
  • 网络Personal information management;PIM;PIM Personal Information Management
  1. Qpe包含全套的个人信息管理(PersonalInformationManagement(PIM))应用程序、因特网客户机、实用程序等等。

    Qpe includes a full set of Personal Information Management ( PIM ) applications , Internet clients , utilities , and more .

  2. Beagle个人信息管理紧密集成在Linux环境中,可以在整个桌面中提供实时的索引和综合的搜索功能。

    Beagle personal information management is tightly integrated into the Linux environment to provide real-time indexing and integrated search capabilities throughout the entire desktop .

  3. PIM就是个人信息管理器,您可以通过它把所有的信息以电子形式保存。

    PIM is a Personal Information Manager , you can put all the information stored in electronic form .

  4. 因此,开发人员最初决定将LotusNotes定位为具有一些共享能力的个人信息管理程序(PIM),类似于LotusOrganizer。

    Therefore , the developers originally decided to position Lotus Notes as a personal information manager ( PIM ), like Lotus Organizer , with some sharing capability .

  5. 这对于推动PIM与其他业务的融合,从而实现全面的个人信息管理具有重要意义和应用价值。

    Results of this work can be applied to promote the service convergence between PIM and other services , since to fully achieve PIM .

  6. 在微软的个人信息管理系统MicrosoftOutlook中,当在收件人字段填入正确的个人资料后,执行校订时检查不出自动填充功能,这导致了电子邮件被发送到错误的收件人。

    ' Redacted ' failed to check that the autofill function in Microsoft Outlook had entered the correct person 's details into the email ' To ' field . This led to the email being sent to the wrong person .

  7. 智能手机已经稳稳地跻身于主流手机市场,智能手机不再仅仅是通信的工具,还具备了PDA的大部分功能,例如个人信息管理、办公软件、GPS、娱乐等功能。

    Smartphones have firmly hold seats in the mainstream of mobile phone market . In this age , smartphone is not only has the call function , but also has most functions of PDA , especially the personal information management and office functions based on the wireless data communication .

  8. 本文的主要工作如下:(1)在系统研究个人信息管理系统结构的基础上,提出三层PIM系统模型,采用概念空间来管理个人信息。

    The main work and achievements of this paper can be concluded as follows : 1 . Based on the research of personal information management system architecture , this paper introduces three-tier system model , and propose PIM concept space model , which used to manage personal information . 2 .

  9. 基于民族志方法的个人信息管理行为研究

    Research on the Personal Information Management Behavior Based on Ethnography Method

  10. 功能强大的个人信息管理和日程安排软件。

    Powerful personal information management and scheduling software .

  11. 基于个人信息管理的邮件处理系统

    Email Processing System Based on Personal Information Management

  12. 而在这快速发展的信息化时代,我们应该如何进行个人信息管理呢?

    In this rapid development of the information age , how we should conduct personal information management ?

  13. 导入与导出普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格式。

    Import from and export to popular e-mail programs , personal information managers , and standard file formats .

  14. 本文设计实现了个人信息管理系统的解决方案,实现了对个人信息的移动备份、管理。

    This article designed and implemented the solution for Personal Information Management system , realized the mobile backup and management of personal information .

  15. 很多人发现时间管理工具,如个人信息管理软件和掌上电脑可以帮助他们更有效地管理自己的时间。

    Many people find that time management tools , such as PIM software and PDAs , help them manage their time more effectively .

  16. 本系统包括四大功能模块:学生个人信息管理、学生贷款管理、还贷风险控制、系统管理。

    This system includes four function module : students ' personal information management , student loan management , loan risk control , management systems .

  17. 共包括四个子系统:学习子系统、考试子系统、课程信息管理子系统及个人信息管理子系统。

    The system mainly consists of four modules : curriculum study module , test module , curriculum management module and personal information management module .

  18. 系统中用户的主要功能有:用户登录、注册、商品浏览、商品购买、订单管理以及个人信息管理。

    The main functions of people in system include login , registration , view and purchasing of goods , management of the Orders and customers .

  19. 该系统采用多层架构的设计方案,具有在线查询、网络打印、个人信息管理、业务办理、学习园地等功能。

    The system applied N-tier architecture , and provided query , network printing , personal information management ( PIM ), online service and e-learning functions .

  20. 而且,正如许多解决方案:打开记事本,使用个人信息管理器,或者使用创建和保存文本等节目。

    And just as many solutions : open Notepad , use a personal information manager , or use some other programs for creating and saving text .

  21. 智能电话终端是一个集录音留言、自动应答、个人信息管理和拨号上网等功能于一身的设备。

    Intelligent telephone terminal is a multifunctional device that can record messages , automatically answer calls , manage personal information and connect to the Internet via dial-up line .

  22. 用户拥有个人信息管理权限,可以查看个人的基本信息,并可以根据个人的实际情况,对个人的注册信息进行更改。

    The customer owns personal information management legal power , can look into personal basic information , and also according to personal actual circumstance to change personal registration information .

  23. 随着移动技术的迅猛发展,不断有各种新的智能手机应用和服务涌现出来,包括短消息、网络浏览以及各种个人信息管理等多方面的内容。

    With the rapid development of mobile technology , increasing numbers of applications and services have appeared in the market including short messages , internet browsing and many kind of personal information management .

  24. 第四、五章详细论述了系统的设计和实现过程,系统实现了个人信息管理、成绩管理、综合测评管理和各种查询、打印功能。

    I also discuss the systematic design and the procedure in Chapter four and Chapter five . The system realizes the management of personal information , scores , comprehensive evaluation and all kinds of inquiring and printing function .

  25. 基于此需求,本文采用B/S开发模式,设计了个人信息管理模块、通知管理模块、文件管理模块、兵员考核情况管理、兵员奖惩情况管理和个人申请管理模块等。

    Based on these requirements , this paper adopts the B / S mode . The platform contains the personal information management , notice management , file management , assessment management , system management , log management and Statistical management .

  26. 本文研究B/S模式下的高校教务管理信息系统,通过本系统,可以进行个人信息管理、教师管理、学生管理、课程管理、成绩管理和系统管理,具有一定的实用价值。

    In this thesis , the university Educational Management Information System had been researched based on B / S model . Many functions can be used such as , personal information management , teacher management , student management , curriculum management , performance management and systems management .

  27. 本文通过UML标准建模语言来描述山东省农村信用社个人征信信息管理系统的设计与实现过程。

    This article describes The Design and Implementation of Personal Credit Information Management System for Rural Credit Cooperative of Shandong by the UML standard modeling language .

  28. 论文首先介绍了个人健康信息管理系统的理念和现状,然后分析了Android的架构和基本组件。

    This paper firstly introduces the concept and Development Current Situation of the personal health record , and then introduces the history , system structure and some basic knowledge of the Android component .

  29. 个人知识信息管理的实施过程探析

    The Process of the PKM ' Implementation

  30. 要切实解决这些难题,就需要加强对社保卡中相关的个人信息的管理。

    To effectively address these challenges , we must strengthen the personal information management of social security card .