
  • 网络Duke University;DUKE;Fuqua;DukeUniversity;University
  1. 杜克大学的一项新研究表明,有儿童早期注意力问题的孩子高中毕业的可能性会降低40%。

    Children with attention problems in early childhood were 40 % less likely to graduate from high school , says a new study from Duke University .

  2. 杜克大学的赫尔曼·庞策教授称,这将有助于揭示癌症的扩散速度是否会随着新陈代谢的变化而有所不同,以及不同年龄段的用药量是否应进行调整。

    Prof Herman Pontzer from Duke University said it could help reveal whether cancers spread differently as the metabolism changes and if drug doses could be adjusted during different phases .

  3. 艾瑞里观察到,在杜克大学(dukeuniversity),顶级篮球比赛的门票少得出奇。

    He observed that tickets to see the top basketball games at Duke University are absurdly scarce .

  4. 另一个计划是杜克大学(DukeUniversity)的默多克研究项目,旨在了解疾病基因及其治疗方法。

    Another project , Duke University 's MURDOCK Study aims to understand the genetics of diseases and cures .

  5. 与此同时,杜克大学(DukeUniversity)进行的另一项调查显示,与CEO相比,首席财务长们的担忧情绪更为强烈。

    Meanwhile , chief financial officers are even more concerned , a separate survey by Duke University showed .

  6. 你在杜克大学(Duke)本科学的是心理学。

    As an undergraduate at Duke , you majored in psychology .

  7. 杜克大学(DukeUniversity)福库商学院(FuquaSchoolofBusiness)为期三周的语言与文化初级课程需求量也非常地大。

    Duke University 's Fuqua School of Business also sees significant demand for its three-week language and culture primer .

  8. 没有人把杜克大学(DukeUniversity)称为南方的斯坦福,或者把密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)称为公立斯坦福,至少现在还没有。

    No one calls Duke the Stanford of the South , or the University of Michigan the public Stanford , at least not yet .

  9. 26岁的帕瑞克从杜克大学(DukeUniversity)毕业后在德勤公司(Deloitte)干了5年的资深咨询师。

    Parikh , then 26 , had spent five years as a senior consultant at Deloitte after graduating from Duke University .

  10. CarolineGamache是杜克大学负责该项目的生物医学工程师。

    Caroline Gamache is a engineer at Duke who worked on the project .

  11. 美国杜克大学(DukeUniversity)心理学教授丹縠仄里(DanAriely)用披萨来解释这个概念。

    Dan Ariely , a psychology professor at Duke University in the US , explains the idea by using pizza .

  12. 杜克大学医学中心研究人员已开发出一种高敏感性的试验方法来鉴定哪种HIV耐药菌株潜伏于病人的血流中。

    Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have developed a highly sensitive test for identifying which drug-resistant strains of HIV are harbored in a patient 's bloodstream .

  13. 最近,该公司的投资组合中加入了杜克大学(DukeUniversity)一位教授开发的专利,涉及一项利用一种生产含有尼古丁气雾剂的独特方法的技术。

    Last week it added to its portfolio a patent developed by a Duke University professor for a technology employing a unique method for delivering a nicotine-containing aerosol .

  14. 没有人把杜克大学(DukeUniversity)称为“南方的斯坦福”,或者把密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)称为“公立斯坦福”,至少现在还没有。

    No one calls Duke " the Stanford of the South , " or the University of Michigan " the public Stanford , " at least not yet .

  15. 杜克大学(DukeUniversity)的研究人员研究了一些雌性狐猴在接受激素避孕前后分泌的荷尔蒙,并研究了雄性狐猴对这些气味的偏好。

    Duke University researchers studied hormones secreted by female lemurs before and after the animals received a hormonal contraceptive . They also studied males ' preferences for these scents .

  16. 杜克大学(DukeUniversity)法学教授詹姆斯考克斯(JamesCox)一直在跟踪澳大利亚的这起诉讼,他表示澳大利亚的判决结果可能对美国的法官造成影响。

    James Cox , a Duke University law professor who has been following the litigation , says the Australian ruling could have some impact on US judges .

  17. 伦敦商学院、美国的凯洛格商学院和杜克大学富卡商学院、以及西班牙企业学院(IE),共同创立了国际MiM协会(InternationalMastersinManagementAssociation),以推广这一项目。

    LBS , together with Kellogg and Duke in the US and IE in Spain , have set up the International Masters in Management Association , to help promote the degree .

