
  • 网络key person;key employee;key staff
  1. 进一步分析表明,企业技术要素与非技术要素协同程度和关键员工的代理人选择行为是影响企业技术创新乘数效应的深层次原因。

    The analysis manifests that the coordination of technology and other factor , and the action of key employee for choosing deputy are internal factors which restrict the effect of technological innovation multiplier .

  2. 这家广告公司的创始人盖伊加迪斯(GayGaddis)20年前发起了这个计划,当时有4名关键员工怀孕了。

    Gay Gaddis , the agency 's founder , initiated the scheme 20 years ago when four key employees became pregnant .

  3. 针对这些问题,根据MBA课程中的理论知识和案例分析方法,在资料分析和对实际问题深入研究的基础上,提出了针对S公司关键员工管理的方案。

    Directing against these questions , according to theory knowledge and analytical method of the case in MBA course , on the foundation that furthers investigate in analysis and the practical problems , I have proposed scheme of key staffs management being directed against S company .

  4. 他们从更早的创业者那里挖走关键员工。

    They poach key staff from the trailblazers that went before them .

  5. 二○六所关键员工的激励机制研究

    The Research of the Motivation Mechanism of the Institute of 206 Critical Employee

  6. 这一理论在人力资源管理的应用即是关键员工管理。

    The Key Staff Management is the application of this theory in Human Resource Management .

  7. 考虑到围绕薪酬问题的争议,高盛如何确保自己能够留住关键员工?

    How does Goldman make sure that it retains key people given controversies over compensation ?

  8. 这种做法造成的后果通常是资源配置不当、关键员工和战略方向选择失误。

    What often results is misallocation of resources , adverse selection among key staff and strategic drift .

  9. 企业关键员工的管理方法探析

    Key persons management in enterprises

  10. 如果关键员工准备好加入,让他们打电话给风险投资家并对之进行确认。

    If key employees are ready to rock'n'roll , have them call the venture capitalist and confirm it .

  11. 企业中的组织粘性把关键员工和企业联在一起,并使企业在引入企业家才能时有更低的临界交易效率。

    Organizational coherence links key employers to firm tightly . Firm has a lower critical transaction efficiency than market , owing to organizational coherence .

  12. 此时,经常会难以重新考虑过程模型,难以获取关键员工的支持以改变目前工作良好的过程。

    At this point , it is often hard to reconsider process models and gain support among key personnel to change what until recently worked well .

  13. 各大银行还必须确保其雇佣合同的起草方式,将保证在银行资不抵债时,关键员工将被留住一段时期。

    They would have to ensure that employment contracts were written in such a way that key staff would be retained for a period in an insolvency .

  14. 在分析国有商业内部推力与外部拉力的基础上,探析通过各种措施增加人才流动的个人成本留住关键员工的基本措施。

    On the basis of analyzing the two forces , this article discusses the measures to stabilize the staff members by increasing the personal cost in hopping jobs .

  15. 最后针对关键员工可能给企业带来的风险如何加以控制进行了分析,并提出针对S公司人员风险控制措施。

    At last , it has been analysed that how to control the risk which key staff may bring to enterprise and propose the measurement of controls to S company .

  16. 薪酬与激励只有在拥有更加先进的、个性化的和人性化特征后,才能有助于吸引和留住那些具有人力资本的关键员工。

    When compensation and motivation have more advanced , more humanity and more individual , it will be helpful to attract and keep key employees with talented human resource capital .

  17. 其中,保持人员的稳定,特别是关键员工的忠诚成为企业生存和发展的一个不可忽视的方面。

    One of , it can not be ignored that maintain the stability of staff , in particular the loyalty of key employees to uphold the existence and development of enterprises .

  18. 伯格对此持一种务实的态度,他表示:我们从来不想失去优秀人才。他还补充道,他为该集团留住关键员工的能力而感到自豪。

    Mr Berg takes a pragmatic view . We never want to lose good people , he says , adding that he is proud of the group 's ability to retain key staff .

  19. 而且,为了防止多招人手,公司限制了预算,这也导致我无法给手下的关键员工加薪。

    Everyone has been overworked , including me , and the same budget constraints that preclude hiring more people are also standing in the way of my being able to offer my stars more money .

  20. 人才流失不仅增加了企业的运营成本,并且给留下来的员工造成了不可估计的消极影响,关键员工的高流失率往往意味着企业核心竞争能力的消失。

    Talent loss is not only increase the enterprise operating costs , and give the remaining employees caused not estimated negative influence of the key staff turnover high often means the enterprise core competitive ability of disappear .

  21. 通过多阶段的员工流动内生化下两企业竞争博弈模型,分析了影响上述倍数关系发挥的因素,认为对关键员工的激励与约束是企业实行基于技术创新价值管理的核心。

    Furthermore the author also talks about the factors which determine and influence this phenomenon mentioned above by gambling model between two rival corporations under the hypothesis that employee flowing is a variable decided by internal factor .

  22. 但在有进一步的证据表明,他的做法吓阻了关键员工加入亚马逊,或者促使客户转向竞争对手之前,他不太可能做出改变——他似乎也没有应该改变的理由。

    But until there is further evidence that his approach is deterring vital staff from joining Amazon , or driving customers to competitors , he is unlikely to change - and there seems little reason why he should .

  23. 首先,为什么是奖金,而不是总收入,成为人们注意的焦点,以至于一些知道自己的奖金支付可能会受到限制的银行,索性把关键员工的基础工资提高了一倍?

    First , why are bonuses the centre of attention rather than total pay , to such an extent that some banks who knew that they might be restricted in bonus payments simply doubled the basic salary of their key staff ?

  24. 本文希望通过对特定案例的分析反映小型高科技企业关键员工管理中普遍存在的问题,并为类似企业基于战略计划所进行的关键员工绩效管理提供一些可操作的方法及探索性思路。

    The common problems of key staff management in small high-tech enterprises are disclosed in this article by particular case study , some workable approaches and possible solutions for the key staff management based on the strategy programming in the similar enterprises are introduced .

  25. 企业可持续发展的关键在员工,而员工可持续发展的优势在激励。

    The key to sustainable development of enterprises are employees and the advantages of sustainable development incentives .

  26. 熟知工业安全相关知识,对关键工序员工进行操作安全及技术培训。

    Familiarized the industrial safety knowledge , provide the safety and technical training to the key process operators .

  27. 我们能够获得成功,关键是员工&记住,我的工作只是让他们乐于创造,积极从业。

    The real evidence of success is our people – remember , my job is to keep them happy and motivated .

  28. 一个关键的员工能够推动收购过程前进,虽然只有一个人不能承担一项大交易的责任。

    A key person should be driving the acquisition process forward , although one person alone cannot assume responsibility for a large deal .

  29. 顾客满意是企业生存和可持续发展的关键,员工忠诚是顾客满意和组织稳定的基石。

    Customer satisfaction is critical for company 's survival and continuable development , and employee loyalty is base of customer satisfaction and stable organization .

  30. 在这种背景下,本论文对研发团队知识交流成效对关键知识员工离职的稳健性进行了研究。

    On this background , this thesis studies the robustness of knowledge exchange performance in R & D teams under the turnover of key employees .