么事来。

    I 'm not sure what I 'll do when the chips are down .

  5. 这是公司盛衰的关键时刻。

    It 's make-or-break time for the company .

  6. 关键时刻,她总是很坚强。

    When the chips are down , she 's very tough .

  7. 在关键时刻,驳船不能向后驶。

    At the crucial moment , the barge would not go astern .

  8. 关键时刻,他可以依靠我的支持。

    He can rely on my support when the crunch comes

  9. 该公司显然处于发展的关键时刻。

    The company was clearly at a crossroads

  10. 在这个关键时刻,最重要的是这3个共和国的合作能力。

    What 's important at this juncture is the ability of the three republics to work together

  11. 该队前面打得很艰难,但就在关键时刻拼出了士气。

    The team , who struggled early , came on like gangbusters at precisely the right time .

  12. 在竞选活动的关键时刻,白宫的主人利用职权帮助自己摆脱了麻烦。

    Occupants of the White House have exploited their office at key moments in an election campaign to dig themselves out of trouble

  13. 我们现在正处在家庭录像大行其道的时代,这对国内的电影院来说似乎是个关乎生死存亡的关键时刻。

    It looks like high noon for the nation 's movie theaters , now we are in the age of the home video .

  14. 在关键时刻,他高瞻远瞩,力挽狂澜。

    At the crucial moment , he showed great foresight and turned back the powers of darkness .

  15. 试验到了关键时刻,大家都紧张起来。

    Everybody was keyed up as the experiment reached a crucial point .

  16. 关键时刻,你可不能犯糊涂。

    You must think twice and watch your step at this critical moment .

  17. 在关键时刻梯子垮了。

    The ladder went at the critical moment .

  18. 由于怀特在关键时刻打开了门,使得该实验无法进行下去。

    The experiment was not helped forward by white 's opening a door at the crucial moment .

  19. 在关键时刻他们应该提出问题。

    They should ask questions at crucial moments .

  20. 然而,当他们在关键时刻或社交场合做出决定时,他们的决定往往会受到同龄人等因素的影响。

    However , when they make decisions in the heat of the moment or in social situations , their decisions are often influenced by factors like peers .

  21. 关键时刻他们是会支持我们的。

    If it comes to the crunch they 'll support us .

  22. 一位网友写道:“党旗始终在一线高高飘扬。”另一位网友评论道:“关键时刻,党员一定会站出来。”

    One wrote , " The Party flag always flutters high on the front line " , and another commented " At critical moments , Party members will surely step up . "

  23. 从奥巴马(obama)政府在关键时刻就互联网自由发表的一系列讲话来看,该公司得到了一些来自高层的支持。

    And judging by a series of helpfully-timed pronouncements on Internet freedom from the Obama administration , the company enjoys some high-level support .

  24. 此外,多边贸易体制处在一个关键时刻,11月WTO多哈会议为世人所瞩目。

    The multilateral trading system is also at a crucial juncture . The WTO Conference to be held in Doha in November has attracted worldwide attention .

  25. 在中国加入WTO,面临世界市场的激烈竞争的关键时刻,教育将成为我们能否复兴中华民族的制胜法宝。

    At a key time when China is faced with fierce competition from the world market after entering the WTO , education becomes a magic weapon to revive the Chinese nation .

  26. 在很多方面,威少的MVP赛季都是其现代球迷圈的关键时刻。

    The MVP season was , in many respects , the pivotal moment of modern Westbrook fandom .

  27. 因此,巴基斯坦总统阿西夫阿里扎尔达里(AsifAliZardari)上周访问伦敦正值一个关键时刻。

    President Asif Ali Zardari 's visit to London this week therefore comes at a crucial moment .

  28. Broder交易在关键时刻巩固了ICM在电视行业的地位。

    The Broder deal strengthened ICM 's position in tele-vision at a critical time .

  29. 但身处关键时刻的RIM对这个策略的运用比其他多数公司都走得更远。RIM实际上可以称为是智能手机的发明者,一度在这个市场上占据不可匹敌的霸主地位。

    But RIM has taken the strategy farther than most big players , at a crucial time for a company that practically invented the smartphone and once held unrivaled dominance over the market .

  30. SDI计划虽然得到布什政府强有力的支持,而且在国会也有许多支持者,但这项计划仍处于关键时刻。

    The SDI program , although receiving strong Bush Administration backing and many supporters in Congress , faces an uncertain future for politics and finance .