
  • 网络Uni Muenster;Uni Münster;Münster;University of Münster;Universitaet Muenster
  1. 2002年,德国明斯特大学从一些声称是卡斯帕·豪泽尔的衣物和头发中,提取分析了头发和身体细胞。

    In2002 , the University of M ü nster analyzed hair and body cells fromlocks of hair and items of clothing that were alleged to belong toKaspar Hauser .

  2. 德国明斯特大学(UniversityofMunster)生殖医学与男科学中心(CenterforReproductiveMedicineandAndrology)主任斯特凡・舒拉特(StefanSchlatt)认为,并不存在一场世界范围的精子危机。

    Stefan Schlatt , director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology at the University of Munster in Germany , says he doesn 't believe there is a sperm crisis world-wide .

  3. 我们破纪录地迅速为明斯特大学医院提供了数据。

    We were able to provide the data in record time to University Hospital Muenster .

  4. 近日,德国明斯特大学就向数百名大学生家长发出邀请,希望他们能走访校园,并亲眼看看自己的子女在学校里的生活。

    Having finally escapd from home , moved into student digs and thrown up at freshers'fair , the last thing you need is your mum and dad strolling on to campus .