  18. 六月份的时候,来自Boston.com的KevinSlane采访过26岁来自杜克大学的欧文关于他在球场之外的兴趣。

    In June , Boston . com 's Kevin Slane asked the 26-year-old Duke product about his interests away from the basketball court .

  19. 在美国和欧洲,据美国杜克大学(DukeUniversity)下属杜克企业教育学院(DukeCorporateEducation)的首席执行官迈克•坎宁(MikeCanning)介绍,需求正变得日益复杂。

    In the US and Europe , demand is increasingly sophisticated , says Mike Canning , chief executive of Duke Corporate Education , part of Duke University in the US .

  20. 杜克大学与美国国家经济研究局联合进行的研究发现,首席执行长(CEO)的脸比普通人看上去更有能力。

    Duke University researchers , in connection with the National Bureau of Economic Research , have found that CEOs are perceived to have more competent faces than non-CEOs .

  21. 之后,Cherry搬去北卡罗来纳州上杜克大学。2016年12月,她搬回英国和男朋友在一起。

    Cherry moved to North Carolina to attend Duke University , but she moved back to the UK be with her beau in December 2016 .

  22. 我们的身体几乎没有可以在特定区域添加到DNA中的化学标签(称为甲基),杜克大学的妇科学教授以及本研究的共同作者苏珊·凯·墨菲解释道。

    Our body has little chemical tags ( called methyl groups ) that get added to the DNA at specific regions , explains Susan Kay Murphy , a professor of gynecology at Duke and co-author of the study .

  23. 身为犹太裔的弗里德兰德在纽约出生并在长岛长大,他是一位素食主义者,并从杜克大学(Duke)拿到了一个物理学的学位。

    Born in New York City and reared on Long Island , Mr. Friedlander is Jewish and vegetarian and has a physics degree from Duke .

  24. 在大学时期他就读美国奥本大学(AuburnUniversity),并取得工业工程学士学位,并于杜克大学取得商业管理硕士学位。

    Cook did his undergrad at Auburn University , earning a BS in industrial engineering , going on to get an MBA at Duke University half a decade later .

  25. 杜克大学杜克犬科动物认知研究中心(DukeCanineCognitionCenteratDukeUniversity)的主任布赖恩·黑尔(BrianHare)说,无论犬类的这种行为被称作什么,对他们的主人而言,都会存在一些实实在在的影响。

    Whatever the dogs " behavior is called , said Brian Hare , a director of the Duke Canine Cognition Center at Duke University , there are practical implications for their owners .

  26. 杜克大学(Duke)数学教授英格丽·多贝西(IngridDaubechies)是国际数学联盟(InternationalMathematicalUnion)主席,她在电子邮件中称这个消息是“一大喜讯”。

    Ingrid Daubechies , a professor of mathematics at Duke and president of the International Mathematical Union , called the news " a great joy " in an email .

  27. 杜克大学(DukeUniversity)的尤金在1965年启动了第一个医师助理项目。项目主要为了解决两个问题:一方面,美国的初级保健医生人才短缺;

    Duke University 's Eugene Stead launched the first physician assistant 's program in 1965 to address two problems . On the one hand , there was a shortage of primary care physicians across the country .

  28. 在商学院界,几乎没人会对北卡罗来纳州杜克大学福库商学院(FuquaschoolatDukeUniversity)院长布莱尔谢泼德(BlairSheppard)反向押注。

    There are few people in the world of business schools who would bet against Blair Sheppard , dean of the Fuqua school at Duke University in North Carolina .

  29. 来自加利福尼亚北部杜克大学的研究人员观看了32部影片,大部分出自迪士尼,级别为G(在美国相当于U级别,即老少皆宜型)。

    Researchers from Duke University in North Carolina looked at 32 films , many of them from Disney , that were rated G - the American equivalent of U - and had grossed more than $ 100million (

  30. 杜克大学(Duke)可以自豪地宣称,它为全世界最著名的高管之一提供过MBA教育:苹果公司(Apple)CEO蒂姆?库克&已故史蒂夫?乔布斯钦点的继任者。

    Duke can lay claim to providing the MBA education for one of the most famous executives in the world : Apple CEO Tim Cook , the late Steve Jobs ' handpicked successor .