
  • 网络Charles Chao
  1. 对新浪ceo曹国伟来说,自2006年5月起其网站主要攻的将是“高质量的内容”。

    For Charles chao , the CEO of sina since may2006 , this preeminence is based primarily on a single factor : high-quality content .

  2. 首席执行官曹国伟(charleschao)承诺,新浪微博可从今年第二季度起产生营收。

    Charles Chao , chief executive , promises that Weibo ( meaning microblog ) can make revenues by the second quarter .

  3. 中国政府规定,实名认证必须最迟在3月16日完成。新浪首席执行官曹国伟(CharlesChao)昨日对投资者表示,这将在短期对用户活动造成负面影响。

    The real-name registration requirement , which the Chinese government has said must be completed by March 16 , " will have a negative impact on user activity in the short term , " Charles Chao , chief executive , told investors yesterday .

  4. 这一传言在星期三被新浪首席执行官曹国伟否认。

    That rumor was denied on Wednesday by Sina CEO Cao Guowei .

  5. 曹国伟:我不是非凡认可。

    Cao Guowei : I am not special approbate .

  6. 曹国伟在媒体这条路上,是否真的找到了自己?

    Cao Guowei is in media on this road , whether to find oneself really ?

  7. 4月份,曹国伟表示,新浪很可能寻求海外合作伙伴,促进微博发展。

    The company would likely seek overseas partners for the development of Weibo , Chao said in April .

  8. 曹国伟表示,他预期今年会有1.6亿美元的微博相关成本,高于2011年的1.2亿美元。

    Mr Chao said he expected $ 160m of Weibo-related costs this year , compared with about $ 120m in 2011 .

  9. 曹国伟表示,40%以上试图完成注册的用户未能通过实名认证检验。

    Mr Chao said more than 40 per cent of users who tried to complete registration failed to pass the identity verification .

  10. 曹国伟表示,在新浪扩大相对于竞争对手的领先优势之前,他不会试图从微博服务赚钱。

    Mr Chao said he would not try to make money from the service until the company has expanded its lead over competitors .

  11. 新浪公司执行总裁曹国伟说,公司在最近几个月中,微博用户经历了微博用户惊人的增长。

    Cao Guowei , chief executive officer of Sina Corp , said that the company has seen an amazing growth in Weibo users in recent months .

  12. 曹国伟表示,新浪在去年开通、让第三方开发商向微博用户提供游戏的一个平台,到今年6月将结束免费试用期。

    A platform it launched last year on which third-party developers can offer games to Weibo users will end its free period in June , Mr Chao said .

  13. 我们将创造更多的机会来为淘宝(供应商)提供新的广告形式,新浪董事长兼首席执行官曹国伟在发布财报后的一个电话会议中说。

    We 're going to work on a number of opportunities to create new advertising formats for Taobao ( vendors ), Sina chairman and chief executive officer Charles Chao told a conference call after the earnings release .

  14. 曹国伟指出,1月份中国市场传统广告支出下降逾3%,原因是电子商务公司纷纷削减广告支出,同时汽车企业在第一季度的广告支出预期也会下降。汽车企业是新浪门户网站上的最大广告商。

    Mr Chao pointed to a drop of more than 3 per cent in traditional ad spending in the Chinese market in January as ecommerce companies are cutting their ad spend , and because of an expected decline in advertising by car companies , the largest advertisers on Sina 's online portal , this quarter .