
  • 网络Star Staff;star employee
  1. 而且,对于工作与生活福利的重要性和其他相关参数,明星员工的选择和普通员工的选择几乎一样。

    Moreover , star employees assign almost as much importance to work-life balance as other employees and have similar work-life preferences .

  2. 但即便如此,约翰?比森说:“很少有大公司会特别关注帮助员工规划一条清晰的职业发展路线,这很令人震惊”。虽然有数不清的研究都已经表明,这样做是留住明星员工最保险的方式。

    Even so , says John Beeson , " It 's shocking how few big companies make it a point to help people develop a coherent career path " -- despite the fact that countless studies have shown that doing so is one of the surest ways to keep star employees from quitting .

  3. 去年夏天一份BBC96个收入最高的明星员工的名单曝光,引发了该公司一些知名BBC主持人的愤怒反弹。该名单揭示出,女性在收入达15万英镑或更多的出镜员工中所占的比例仅为三分之一。

    Ms Gracie 's explosive intervention follows an angry backlash from some leading BBC presenters after a list of its 96 top-earning stars , published last summer , revealed that women made up just one-third of the on-air broadcasters paid

  4. 这样你就不会专注地努力工作,成为明星员工,而是寻求网上的更多关注——我可以很大胆地推测你可能不会放弃Instagram(一款图片分享软件)上的25个兴趣群。

    Instead of focusing on working hard and being a star employee , you 've looking for more attention online - and I 'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you 're not getting cut a check for your 25 likes on Instagram .

  5. 那么,如何留住自己的明星员工呢?

    What can you do now to keep your star ?

  6. 成为17个月来连续的明星员工。

    Employee of the month for17 months in a row .

  7. 好啊,你多少次成为本月明星员工了?

    Okay , and you 've been employee of the month how many times ?

  8. 尽管许多人认为只有外向的人才是办公室里的明星员工,但事实并非如此。

    Despite what many believe , extroverts are not the only office rock stars .

  9. 当然,当你真的是一个机器人的时候,你很容易能够成为明星员工。

    Of course , it 's easy to be the star employee when you 're really a robot .

  10. 第二个的指标是,银行内明星员工与保安的报酬之比。

    The second measure is the ratio of what the bank 's hotshots get paid to what the security guard gets .

  11. 明星员工即使自己的意见和老板不同,仍会做一个优秀的追随者,与领导者合作无间。

    The stars staffs will be good followers and cooperate very well with their bosses in spite of the difference of view between them .

  12. 他说,员工中的这个群体(既不是超级明星员工,也不是偷懒耍滑的员工)往往被管理者所忽视。

    That segment of the workforce ─ the employees who are neither superstars nor slackers ─ tends to be ignored by managers , he said .

  13. 比如,一位老板太过专注于一视同仁,对懒惰的员工和明星员工给予相同的奖励,结果导致最优秀的下属跳槽。

    Maybe it 's a boss who 's so intent on treating everyone fairly that she rewards slackers the same as stars , so that the best performers quit .

  14. 既然他只是你的明星员工之一,那么听上去好像一旦他的光辉熄灭,你的天空中还会剩下那些表现更好的明星。

    As he is only one of your stars , it sounds as if you will be left with better behaved ones in your firmament once his light is put out .

  15. 然而就在他准备放手大干一场的时候却遇到了巨大阻力,一位明星员工甚至越级,直接去找首席执行官反映意见分歧和不满。

    As he set out to accomplish this goal , rush faced resistance , including open dissension from a star employee who went straight to the CEO to voice his disagreements .

  16. 最近在高端劳动力市场出现的几次小风波,便显示出当明星员工似乎要离开公司时,领导们可能会多么苦恼。

    A couple of recent flurries at the top end of the labour market show how worried leadership teams can get when star performers appear to be on the verge of leaving .

  17. 他们让团队成员在一个团队更久(所谓的团队工作效率几年后会下降纯属谬论),他们甚至会让一些优秀的团队整体迁移,而不是从中选取几位明星员工进行迁移。

    They keep teams together longer ( it 's a fallacy that team productivity drops off after a few years ), and they even move great teams together instead of picking off stars and moving them .

  18. 在亚洲地区增长比美欧强劲的背景下,这些投行继续从竞争对手那里抢挖本土人才,同时将伦敦和纽约办公室的明星员工调往亚洲。

    The banks continue to hire at a local level from rivals and to relocate star performers from London and New York offices to Asia , amid the backdrop of strong regional growth compared with the US and Europe .

  19. 在大事情上给员工足够的自主权,但在一些小事情上参与细节的管理,这既能让我纵情于做好小事情的痴迷,又能使明星员工有出色的表现。

    Giving my employees lots of rope on the big stuff , but getting involved in the details of a few smaller items , lets me safely indulge my obsession for doing the little things right while still allowing the star performers to do great work .

  20. 如何管理“超级明星”员工?

    How to manage super-star employees ?