
  1. 黄光裕与陈晓之间的分歧在去年8月公开化。

    The disagreement between Mr Huang and Mr Chen went public in August .

  2. 正式终结了“黄光裕时代”,开启了“陈晓时代”。

    HK formal and terminative " Huang Guangyu times ", open " Chen Xiao times " .

  3. 陈晓说,近来污染已经变得如此严重,他的家人正在考虑离开北京。

    Mr. Chen said the pollution had gotten so bad recently that his family was considering leaving Beijing .

  4. 国美周三回应称,它“不认同陈晓所列的观点和意见”。

    Gome responded on Wednesday by saying that it did " not agree with the views and opinions expressed " by him .

  5. 次月,黄光裕召集了一次特别会议,企图把陈晓赶出董事局,但没有成功。

    The following month Mr Huang called a special meeting in an unsuccessful attempt to have Mr Chen thrown off the board .

  6. 陈晓是个非常能干的人,但他是一个容易引发对立的人物,拆了不少桥,一名董事局成员表示。

    [ Mr ] Chen was very capable but he was a polarising figure who burnt many bridges , said one board member .

  7. 陈晓曾经表示,从公司治理角度对国美事件的新思考后得出,职业经理人在中国的不公正待遇。

    Chen Xiao recently stated that from the angle of the Firm Theory , the treatment to managers in China of now is not fair .

  8. 自黄光裕2008年被捕以来,国美经历了大量直接或间接因此造成的注意力分散,陈晓表示。

    Gome has experienced a great deal of distraction caused directly and indirectly by Mr Huang since his arrest in 2008 , Mr Chen said .

  9. 周三,国美公司发布一份声明,宣布陈晓将辞职,并称他希望有更多时间陪伴家人。

    On Wednesday , Gome issued a statement saying that Mr Chen would resign , citing a desire to spend more time with his family .

  10. 今年1月,陈晓接替黄光裕出任董事长,他迅速寻求西方会计、银行家和公关顾问的帮助。

    In January , Chen Xiao succeeded Mr Huang as chairman and quickly enlisted the help of Western accountants , bankers and public relations advisers .

  11. 国美由目前在狱中服刑的亿万富翁黄光裕创立,去年驱逐了董事局主席陈晓以后,重心转移到门店扩张上,陈晓更希望专注于门店盈利能力。

    The company , founded by jailed billionaire Huang Guangyu , last year shifted its focus on to store expansion after ousting chairman Chen Xiao , who wanted to concentrate more on store profitability .

  12. 国美本月宣布,黄光裕已要求召开一次特别股东大会,让股东投票决定其继任者陈晓(董事长)和另一名董事是否应该退出董事会。

    This month , Gome announced Mr Huang had requested a special general meeting allowing shareholders to vote on whether Chen Xiao , his successor as chairman , and one other director should be removed from the board .

  13. 虽然两家公司合并后的名称尚未确定,但黄光裕将出任董事长,永乐现任总裁陈晓将出任首席执行官。

    While the & # 8194 ; two companies have yet to settle on a post - merger brand , Mr Huang will be its chairman and Chen Xiao , head of China Paradise , its chief executive .

  14. 虽然黄光裕夫妇仍拥有国美大约62%的股份,但黄光裕在被捕后被迫终止董事局主席职务,由陈晓接任。陈晓是黄光裕在连串收购期间买下的最大公司的创始人。

    Although he and his wife still own about 62 per cent of Gome , Mr Huang was forced to step down as chairman of the company after his arrest and was replaced by Chen Xiao , the founder of the largest company Mr Huang acquired during his takeover spree .