
dù juān
  • cuckoo;azalea;Indian azalea
杜鹃 [dù juān]
  • (1) [cuckoo]∶杜鹃属的一种鸟,体长约15厘米,体背尾部均黑色,体下面白色、杂有深色横条纹,脚黄色,常把卵下到别的莺鸟巢里

  • (2) [Indian azalea]∶一种常绿或落叶灌木,叶子椭圆形,花多为红色。供观赏。也叫杜鹃花

杜鹃[dù juān]
  1. 杜鹃在其他鸟的巢中产蛋。

    The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds ' nests .

  2. 在英国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者。

    In England , the cuckoo is the herald of spring .

  3. 越来越多的杜鹃花长到了蜿蜒的车道上。

    The rhododendrons encroached ever more on the twisting drive

  4. 然后我们在杜鹃花丛中沿着陡坡向上爬。

    Then we ascend steeply through forests of rhododendron .

  5. 这些杜鹃花有些将在今年首度开花。

    Several of these rhododendrons will flower this year for the first time .

  6. 请勿踩踏杜鹃花。

    Please don 't trample on the azaleas

  7. 六月的山坡杜鹃花一片火红。

    The hillsides in June flame with azaleas .

  8. 杜鹃似火。

    Azaleas bloom red as a flame .

  9. 杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵。

    The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds'nests .

  10. 动物园里四只杜鹃

    Four cuckoos inside the zoo .

  11. 温度和pH值对杜鹃褐斑病菌丝生长的影响

    Effect of Temperature and pH on the Mycelial Growth of Rhododendron Leaf Spot

  12. HPLC法测定紫花杜鹃胶囊中槲皮素的含量

    Determination of quercetin in Rhododendron mariae hance Capsule by HPLC

  13. PP(333)对高山杜鹃花瓣生理特性的影响

    The Influence of PP_ ( 333 ) on Some Physiological Characteristics of Rhododendron hybrides Petal

  14. 目的:建立紫花杜鹃胶囊中槲皮素含量的HPLC测定方法。

    Objective : To establish the quercetin in Rhododendron mariae hance Capsule ( RMHC ) by HPLC .

  15. 以富含次生代谢物较多的杜鹃红山茶嫩叶为材料,研究了杜鹃红山茶鲜叶保存方法及其基因组DNA提取方法。

    The methods of preserving fresh leaves and genomic DNA extraction were studied in Camellia azalea , which are rich in secondary metabolites .

  16. 高pH值和铁素对毛白杜鹃和迎红杜鹃根系Fe~(3+)还原酶活性的影响

    THE EFFECTS OF HIGH-pH AND IRON ON ROOT Fe ~ ( 3 + ) REDUCTASE ACTIVITY OF Rhododendron mucronatum AND Rhododendron simsii

  17. 博士和W博士可能已发现了杜鹃和莺鸟正在进化当中。

    Probably , Dr Davies and Dr Welbergen have caught cuckoo and warbler in the middle of an evolutionary arms race .

  18. RP-HPLC测定几种闽产杜鹃中槲皮素的含量

    RP - HPLC Determination of Quercetin in Several Plants of Foliums Rhododendri in Fujian

  19. 6种杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)植物叶片结构的研究

    Study on the leaf blade structure of six species of Rhododendron

  20. 庐山植物园杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)研究历程与现状

    The Past and Present of the Research on Rhododendron in Lushan Botanical Garden

  21. 采用RAPD方法对贵州7个常见杜鹃花基因型进行分析,建立了它们的指纹图谱。

    The RAPD was adopted to analyze the genotypes of seven Rhododendron species commonly found in Guizhou Province and establish their fingerprints .

  22. 杜鹃花总黄酮(totalflavonesofRhododendra,TFR)是从杜鹃科植物杜鹃花中提取的有效部位,其主要成分为槲皮素、金丝桃苷等黄酮类化合物。

    Total flavones of Rhododendra ( TFR ) was extracted from the flower of Cuckoo .

  23. 采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术,对9种杜鹃属(Rhododendron)植物的遗传分化进行了初步研究。

    Genetic diversity of nine species of Rhododendron was studied by using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis .

  24. 基质和施肥对杜鹃花(Rhododendronsimii)生长的影响

    Effect of Media and Fertilization on Growth of Rhododendron Simii

  25. 以中科院华南植物园引种的12种杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)植物为研究对象,初步探讨了杜鹃花在华南的引种栽培的技术与理论。

    This paper deals with the experiment on introduction and cultivation of 12 species of Rhododendron in South China Botanical Garden ( SCBG ) .

  26. 杜鹃说:我后来意识到她确实是有口无心,她并没有意识到‘hate’这个词在英文中的完整含义。

    " Later I realized that she didn ` t literally mean what she said and that she was not aware of the full meaning of the word ` hate ` in English ," said Du .

  27. 蓝莓又名越橘,杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)越橘属(Vacciniumspp.)多年生灌木性植物,是一种重要的小浆果类果树。

    Blueberry , Ericaceae , Vaccinium spp. is a kind of perennial shrub and an important class of small berry fruit .

  28. 分别运用Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和物种均匀性指数(Pieou指数、Hill指数)探讨了井冈山云锦杜鹃群落的物种多样性特征。

    Studies on species diversity of Rhododendron fortunei with Simpson index , Shannon-Wiener index and evenness index ( Pielou index , Hill index ) resulted that the species diversity of Rh .

  29. 这些酵母菌被归入3大类10个属,显示了云南杜鹃花中酵母菌的种类多样性,其中优势属为假丝酵母属(Candida)。

    All the strains were ascribed to 3 sorts and 10 genera by our study . The result demonstrated the diversity of yeast species in these regions , the dominant genus of which was Candida .

  30. 0.5mg/lTDZ。使用外植体为杜鹃(Rhododendronsimsii)一栽品种′HellmutVogel′的组培苗叶愈伤组织。

    Explants used were In Vitro leaf callus which came from one cultivar ′ Hellmut Vogel ′ of azalea ( Rhododendron simsii ) .