
  • 网络Tim Chen
  1. 这家软件巨头周四表示,前摩托罗拉亚太区总裁梁念坚(SimonLeung)将担任微软大中华区首席执行长,接替陈永正(TimChen)。

    The software giant said Thursday that Simon Leung , previously a president of Asia Pacific for Motorola , will be its new China chief executive .

  2. 陈永正,一九四一年生,广东茂名人。

    Chen Yongzheng was born in Maoming city , Guangdong Province in1941 .

  3. 陈永正进一步表示:「大中华地区正在成为世界最大的消费市场,同时ODM/OEM厂商云集,因而在我们的高层管理团队中遴选一位成员来担任这一新职务可谓至关重要。

    It is critical to put one of our senior business leaders in this new role as Greater China region is becoming the world 's largest consumer market and is at the center of the ODM / OEM space .