
  • 网络Individual Decision;individual decision making;individual decision-making;personal decision making
  1. 这一理论创新使之成为个人决策理论的标准理论和博弈论的核心组成部分。

    This theoretical innovation made it become the standard theory of individual decision making , and a core component of game theory .

  2. 我不仅仅指的是个人决策的能力,同样还保护懂得何时由团队做决定何时由个人做决定。

    I refer not only to individual decision making but to knowing when a decision is best made by group and when by an individual .

  3. 用欧几里得距离(EuclideanDistance)表示个人决策中方案的评价值;

    Evaluating values of alternatives in individual decision-making are expressed by Euclidean distance ;

  4. 本文研究个人决策行为的最优消费/投资问题。

    This dissertation studies an optimal security portfolio and consumption choice problem .

  5. 群体决策与个人决策的选择

    How to Choose the Group Decision and Individual Decision

  6. 集体决策优于个人决策;

    Collective decision is better than personal one ;

  7. 因此,他们能够“理直气壮”地推翻当地民主决策或个人决策。

    So local democratic or individual decisions can be overridden with a clean conscience .

  8. 在商务谈判中,也多是由个人决策负责,所以谈判的效率较高。

    It is the same in business negotiations , and forasmuch , the efficiency is quite high .

  9. 研究结果发现资讯分散组的个人决策正确性均高于资讯权威组。

    The result demonstrated that individual decision accuracy in information disperse group were higher than in information authority group .

  10. 个人决策的局限性与教育的复杂性决定了教师在学校决策中不可忽略的地位。

    The limitation of individual decision-making and the complication of education leads to teachers ' significant role in school decision-making .

  11. 但是,通常,在管理科学和经济学中的聚集现象的模式是和个人决策的微观实证知识不相一致的。

    Yet for the most part models of aggregate phenomena in management science and economics are not consistent with such micro-empirical knowledge of individual decision-making .

  12. 但他们很快承认,上述投资与其说是董事长做出的战略性举措,不如说是个人决策。郭台铭祖籍山西。

    But they quickly conceded that the investments were better seen as personal rather than strategic moves by the chairman , whose family comes from Shanxi .

  13. 进一步了解使用和判断挑战是如何互相承接的,尤其是依赖于业务、个人决策制定和法规环境。

    Better appreciate how the usage and judgment challenges are contextual , depending especially on the business , the individuals making decisions , and the regulatory environment .

  14. 外出务工人员向流出地的智力回流是促进欠发达地区经济发展和结构转型的重要途径,但这一机制的形成依赖于以“推&拉理论”为基础的个人决策结构。

    Based on the institutional approach , the formation mechanism of private enterprise cluster is discussed form two aspects including brains spilling over and the effect of entrepreneurs .

  15. 个人决策和群体决策(集体决策)相比各有其优缺点,总的发展趋势是群体决策在决策中占有越来越重要的地位。

    There are advantages and disadvantages in both personal and group decision-making , the general trend is that group decision making is getting more preference over the personal .

  16. 不过,建立在低信心基础上的个人决策的累积效应就是经济停滞要么无法实现复苏,要么再次陷入衰退。

    However , the cumulative impact of individual decisions based on low confidence is an economy that stalls , either failing to recover or slipping once again into a recession .

  17. 这一趋势催生了电脑将取代人脑的笑谈,令人为之紧张,并与20世纪90年代盛行的、基于个人决策的投资风格形成了鲜明对比。

    The trend , which has given rise to nervous jokes about computers taking over , contrasts with the investing style prevalent in the 1990s , which was based on individuals making decisions .

  18. 最终,摄入多少才算过量的问题变成了个人决策,就像我们成年后都会决定自己摄入多少酒精、咖啡因或香烟一样。

    Ultimately , the question of how much is too much becomes a personal decision , just as we all decide as adults what level of alcohol , caffeine or cigarettes we 'll ingest .

  19. 美国企业的决策特点是个人决策&个人负责制,以客观分析为基础广泛分享决策权。

    However , the pattern of policy-making for industries in America is a system characterized by individual decision and individual responsibility . In this system the decisive right is widely shared and objective analysis is the basis .

  20. 查特曼说:那些能够带来正面信息的人,能让老板对其个人决策感觉良好的人,能增强老板自信心的人,会做的更好。

    Chatman says : People who bring positive information , who make the boss feel good about the decisions he or she has made , who build up the boss 's confidence , those people are going to do better .

  21. 二是在农地内部流转环节,通过个人决策,借助建立更具个人化的农地产权制度,激励个人在全面地考虑耕地资源价值的基础上进行耕地利用决策,提高耕地资源配置效率。

    Second , encourage the individual to make better decisions , regarding farmland use , by considering the value of cultivation resources and by establishing a personal cultivation property system ( so as to promote the efficiency of cultivation resources distribution ) .

  22. 公共品的新概念需要综合考虑供给与需求的联系,把收益原则与公平原则、动态演化与选择、分工与合作等结合起来,突出个人决策在公共品供给中的作用。

    The new concept of public goods should connect demand with supply , income principle with equity principle , evolution with choice , division with collaboration , and so on , in order to display the crucial impact of individual in the process of decision-making .

  23. 而事实证明它根本不存在。查特曼说:“那些能够带来正面信息的人,能让老板对其个人决策感觉良好的人,能增强老板自信心的人,会做的更好。”

    It turned out there wasn 't one . Chatman says : " People who bring positive information , who make the boss feel good about the decisions he or she has made , who build up the boss 's confidence , those people are going to do better . "

  24. 它们是一系列数据的重要组成部分,我们用这些数据来评估我们做得好不好,进而决定政府政策、企业预算和个人支出决策。

    They are a vital part of an array of data that we use to assess if we 're doing well or doing badly , and that in turn shapes government policies and corporate budgets and personal spending decisions .

  25. 企业经营个人机决策支持系统的开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Personal Computer DSS for Business Management

  26. 基于可能-满意度方法的个人信贷决策模型研究

    A Study of Personal Credit Decision Model Based on Possibility-Satisfaction Degree Method

  27. 一个人的决策并不是只挽救了这些士兵的生命

    not only were these soldiers saved by the decisions of one person

  28. 我国高等教育个人投资决策研究

    Individual Investment Decision of Our Higher Education

  29. 前景理论的主要研究对象是个人风险决策的过程和特点,根据实验,前景理论将个人风险决策过程分为两个阶段,即前期的编辑和后期的评价。

    The Prospect Theory divides the individual decision making under risk into two steps , editing and evaluation .

  30. 人们对如何决策已经做了很多研究,发现个人的决策过程与很多因素有关。

    Much research has been done on decision-making , and many factors contribute to the individual decision making process .