
  • 网络DUSHANBE;tajikistan;DYU
  1. 上海合作组织峰会将于今天和明天在塔吉克斯坦首都杜尚别举行。

    The SCO summit runs today and tomorrow in Dushanbe , Tajikistan .

  2. 所有病例报告均来自该国的西南部地区,包括首都杜尚别市。

    All cases are reported from the south-west of the country , including the capital city Dushanbe .

  3. 在苏联杜尚别召开的地震预报和减轻地震损失国际学术讨论会概况

    An outline of the training seminar on earthquake prediction and mitigation of earthquake losses held in dushanbe , USSR

  4. 双方领导人在杜尚别市是参加将于今天开幕的上海合作组织峰会。

    The two leaders are in Dushanbe to attend the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization , which opens today .

  5. 此外,一名塔吉克斯坦儿童在麻痹发作不久后从杜尚别到塔什干就医。

    In addition , a child from Tajikistan travelled from Dushanbe to Tashkent for medical treatment shortly after onset of paralysis .

  6. 最近一轮免疫活动于6月15-19日举行(杜尚别和六个周边地区除外,这几个地方的活动始于6月13日)。

    The most recent round was conducted on15 – 19 June ( except in Dushanbe and six surrounding regions , where it started on13 June ) .

  7. 在杜尚别以北,这个即将竣工的新丝绸之路延伸段施工工程利用了多个国家的专业技术和人力,突显出各国都在努力加强国际合作。

    Illustrating the push for more international co-operation , the new stretch of road that is being completed north of Dushanbe draws on expertise and manpower from several countries .

  8. 中国企业对许多塔吉克斯坦的大型公司和项目进行了投资,包括中泰新丝路纺织产业有限公司,这家公司是塔吉克斯坦最大的外汇收入出口商,以及杜尚别2号热电站,这个热电站解决了塔吉克斯坦长期存在的冬季能源短缺问题。

    Chinese companies have many large industrial enterprises or projects in Tajikistan , including Zhongtai New Silk Road Textile Industry Co. , Ltd. , the largest exporter in Tajikistan in terms of foreign currency earnings , and the Dushanbe-2 thermal power station , which solved the country 's long-existing problem of power shortages in winter .