
kē xué jué cè
  • scientific decision making
  1. 因此,如何生成关键策略是科学决策的核心问题之一,它的形式化研究对于提高决策的可操作性具有重要价值。

    How to generate key strategy is the key problem in scientific decision making , and its formalization study is significant for better decision making operation .

  2. 浅谈科学决策与企业发展&以石油企业为例

    On the Scientific Decision Making and Enterprise Development & An example of petroleum enterprises

  3. 将灰色ART聚类分析方法的数据挖掘理论与其结合,可对运动训练进行科学决策和对运动成绩进行科学分析预测。

    The combination of data mining theory and the index can help to make a scientific strategy for training and scientific achievement analysis .

  4. 如何以科学决策优化手段来降低人为因素的影响是CMP领域的一项重要课题。

    Scientific decision and optimization ways have become the key point in the study of the CMP in order to reduce the influences of human factors .

  5. 以计算机和通信技术为主要手段,在LotusDomino/Notes环境下,开发了办公自动化档案管理系统,实现了机关内部各级部门之间档案信息的收集、处理、流动、共享与科学决策。

    The file management system of office automation is developed under the environment of Lotus Domino / Notes . It realizes the file information collection , processing , flows , sharing and scientific policy-making between all levels of departments in machinery interior .

  6. 利用高等级公路路面状况指数PCI与路面养护费用之间的回归关系,建立路面养护费用模型,并把它应用于沈阳至大连高速公路路面养护排序,为路面养护科学决策创造了条件。

    The paper establishes a model of maintenance expenditure by using regressive relation between pavement condition index ( PCI ) and pavement maintenance expenditure . The model is applied for ordering shen Da freeway 's pavement maintenance which provides a deciding condition for pavement maintenance .

  7. 介绍了模型在大气环境污染防治多元决策领域中的应用实例。3S技术为对策论模型提供科学决策数据,有效地解决对策论应用中的瓶颈问题。

    The practical example is introduced about the application of the model and it is indicated that 3S technology can provide the data for the scientific decision-making on the game theory model and solve the bottleneck problem of the game theory applications in an effective way .

  8. 科学决策与我国货币政策有效性

    Scientific Decision - making and the Effective Monetary Policy in China

  9. 支持科学决策和咨询的技术&思维系统工程

    Technique for Supporting Scientific Decision and Consultation & Noetic System Engineering

  10. 以科学决策区域经济一体化整体推进优先;

    By macro-scientific policy-making region economic integration whole advancement first ;

  11. 基于多维尺度分析的土地科学决策支持系统研究现状分析

    Current Status of Land Science Decision Support System Based on Multi-dimension Analysis

  12. 科技进步和科学决策

    Progress in Science and Technology , and Science of Policy-Making

  13. 这个决策过程与现代科学决策程序是一致的。

    And this is in accordance with the modern scientific decision-making procedure .

  14. 科学决策活动是一种综合性的认识活动。

    Making Scientific decisions is a comprehensive activity of cognition .

  15. 以科学决策为目标的决策体制创新;

    The decision system innovation aimed for scientific policy decision ;

  16. 关于当前领导工作中的科学决策问题

    On scientific decision - making in present leading work

  17. 夯实工作基础,加强科学决策;

    Compacting the foundation and enhancing scientific decision ;

  18. 档案信息资源与领导科学决策

    Archival Information Resources and Leading Scientific Policy Decision

  19. 层次分析法是对交通运输投资进行科学决策的一种方法。

    To analysis on hierarch process is a scientific decision method in transportation invest .

  20. 克服错误倾向坚持科学决策

    Overcoming Erroneous Tendency and Upholding Scientific Decision

  21. 撰写了调查统计分析报告,为卫生管理部门进行科学决策提供了可靠的数字依据。

    The statistical analysis report provides reliable data basis to health administration departments for decision-making .

  22. 软计算与软科学决策

    Soft Computing and Soft Scientific Decision

  23. 地州市领导科学决策的原则和方法

    Principles and Methods of Scientific Decision

  24. 思想政治教育实践表明,思想政治教育要取得好的效果,也需要科学决策。

    Ideological and political education practice shows that we need scientific decisions to get good effect .

  25. 科学决策与咨询机构

    Scientific Decision and Advisory Body

  26. 第三部分从共时态维度论述了科学决策检验方法系统。

    Thirdly , this paper dissertate systemic methodology of scientific decision inspection in the angle of together .

  27. 武器系统科学决策应用中的一种系统工程方法

    A Research on Application of an Important System Engineering Method for Scientific Decision Making in Weapon System

  28. 会计信息是经济管理的主要信息之一,是企业经营管理和科学决策的重要依据,也是国家经济进行宏观管理的重要思想来源。

    Accounting information is an important part of economic management and a main source of microscopic management .

  29. 信息贯穿于决策的全过程,是政府科学决策的基础和核心要素。

    Through the entire decision-making process , information is the scientific basis and core elements for decision-making .

  30. 海量数据分析在广告投放、科学决策等领域发挥了重要做用。

    Massive data analysis is more and more popular in the area of advertising and scientific decision-making .