
  • 网络Tulane University;tulane;Tulane University of Louisiana;University
  1. 杜兰大学(TulaneUniversity)建筑学院的院长肯尼思•施瓦兹表示,新奥尔良可以说是一个“三位一体”的城市。

    New Orleans has something of a holy trinity , says Kenneth Schwartz , dean of Tulane University 's architecture school .

  2. 上述新研究论文的第一作者、杜兰大学公共卫生及热带疾病学院(TulaneUniversitySchoolofPublicHealthandTropicalMedicine)的莉迪娅·A·巴扎诺博士(LydiaA.Bazzano)表示,许多营养学专家和卫生部门都“大力反对”低碳水化合物的饮食方式。

    Many nutritionists and health authorities have " actively advised against " low-carbohydrate diets , said the lead author of the new study , Dr. Lydia A. Bazzano of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine .

  3. 今年,随着并购活动在全球的蓬勃发展,由杜兰大学(tulaneuniversity)支持的这次大会的组织者迎来了有史以来最大规模的盛会。

    This year , with M & A activity booming around the world , the organisers of the conference , backed by Tulane University , were braced for the best attendance ever .

  4. 随后他又在塔夫斯大学(Tufts)、杜兰大学(Tulane)和达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth)发表演说,还计划今年秋天为一个联合国团体做报告。

    Fastow has also spoken at Tufts , Tulane , and Dartmouth and is scheduled to address a United Nations group in the fall .

  5. 在《吸血鬼日记》即将播出的为衍生剧《TheOriginals》铺垫的那一集中(第二十集),Klaus将会遇到一个美丽聪明的姑娘,名叫Camile。她是杜兰大学心理学专业的学生。

    The Vampire Diaries : In The Originals backdoor pilot ( Episode 20 this season ), Klaus will meet the beautiful and intelligent Camille , a psychology student at Tulane in New Orleans .

  6. 从3月份以来,我们一直在坚持不懈地努力,以便准备批量推出这种检测,这样疫情可能会有所不同,杜兰大学医学院(TulaneUniversitySchoolofMedicine)的微生物学教授罗伯特·加里博士(RobertGarry)说。

    We have been working since March , shoulders against the wheel , to be ready to roll these out in quantities that would make a difference in the outbreak , said Dr. Robert Garry , a professor of microbiology at the Tulane University School of Medicine .

  7. 在杜兰大学的时期,Sykes开始他的创业生涯,他做定期交易投机股票。他把自己在成年礼上收到的12415美元变成了200万美元。

    While attending Tulane University , Sykes started his entrepreneur career by regularly trading penny stocks and turning the $ 12,415 he received in his Bar Mitzvah into $ 2 million .

  8. 来自路易斯安那州杜兰大学和泽维尔大学的JM·巴利博士领导的一项研究强调,西班牙流感第一波的特点是病例数量高,但死亡率低于第二波。

    A research led by Dr JM Barry from Tulane and Xavier Universities , Louisiana , highlighted how the First Wave of the Spanish Flu was characterized by a high number of cases , but had a lower fatality rate than the Second Wave .

  9. 杜兰大学的病毒专家丹尼尔·鲍许说,该地区的许多医院缺乏最基本的医疗设备。

    Many hospitals in the region lack basic equipment , says Tulane University virus expert Dr. Daniel Bausch .

  10. 然而,进入耶鲁大学的学生也许只是比在杜兰大学就读的学生更有天赋或更加勤奋。

    But maybe the kids who got into Yale were simply more talented or hardworking than those who got into Tulane .

  11. 施瓦兹希望能通过杜兰大学颁发可持续建筑开发硕士学位,以便更好地宣传这一理念。

    Schwartz intends to spread this message even further by offering a master 's degree in sustainable real estate development at Tulane .

  12. 那将改变海洋环流,”路易斯安娜州杜兰大学合著者,地球科学家特伯尼·特龙奎斯特说道。

    It 's going to change ocean circulation , " says co-author Torbjorn Tornqvist , an Earth scientist at Tulane University in Louisiana .

  13. 路易斯安那州新奥尔良市的杜兰大学和公共健康&热带医学学院的社区健康科学和生物统计部门;

    Departments of a Community Health Sciences and d Biostatistics , School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine , Tulane University , New Orleans , Louisiana ;

  14. 伦敦大学、杜兰大学、纽卡斯尔大学(曾经是杜兰大学的组成学院)以及威尔士大学的所有独立分校。这些学校成立于19世纪。

    London , Durham and their former constituent college at Newcastle , and the colleges of the former University of Wales - chartered in the 19th century .

  15. 施瓦兹希望,以建筑为出发点,启动绿色倡议,把杜兰大学的建筑物作为新奥尔良其他建筑的典范。

    Schwartz wants to use architecture as a jumping-off point to launch green initiatives , using Tulane 's buildings as an example for the rest of the city .

  16. 但美国杜兰大学的人类学家约翰·范拉诺表示,研究人员目前还对陪葬品中的武器感到很疑惑,因为这在女性身上并不常见。

    " The war clubs are clear symbols not only of combat but of power ," said John Verano , an anthropologist at Tulane University in New Orleans , Louisiana , who is part of the research team .

  17. 感谢所有杜兰大学2009届毕业生们!我知道你们绝大多数还因为宿醉而头痛欲裂,狂欢到今天都还没有睡觉。但没听完我演讲不能毕业,所以要注意听了。

    So and thank you to all the graduating class of 2009 , I realize most of you are hungover and have splitting headaches and haven 't slept since Fat Tuesday , but you can 't graduate till I finish , so listen up .

  18. 因此,杜兰大学2009届的毕业生们,祝贺你们顺利毕业!如果你们不记得我说过的任何话,请记住这句,你会没事的,尽管跳舞吧!

    And you 'll be drunk , most of the time . So the Tulane class of 2009 , I say congratulations and if you don 't remember a thing I said today , remember this : you 're gonna be ok , dun-doom-doom-doom-doom , just dance .