
  • 网络TEXAS;texas instruments;SENSATA;TI/BB
  1. 如美国德州仪器、台湾太欣等公司生产的图像DSP芯片,其输出的图像具有非常好的效果。

    Such as the DSP chips , produced by Texas Instruments and Tai-Xin Companies .

  2. MSP430单片机是德州仪器(TI)推出的功能强大的16位单片机。

    MSP430 of Texas Instruments is 16-bit singlechip which function is powerful .

  3. 下位机系统采用电池加DC/DC转换供电,CPU采用德州仪器的DSP,TMS320LF2407。

    The embedded system is powered up with a battery and DC / DC converters .

  4. HP和德州仪器在后九洞,顺着第十洞的方向。

    HP and Texas Instruments had their offices on the back nine , along the tenth hole .

  5. 自从1982年美国德州仪器(TI)公司推出可编程DSP处理器以来,DSP的应用领域取得了不断的拓展。

    Since the American TI Corporation discovered the first DSP chip in 1982 , the fields of DSP application has been expanded .

  6. 我刚从德州仪器在达拉斯举行的编辑日(Editor'sDay)活动归来,见了他们在很多领域的工程师和营销人员。

    I 'm just back from an Editor 's Day event at Texas Instruments ( TI ) in Dallas , and met with many of their engineers and marketers in diverse application areas .

  7. 此外在德州仪器谈到的领域里,集成电路、PC电路板、工具、客户产品不是已经发布就是即将发布。

    Second , in the areas they spoke about , they showed just-released and upcoming ICs , PC boards , tools , and customer products .

  8. 0接口技术是由Intel,惠普,微软,NEC,ST-爱立信以及德州仪器几家公司共同开发的。

    The specification was developed by Intel , Hewlett-Packard , Microsoft , NEC , ST-Ericsson , and Texas Instruments .

  9. 上周,德州仪器(TI)在位于马里兰州日耳曼敦的工厂(我的工作地点)举行了“亲子工作体验”活动。

    Last week , at TI 's Germantown , Maryland facility ( where I work ), we held a " Bring Your Daughters and Sons to Work " day .

  10. 1960年,美国德州仪器(TexasInstruments)在日本申请集成电路这一20世纪后半期最为重要的发明之一的专利权。

    In1960 , Texas Instruments filed a patent in Japan for the integrated circuit , arguably one of the most important inventions of the second half of the20th century .

  11. 德州仪器(TI)被东芝挤到了第四位,而后者则爬到第三位。

    Texas Instruments was knocked off its perch to fourth position by Toshiba which climbed to third , whilst fabless IC supplier Qualcomm jumped from eighth in2008 to sixth this past quarter .

  12. 其实,当美国德州仪器公司(texasinstruments)后来推出一个内置这个模型的畅销计算器时,这家电子集团甚至拒绝给这些学者提供一些免费样品。

    Indeed , when Texas Instruments , the electronics group , subsequently launched a best-selling calculator that incorporated the model , it even refused to provide free samples to the academics .

  13. DarlaWhitaker是德州仪器高级副总裁。

    Darla Whitaker is a senior vice president at Texas Instruments .

  14. 为使数字信号处理(DSP)算法具有更好的可移植性,介绍了一种符合TI(德州仪器)标准化规范的DSP实时实现方案。

    In order to afford the reuse of DSP algorithm on different platforms , a DSP real-time implementation scheme of TI standard-compliant algorithm is presented . It defines a set of requirements for DSP algorithms .

  15. TMS320C28X系列处理器是德州仪器公司为工业控制领域设计的新一代DSP处理器。

    The TMS320C28X series processor is new DSP designed by TX Instroment Company for the industry control area .

  16. 文件称,该公司聘用了“德州仪器(TexasInstruments)的资深出口管制合规专员”及一名“熟悉美国相关法律的美国华人律师”。

    It says that the company recruited one " senior export control compliance specialist from Texas Instruments " and a " Chinese-American attorney who is familiar with the related laws in the U.S. "

  17. 而芯片厂商安谋国际科技公司(ARMHoldings)也对PC业务发起了突袭,高通(Qualcomm)、德州仪器(TexasInstruments)等公司均在使用ARM授权技术制造芯片。

    And arm holdings , which licenses chip technology to Qualcomm ( qcom ) , Texas Instruments ( TxN ) and others is now making a foray into the PC business as well .

