
  • 网络Scientific consumption;reasonable consumption;Science Consume;consumer science
  1. 开展消费教育引导农村居民科学消费

    To Conduct Consumption Education and to Guide the Rural Residents to have Reasonable Consumption

  2. 职工家庭消费需求行为及购买约束与科学消费

    Demands of Worker-Family Consumption , Restriction of Purchasing Power and Rational Consumption

  3. 农村科学消费问题研究

    Study on the Scientific Consumption in Rural Area

  4. 消费者的科学消费和媒体的正面宣传引导;

    Scientific consuming and right leading of media ;

  5. 2002年引导人们消费的主题是“科学消费”。

    Lead the theme of people 's consumption to be to consume scientifically this year .

  6. 无公害蔬菜生产与科学消费探讨

    Production of Pollution-free Vegetables and Scientific Consumption

  7. 以及普及信用知识,加强诚信教育,促成大学生理性消费、科学消费。

    And we should popularize credit knowledge , strengthen sincerity education so as to facilitate college students ' rational and scientific consumption .

  8. 通过把握其建构的主要原则,能帮助我们更好的、更具体的了解科学消费价值观。

    Through grasping the main principle of its construction , can help us better , more detailed understanding of scientific consumption value .

  9. 本文通过对张家口市在校大学生的消费状况的研究分析,提出几点引导大学生科学消费的对策与建议。

    The paper reasearched the college students ' consumption condition of the Zhangjiakou city and presented soma opinions for the college students ' scientific consumption .

  10. 大学生群体消费行为和消费理念不仅直接影响其在校的生活状况和发展状况,也对社会中健康消费、科学消费起着举足轻重的作用。

    College students ' consumption behavior and consumption concept is not only influence their school life and development , also plays a key role to scientific consumption in the society .

  11. 科学消费观的建构是一项庞大而系统的工程,具体途径有宣传教育、政策导向、法制保障以及技术支持。

    The construction of the scientific view of consumer is a huge systematic project , specific ways performance in through publicity and education , policy guidance , legal protection and technical support .

  12. 因此,在消费社会背景下,寻找一种有利于人的全面发展的科学消费方式,从而构建一个有利于人的全面发展的消费社会势在必行。

    Therefore , in the context of consumer society , looking for a favor consumption patterns of the comprehensive development of science , it is imperative to build an environment conducive to the comprehensive development of the consumer society .

  13. 最终,文章指出节俭作为一种传统美德对于构建现代科学消费伦理具有宝贵的借鉴意义,得出节俭作为消费的中道具有恒久理论价值的结论。

    Finally , the paper indicates clearly that frugality as a traditional virtue has valuable significance in building the system of modern scientific consumption ethic and makes a constant theoretical conclusion that frugality is a kind of mediocre way of consumption .

  14. 从社会再生产的角度研究和谐经济的发展,必须努力推进内涵式的扩大再生产,维护国民收入公平分配,规范市场关系,同时提倡和鼓励城乡居民科学消费。

    From the point of social reproduction , great efforts must be made to advance the intension type enlarged reproduction , safeguard the fair distribution of national income , standardize the market relations , advocate and encourage scientific consumption among urban and rural residents .

  15. 因此,研究消费文化对大学生消费观的影响,并找出问题,进而探寻大学生科学消费观教育的途径,这对我国社会主义精神文明建设也是一种贡献。

    Therefore , the study of culture of consumption influence consumer attitudes of college students , and to identify problems and then explore the concept of college students education on view of scientific consumption , which is the construction of socialist spiritual civilization is also a contribution .

  16. 所谓正确的金钱观是指在关于金钱的问题上,主体认识到金钱只是价值的一种象征物,能正确处理金钱和道德的关系,强调健康、科学消费的一种态度和观念。

    In our opinion , a correct concept of money is a kind of attitude and concept that one realizes money is only an emblem and he can deal correctly with the relationship between money and morality with the emphasis on the healthy and scientific way of consuming it .

  17. 科学旅游消费观念的培育模式研究

    A Study on the Cultivation Model of Scientific Tourist Consumption Concept

  18. 创建文明、健康、科学的消费方式

    Establish a Civilized , Healthy and Scientific Consumption Pattern

  19. 树立科学的消费观、生育观;

    Establish the scientific consumption view , parenting view ;

  20. 因此,树立科学的消费理念成为建设和谐社会的一个重要课题。

    So , establishing a scientific and rational consumption concept is an important subject .

  21. 加大宣传力度,转变市民的体育健身消费观念,引导市民进行科学健康消费。

    Fourthly , the citizens of sports fitness shift consumption conception and guide citizens for sports fitness consumption .

  22. 对于流行现象我们应当批判的接受并树立健康科学的消费观。

    We should be critical for the popular acceptance of the phenomenon and establish salutary and scientific concept of consumption .

  23. 当前我国消费领域存在诸多不合理、不科学的消费行为,这对社会发展造成了极大的危害。

    There are many irrational and unscientific consumer behaviors in current consumption sphere , which caused great harm social development .

  24. 基于此,更应该以一种科学的消费观念和健康的消费行为引领大庆社会的消费时尚,带动建立良好的社会风气。

    Therefore , should be in a scientific spending and health of the consumer behavior led Daqing social expenditure , the good social conduct .

  25. 高校、家庭、社会应该营造良好的消费舆论和消费环境,培养大学生适度、合理、科学的消费道德。

    The college , family and society should create a good environment and public opinion so as to develop the college student 's reasonably , properly and scientifically consumption ethics .

  26. 建设生态城市需要相关的配套政策,其中包括良好的政府管理体制、完善的政策环境体系和科学的消费结构等。

    It needs corresponding policies to construct the ecological city , including the reform of administrative system of the government , perfect policy environment and scientific consumption structure and others .

  27. 为提高农村居民生活质量,必须有农村经济的进一步发展为之奠定坚实的基础,更有赖于通过消费教育引导农村居民确立科学的消费观念、消费方式,鼓励农村居民适度消费。

    The improvement of the life quality of rural residents must be firmly based on the further development of rural economy , the consumption education that helps rural residents to develop correct and reasonable consumption concept and mode and encourage them to have consumption at a moderate degree .

  28. 进而提出了构建和谐消费模式的三个目标:树立科学的消费认同、坚持可持续性的消费模式和要素优化且良性互动的消费模式,并积极探讨出实施的路径作为一点点建议。

    Then proposed to build harmonious consumption patterns of the three targets : to establish scientific consumer recognition , insist sustainable consumption patterns and consumption patterns of Factor optimization as the same time Interaction , and actively explore the implementation of the path as a little bit of advice .

  29. 大力发展循环经济,需要树立科学的消费观念、倡导循环消费、建立有利于循环消费的政策体系、加强循环消费技术的开发等,使贵州建设成为一个可持续发展的、适宜生活的现代化生态型省份。

    To develop recycling economy , it is necessary to establish scientific concept of consumption , advocate recycling consumption , set up a policy system favoring recycling consumption and strengthen development of recycling consumption technology , so as to make Guizhou a modern ecological and habitable province with sustainable development .

  30. 教育应该培养人们科学的物质消费能力和高雅的精神消费能力。

    Education should train people to gain scientific material consumption ability and refined spiritual consumption ability .