
  • 网络Douglas Flint
  1. 财务总监范智廉(DouglasFlint)也有接替葛霖担任主席的庄严气质。

    Finance director Douglas Flint , too , has the gravitas to succeed Mr Green as chairman .

  2. 汇丰现任董事长范智廉(DouglasFlint)在1995年被任命为集团财务总监和董事会成员。

    Douglas Flint , the present chairman , was appointed group finance director and board member in 1995 .

  3. 自董事长范智廉(DouglasFlint)1995年进入董事会以来,亚洲利润平均增长逾8%;

    Profits there have grown an average above 8 per cent since chairman Douglas Flint was appointed to the board in 1995 ;

  4. 汇丰还提议将财务总监范智廉(douglasflint)的工资从70万英镑增加到90万。

    HSBC was also proposing to increase the salary of Douglas flint , finance director , from 7 00000 to 9 00000 .

  5. 汇丰董事局主席范智廉(DouglasFlint)表示:我们面对的一个问题是,流动性供应将来自何处。

    Douglas Flint , chairman of HSBC , said : One of the questions we have is where is the liquidity provision going to come from .

  6. 汇丰控股有限公司(HSBCHoldings)的董事长范智廉(DouglasFlint)指出,当监管机构上次对各大银行进行压力测试时,没有任何人考虑到油价为每桶50美元的情景。

    Douglas Flint , chairman of HSBC Holdings , noted that when regulators tested the resiliency of banks this year , none considered situations in which oil was $ 50 a barrel .

  7. 汇丰银行(HSBC)董事长范智廉(DouglasFlint)表示,中国和其他国家的监管者正开始更为严肃地考虑是否应对提供金融服务的科技公司进行更严格的监管。

    The chairman of HSBC has said that regulators in China and elsewhere are starting to consider more seriously whether technology companies that provide financial services should , like banks , be regulated more heavily .

  8. 范智廉周四在伦敦卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)的一次演讲中称:“全球监管机构正考虑互联网公司提供银行业服务的范围以及是否应对它们严加监管或者它们是否只是为使用银行业服务提供途径。”

    Douglas Flint said in a speech at Cass Business School in London on Thursday : " Regulators all around the world are reflecting on the extent that internet companies are providing banking services and whether they should be regulated as such , or whether they are just providing access to banking services . "

  9. 在被问到汇丰在中国面临来自阿里巴巴和腾讯(Tencent)等科技公司的竞争挑战的问题时,范智廉回答:“这个问题问得好,中国政府正开始解决这个问题。”

    Responding to a question on the competitive challenge HSBC faces in China from technology companies such as Alibaba and Tencent , Mr Flint said : " That is a good question and one that Chinese authorities are starting to grapple with . "

  10. 作为北京和上海市长的顾问,范智廉正与中国监管机构密切合作。

    The HSBC chairman works closely with Chinese regulators as an adviser to the mayors of both Beijing and Shanghai .

  11. 为了其个人、其机构乃至英国银行业的名誉,范智廉应该走人。

    For the good of his own reputation as well as that of his institution and British banking , Mr Flint should go .

  12. 这几年给我们的教训是,准备迎接意外,做最坏的打算,范智廉在另一场讨论会上表示。

    The last several years have taught us to expect the unexpected and to prepare for the worst , Mr. Flint said at a different panel discussion .

  13. 随着这家银行董事会的演变(范智廉预计将在未来一年离职),把一些亚洲的人才调任至伦敦将是合适的。

    As the bank 's board evolves - Mr Flint is expected to step down during the coming year - it would be appropriate for some of that talent to relocate to London .

  14. 范智廉在一份公开声明中表示:我们对相关的行为和合规失败深感遗憾,并为其道歉,这些失败违反了我行的政策,也不符合我行对自身的期望。

    In a public statement , Mr Flint said : We deeply regret and apologise for the conduct and compliance failures highlighted which were in contravention to our own policies as well as our expectations of us .