
  1. 今天来访的嘉宾是妇产科专家陈磊医生。

    Chen Lei , en expert in gynaecology and obstetrics .

  2. 陈磊、对你的爱死也不会改变,一直一直都是那么爱你。

    Chen Lei , and for your love will not change , always has always been so love you .

  3. 陈磊表示:我们接到了许多购房者打来的电话,问我们是否可以取消他们的购房交易。

    We have had lots of calls from buyers who ask us if they can cancel the deals they have made , he says .

  4. 据导演陈磊透露,电影将围绕如何在中国传统春节准备食物展开。

    The movie will focus on how to prepare food for the traditional Chinese Spring Festival , according to one of the directors , Chen Lei .