
  • 网络commerzbank;COMMERZBANK AG
  1. 德国商业银行的EckartTuchtfeld提到,早先的劳动力市场改革仍然在对失业人群施压。

    Earlier labour-market reforms continue to put pressure on the unemployed to find work , notes Eckart Tuchtfeld of Commerzbank .

  2. 德累斯顿银行旗下也有一家投行,不过德国商业银行计划对该部门裁员一半,并大幅削减其交易业务。

    Dresdner also has an investment bank , but Commerzbank plans to ax half its staff and drastically scale back the unit 's trading operation .

  3. 华夏与德国商业银行(commerzbank)上周推出的德国商业银行中国波动目标基金(commerzbankchinavolatilitytargetfund)的情况也是如此。

    It is also the case with the Commerzbank China volatility target fund , which China AMC launched last week in conjunction with the German bank .

  4. 这些举动表明安联即将把德累斯顿银行全盘售予德国商业银行,从而打造出一家拥有德国最大分行网络的银行,其资产规模将仅次于德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)。

    The steps suggest an impending deal to sell the whole of Dresdner to Commerzbank , creating a bank with Germany 's largest branch network and the second-biggest asset base , behind Deutsche Bank .

  5. 德国商业银行(Commerzbank)经济学家周浩表示,尽管3月的数据相对更为积极,但中国的PPI仍深陷通缩区间。

    Despite the more positive March figure , PPI remains deep in deflation , according to Zhou Hao , economist with Commerzbank .

  6. 但国开行最终未能提交正式的收购建议,而安联已于上周末同意将德累斯顿银行出售给德国商业银行(commerzbank)。

    But CDB was never able to submit a formal bid and Allianz over the weekend agreed to sell Dresdner to German rival Commerzbank .

  7. 美国有关部门正在调查德国商业银行(Commerzbank)是否违反了美国对苏丹、伊朗和古巴,以及朝鲜和缅甸的制裁。

    American authorities are investigating whether Commerzbank violated US sanctions against Sudan , Iran and Cuba , as well as North Korea and Myanmar .

  8. 据德国商业银行(Commerzbank)表示,中国自2004年以来由于干预外汇而产生的流动性,一直密切追随通过发行票据和上调存款准备金率而被吸收的流动性。

    As Commerzbank notes , liquidity created through foreign exchange intervention since 2004 has tracked closely the liquidity absorbed via bill issuance and RRR rises .

  9. 铜价的本轮上涨(过去八周价格已上涨约50%)目前看来为时过早,德国商业银行(commerzbank)大宗商品分析师尤金温伯格(eugenweinberg)表示。

    The rally in the copper market , where prices have risen by about 50 per cent over the past eight weeks , looks to be premature , says Eugen Weinberg , commodities analyst at Commerzbank .

  10. 德国商业银行(Commerzbank)分析师卡斯腾·弗里奇(CarstenFritsch)表示,即便伊朗不能马上提高其石油产量,油轮上贮存的数千万桶石油也会被投放市场。

    Tens of millions of barrels in storage aboard tankers could be released into the market even if Iran is unable to immediately increase its oil production , said Carsten Fritsch , analyst at Commerzbank .

  11. 德国商业银行战略转型的经验与借鉴

    Experiences and Lessons from Strategic Transformation of Germany Commercial Banks

  12. 德国商业银行零售业务重新崛起

    Retail Business for Commercial Banks in Germany : Another Spring

  13. 德国商业银行2008年总计冲销了大约10亿欧元的资产。

    Total write-downs for 2008 for Commerzbank came to around 1 billion euros .

  14. 目前上海是德国商业银行企业银行业务的亚太区总部。

    Currently , Shanghai Commercial Bank in Germany Corporate Banking Asia Pacific headquarters .

  15. 德国商业银行和瑞银集团的股价也在攀升。

    Commerzbank and UBS were also up .

  16. 德国商业银行内部人士认为,该行在不依赖政府援助的情况下筹集资金的方案是可信的。

    Insiders at Commerzbank believe that its plan to raise the funds without state help is credible .

