
  1. 她有个人健康保险。

    She 's got private health insurance .

  2. 这种制度存在的问题是穷人没有钱缴纳个人健康保险。

    The problem with this system is that poorer people don 't have the money to pay for private health insurance .

  3. 谷歌的人身福利包括以津贴形式为个人健康保险提供补助,包括理疗和其他健康措施。

    Google living benefits include things such as subsidized private health insurance for things like physio and other health and well-being care .

  4. 对于穷人来说,这一法案要么通过名为医疗补助计划的项目为他们提供免费的政府医疗,要么提供以工资为基础的补贴来支付个人健康保险。

    For the poor , it provides either free government coverage under a program called Medicaid or income-based subsidies to purchase private health insurance .

  5. 这份工作最棒的地方就是福利好,有公司养老金,个人健康保险和类似这样的其它福利。

    The best thing about my job is that I get lots of benefits & a company pension , private health insurance and things like that .

  6. 不过他怀疑“受测纪录会列入你的个人健康史,保险公司可以调阅”,雇主可能也会查看。

    But " does that become part of your health record that 's accessible by insurance companies " or employers , he wondered .

  7. 个人健康管理在健康保险中的应用现状与发展趋势

    Application and Development of Individual Health Management in Health Insurance

  8. 如果你想为另外一个人办理人寿或者健康保险,你必须与该被保险人有保险利益关系。

    If you wish to take out life or health insurance on another person , you must have an insurance interest in that person .