
  • 网络individual execution
  1. 三是个人执行力及员工执行文化。

    The third are individual executive force and employee executive culture .

  2. 在本论文中笔者对于战略执行力给出了自己的理解,笔者认为:执行力分为支行的执行力和员工个人的执行力,其中员工个人的执行力是核心。

    In this paper , the author gives his own understanding of the definition of strategic execution . It believes : Execution is divided into the execution of branches and the execution of individual employees , and latter is the core .

  3. 第三种偏见是,卡斯滕斯是个没有幽默感的技术官员,而imf需要一位兼具个人魅力和执行力、灵活机敏的政治家作为领导人,比如举止优雅的法国财长克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christinelagarde)。

    The third prejudice is that Mr Carstens is a humourless technocrat , when what is required at the head of the IMF is a nimble politician who can alternately charm or enforce , like the elegant French candidate and finance minister , Christine Lagarde .