
  • 网络Drexel;drexel university;DrexelUniversity
  1. 随后我进入德雷塞尔大学(DrexelUniversity),17岁时,获得了硕士学位,并继续攻读博士学位。

    I went on to Drexel University and , at 17 , I was awarded a Masters and continued to study for a PhD .

  2. 今年4月份,德雷塞尔大学(DrexelUniversity)一栋建筑物的外墙在LED灯的帮助下,化身为世界上最大的俄罗斯方块游戏,规模打破了世界纪录。

    In April , the world 's largest game of Tetris was played on the side of a building at Drexel University using LED lights , breaking a world record .

  3. 德雷塞尔大学表示,这些电子邮件原本是想发给被录取的学生的。

    The university says the follow-up emails were intended only for admitted students .

  4. 1994年,德雷塞尔大学也曾失误向25名学生提早寄了录取通知书。

    In 1994 , the university mistakenly sent early acceptance letters to 25 students .

  5. 我对德雷塞尔大学提起了民事诉讼,此案现在已进入有约束力的私下仲裁程序。

    I sued Drexel University in a civil lawsuit and the case has now gone into private , binding arbitration .

  6. 德雷塞尔大学和西北大学的研究人员发现,精神状态积极正面的人更容易产生灵感。

    People in a positive mood were more likely to experience an insight , researchers at Drexel and Northwestern found .

  7. 495名学生收到了这些误发的邮件。这些人都是申请德雷塞尔大学但被拒的,或者是递交的申请资料不完整的。

    The emails went out in error to 495 students who had been denied admission to Drexel or submitted incomplete applications .

  8. 她称自己犹如被“打脸”。1994年,德雷塞尔大学也曾失误向25名学生提早寄了录取通知书。

    She calls it a " slap in the face . " In 1994 , the university mistakenly sent early acceptance letters to 25 students .