  17. 亚洲方面对德累斯顿银行表现出兴趣之际,德国商业银行正在掂量其收购要约,人们对此期待已久。

    The Asian interest comes as Commerzbank weighs up its long-awaited offer to buy Dresdner from Allianz .

  18. 但官员们认为,德国商业银行将很难在1月最后期限前拿出令人信服的计划。

    But officials think Commerzbank will be hard-pushed to present a convincing plan by the January deadline .

  19. 不过,一些分析师质疑德国商业银行向德累斯顿银行支付的收购价格及该举措的时机掌握。

    However , some analysts questioned how much Commerzbank is paying for Dresdner and timing of the move .

  20. 德国商业银行希望通过削减风险加权资产及其它资金管理措施,努力达到欧洲银行管理局的资本金要求。

    Commerzbank wants to try to meet EBA demands by cutting risk-weighted assets as well as through other measures to manage capital .

  21. 对于德国商业银行能否坚守其在不占用更多政府资金的情况下支撑其资本金的承诺,德国政府官员私下里表示怀疑。

    Officials in Berlin are privately sceptical that Commerzbank can keep to its pledge to shore up its capital without using more state funds .

  22. 招商银行是国内首家推出网上银行业务的银行。德国商业银行内部控制对我国银行业的启示

    China Merchants Bank is the first bank that has opened the E-bank service in our country . Learning from Experience of Internal Control of Germany Commercial Banks

  23. 本文通过对美国、德国商业银行反洗钱机制的比较,分析归纳出两个国家反洗钱机制中值得我国学习的地方。

    Based On The Comparison Of America And German Commercial Bank Anti-money Laundering Mechanism , This Article Analyzes And Summarizes The Advanced Areas Of The Two Countries .

  24. 预计德国商业银行最快将于今天宣布,已将资本缺口缩减大约30亿美元,超过分析人士的预期。

    Commerzbank is expected to announce as soon as today that it has already narrowed the capital gap by about € 3bn , more than analysts expect .

  25. 8月31日,安联保险集团放弃它2001年收购的德瑞斯顿银行并将其以98亿欧元(142亿美元)价格卖给德国商业银行。

    On August31st Allianz , an insurer , gave up the struggle to make anything of its2001 purchase of Dresdner and sold the bank to Commerzbank for9.8 billion euro ( $ 14.2 billion ) .

  26. 截至去年12月31日的第四季度是50多年来股市和债市表现最为糟糕的一个季度,当季荷兰国际集团和德国商业银行出现亏损,而法国兴业银行则略有盈利。

    ING and Commerzbank posted losses , while Societe Generale reported a small profit for the three months ended Dec.31 , the worst quarter for stock and bond markets in more than half a century .

  27. 4天后,回到慕尼黑办公室的迪克曼更为放松,他再次表示自己对这笔交易十分满意安联得到扩大后德国商业银行30%的股份,资产管理业务规模也得到扩大。

    Four days later , back in his Munich offices and more relaxed , he again professes himself happy with the deal , which gives Allianz a 30 per cent share of the enlarged Commerzbank as well as a larger asset management business .

  28. 基恩先生管理德国商业银行的一个自营交易部门达近3年,2005年被裁员。他因此获得了12万英镑的基本工资外加福利,但他还有权分享银行自定奖金计划的一部分。

    Mr Keen had managed one of the bank 's proprietary trading desks for almost three years before being made redundant in 2005.For this , he was paid a basic salary of 120,000 plus benefits , but was also eligible to share in a discretionary bonus scheme .

  29. 今年,欧洲体育联盟(ESL)在曾经举办过世界杯的德国法兰克福商业银行体育场里举办了一场《Dota2》邀请赛。

    This year , European Sports League ( ESL ) hosted a Dota 2 tournament at former World Cup soccer stadium Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt , Germany .

  30. 然后对匈牙利、澳大利亚和德国国有商业银行的股份制改造和公司治理结构作了比较,重点对比各国政府改善对国有商业银行管理关系的手段。

    Then the author compares the reform of shareholding system and corporate governance among Hungary , Australia and Germany , especially on means of regulating the ability of Government to intervene .