  18. 自从飞兆半导体(FairchildSemiconductor)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)、德州仪器(TexasInstruments)、英特尔(Intel)之类的公司崛起以来,硅谷如今的主要产业也不再依托于硅这种生产半导体的原材料。

    Nor is its chief business now silicon , the base layer of semiconductors since the rise of companies such as Fairchild Semiconductor , Motorola , Texas Instruments and Intel .

  19. 本课题研究所采用的实验测量设备是美国德州仪器(TI)公司开发出来的手持教学工具,它包括TI图形计算器、以计算器为基础的实验室(TI系统)、各种传感器(俗称探头)等。

    The experiment tools used in the article is a set of teaching instruments developed by TI company in U.S.A. They include TI Graph Calculator , Basic Laboratory based on TI Graph Calculator and some sensors / probes .

  20. AD转换芯片采用德州仪器(TI)公司的ADS1256,其是德州仪器公司推出的具有一流低噪声、高速度的业界最高性能工业用模数转换器。

    The ADS1256 of TI Corp was used as AD convertion chip.ADS1256 is an AD converter for industry application with the excellent performance of low noises and high speed .

  21. 其次,在德州仪器推出的Z-Stack协议栈基础上,在IAR开发环境下编写了系统程序。

    Secondly , the system programs were written on the basis of TI Z-Stack protocol stack under the IAR development environment .

  22. 本文设计了基于德州仪器公司生产的超低功耗16位单片机MSP430的孔板流量计,完成了相关软硬件的设计工作,实现了基本功能,达到了预期的目的。

    Based on the extremely low power dissipation 16-bit MCU produced in Texas Instruments Incorporated , the orifice plate flowmeter was designed in this thesis . Related software and hardware work were completed to realize the basic function .

  23. 摘要AMC7820是德州仪器公司(TI)推出的专为多通道应用而设计的模拟监视与控制电路,它可灵活地应用于模拟采集与控制仪器设备中。

    AMC7820 was a product of TI company , which was designed for multi-channel inspecting through its D / A and A / D function , and was applied expediently in many aspects .

  24. TLC5615为美国德州仪器公司1999年推出的产品,是具有串行接口的数模转换器,其输出为电压型,最大输出电压是基准电压值的两倍。

    Texas Instruments TLC5615 for U.S.products introduced in1999 , is a serial interface of the DAC , the output voltage type , maximum output voltage is twice the reference voltage value .

  25. 这里以德州仪器公司的DSP芯片(TMS320VC5410)中的比较选择和存储单元(CSSU)和片内RAM、改进嵌入零树小波压缩编码算法,并通过硬件来实现该算法。提高了图像的编码速度。

    The comparing , Selecting , and storing unit ( CSSU ) and the internal RAM of TMS320V ( '5410 ( Texas Instruments DSP chip ) are used to improve embedded zero tree wavelet coding algorithms and then this algorithms is realized in hardware in order to encode more quickly .

  26. 德州仪器是这类芯片的最大供应商。

    Texas Instruments ( TI ) is the biggest supplier of these chips .

  27. 德州仪器推出低成本32位数字信号控制器

    TI Rolls out Low-cost 32-bit Digital Signal Controllers

  28. 博通和高通将空前接触德州仪器芯片的详细的功能,反之亦然。

    Broadcom and Qualcomm will have unparalleled access to the detailed functions of IT chips , and vice versa .

  29. 硬件上使用了德州仪器公司的MSP430Flash低功耗型单片机,用液晶显示器显示,整体上降低了仪表的功耗。

    The instrument use MSP430 Flash low power MCU and LCD in hardware . So this instrument need very low power .

  30. 但是其中一些公司,比如德州仪器公司,表示,他们的外国员工要等至少10年,才能成为美国的永久居民。

    Some companies , including Texas Instruments , say it can take ten years for their foreign workers to become residents .