
  • 网络Personalized Consumption
  1. 在这一社会语境下,娱乐文化成为大众日常生活中必不可少的个性化消费方式,及文化趣味上的主动选择。

    In this social context , recreation culture became the essential personalized consumption patterns in daily life , and conscious cultural interest .

  2. 主要从分析轿车产品营销学属性出发,分析轿车的消费特性,并对国内轿车消费情况进行细分研究,从中整理出较为新兴和具有代表性的三大个性化消费群体进行全面阐释。

    Sedan product was analyzed from marketing attributes , consuming features and civil sedan consumption aspects . Three personalized consumption groups were analyzed .

  3. 人们的个性化消费使得市场细分程度越来越大。

    People 's individuality of consumption makes the market more and more subdivisible .

  4. 汽车俱乐部是拥堵文化中高度个性化消费的典范。

    Car clubs capture the paradigm of highly personalised consumption within a crowded culture .

  5. 个性化消费基础上的营销策略

    Marketing tactics on the basis of individual consumption

  6. 随着消费者个性化消费趋势日趋明显,品牌个性在企业的竞争中作用越来越突出,研究品牌个性的理论和现实意义也日趋显著。

    As consumers become increasingly personalized brand personality are becoming more and more important in the competition .

  7. 设计师必须遵循社会心理与设计心理规律,满足人们多元化风格的个性化消费需求。

    Designers should follow the rules of psychology of society and design , and meet people need of individuation .

  8. 社会财富的丰富以及经济的发展使人们的个性化消费趋势越来越明显。

    And now , the individualized consumption becomes more and more popular , because of the enriched social fortune and the development of economy .

  9. 但在这个个性化消费时代,对源自消费者自身因素影响的消费行为日益显示出它的重要性来。

    However , in this era of characterized consummation , the importance of consuming behavior resulted from factors of consumer per se are emerging gradually .

  10. 在满足包装基本功能的前提下,充分体现个性化消费需求、彰显人文关怀和拓展产品功能的智能化包装逐步兴起。

    When the basic functions of the package are satisfied , an intelligent package springs up increasingly , which fully indicates personalized consumption demand and expresses humanistic care and develops the products ' functions .

  11. 技术变化速度加快、市场竞争激烈和个性化消费导致产品生命周期大大缩短,企业间的竞争更多地表现为企业价值和核心能力的竞争。

    The accelerating technological change , fierce market competition and individualized consumption induce the product lifetime greatly being shorten , and competition among enterprises is more represented in rivalry of enterprises value and core competences .

  12. 另一方面,随着市场的日益成熟,顾客的消费经验越来越丰富,个性化消费趋势越来越突出,自我保护意识也越来越强。

    In another hand , the riper market becomes and riper , generating that the more consumption experience customer get , the more obvious the personalized consumption becomes , and the stronger the sense of self-production becomes .

  13. 随着科学技术的发展,物质财富的不断丰富,可持续消费水平的不断提高以及个性化消费需求的兴起,人类即将步入体验经济的时代。

    With the development of science and technology , the continuously abundance of material wealth , the continuous improvement of sustainable consumption , and the rise of personal consumer demand , mankind is about to enter the experience economy era .

  14. 感性评价方法已经被逐渐地引入服装产业,可以用于服装产品的设计方向确定和消费需求调查等领域,渗透到市场调研、产品设计、成衣质检以及个性化消费服务等各种环节中。

    The method of Sensory Evaluation has been introduced to the garment industry in order to improve each part in the chain of this industry , such as market investigation , product designing , quality control , and personal consumption service .

  15. 在物质相对发达的时代,人们不得不为消费寻找一个归宿,这一切都显示出提倡审美感受,寻找自我的个性化消费的必要性。

    In relatively developed era in the material , people have to be in order to look for a home , all these demonstrate that recommends and examine aesthetic feeling to receive the necessity of looking for self - individualization to consume .

  16. 随着个性化消费时代的来临,消费者对包括家具在内的诸多产品提出了更多个性化的需求,而与此相应,企业须同时兼顾消费者的个性化需求和生产上的工业化大规模生产。

    With the coming of individual consumption age , consumers have more individual demands to the products including furniture . Correspondingly , enterprises must take account of consumers ' individual needs , as well as large-scale industrial production in their design period .

  17. 未来是体现个性消费的时代,随着科技的进步,产品的多样性会满足人们的消费需求,人们对产品的设计和使用的参与性将促使个性化消费的成熟和完善。

    Future will be manifests the time which the individuality will expend , Along with the technical progress , the product multiplicity can Suitable peoples expense need , the people will urge the individuality expense to the product design and the use participation the maturity and the imperfectness .

  18. 力求满足广大朋友追求舒适,浪漫,健康,富含品位,个性化的消费需求!

    We will dedicate ourselves to meet clients'demand of easiness , romance , health and personal taste !

  19. 日益分化的健身消费者需求使得多样性和个性化的消费特征日益显著。

    The demand of fitness consumers is increasingly differentiated . Consumer diversity and personalized feature are increasingly remarkable .

  20. 为了满足用户个性化的消费需求,增强企业的竞争力,实现产品的定制生产是企业未来发展的趋势。

    To meet customers ' diversification of consumption , enhance the competitiveness of enterprises , it is a direction for enterprises to implement the product customization production in future .

  21. 消费者的消费水平逐渐提高,经历了由量到质的过程,并有向个性化转变的趋势,即由大众型消费发展到分众型消费,并最终达到最高境界&个性化消费。

    The level of consumptions of consumer raise gradually and show the trend from quantity to quality and consume development to dividing many types consume from masses type , And reach the supreme realm , finally to the Individualization type .

  22. 本文从分析消费社会的弊端入手,得出必须提倡个性化这一结论。从分析中国的消费文化入手,发现个性化消费已经开始觉醒,并在此基础上探讨企业的个性化营销策略。

    This article begins from the analysis of the disadvantages of the consumed society , and finds that individuation must be advocated , and when we analyze the consume culture we ' find that the individuality consume is awaken .

  23. 本文首先肯定了个性化这一服装设计发展的趋势,提出个性化服装设计与个性化消费需求相互契合,论述了个性化服装设计与消费需求产生的背景因素。

    This paper affirmed the personalized trend of fashion design firstly , proposed that the personalized fashion design corresponds with the personalized consumption needs , and deserted the basement of such phenomenon .