
  • 网络The University of Hamburg;hamburg university
  1. 这篇论文是基于Ryan和NettaWeinstein的早期研究而作,NettaWeinstein,德国汉堡大学的心理学家,其他研究显示,当人们接触自然是会变的更有同情心,更大方。

    The paper builds on earlier research by Ryan , Netta Weinstein , a psychologist at the University of Hamburg , Germany , and others showing that people are more caring and generous when exposed to nature .

  2. 当德国汉堡大学的研究者们研究穴居的摩利鱼的性偏好时,他们发现这些摩利鱼和洞外的摩利鱼有相同的取向——雌性摩利偏爱体积更大的雄性鱼。

    When researchers at Hamburg University in Germany studied sexual preference in Mollies that lived in caves , they found the same pattern as in Mollies living outside caves - the females preferred the larger males .