
  • 网络Georgia Tech;Georgia institute of Technology
  1. 佐治亚理工学院(GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology)研究生鲁基恩德拉·欧加(LujendraOjha)换用了轨道器上的另一种仪器,根据分子吸收什么颜色的光来分辨分子的类型。

    Lujendra Ojha , a graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology , turned to another instrument on the orbiter that identifies types of molecules by which colors of light they absorb .

  2. 佐治亚理工学院的研究者发现他们发了一个非常严重的错误:他们教会机器人如何去欺骗。

    Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology may have made a terrible , terrible mistake : They 've taught robots how to deceive .

  3. 进行这项研究的佐治亚理工学院研究所(GeorgiaTechResearchInstitute)研究者认为这一比例很具有代表性。

    The Georgia Tech researchers who conducted the survey judged the proportion to be typical .

  4. 现年33岁的张迪拥有美国佐治亚理工学院(GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology)的工业设计学位以及伦敦皇家艺术学院(RoyalCollegeofArt)的设计硕士学位。

    Chang , 33 , received an industrial design degree from Georgia Institute of technology and a graduate degree in design from the Royal College of art in London .

  5. 这两套设备旨在让独居的老年人减少孤独感,让他们的孩子放心,知道他们没事,佐治亚理工学院的计算机科学家伊丽莎白•D•迈纳特(ElizabethD.Mynatt)表示。

    Both of these devices are designed to make the senior who is living alone feel less isolated and reassure their children that they 're okay , says Elizabeth D. Mynatt , a computer scientist at Georgia Tech.

  6. 该项目得到了NASA大学研究工程技术研究所(URETI)航空动力中心以及佐治亚理工学院的联合赞助。

    The project was funded by the NASA University Research Engineering Technology Institute ( URETI ) Center on Aeropropulsion and Power and Georgia Tech.

  7. 利用微型机器人工具,如由麻省理工学院(MIT)爱德华??博伊登和佐治亚理工学院(GeorgiaTech)克雷格??弗雷斯特共同研发的“自动补丁”,研究人员有望关闭单个细胞,并借助相邻细胞来重新绘制图形。

    Using tiny robotic tools such as an " auto patcher " - developed by MIT 's Edward Boyden and Georgia Tech 's Craig Forest - researchers will be able to turn off individual cells and plot patterns with its neighbors .

  8. 10.佐治亚理工学院计算机学院

    10 . Georgia Institute of Technology , College of Computing

  9. 这就需要复杂而昂贵的设计工艺,并且燃烧过程还经常会加剧装置的不稳定性,进而损坏整个系统。但是佐治亚理工学院的设计就简单多了。

    This requires complex and expensive designs , and the combustion process often excites instabilities that damage the system .

  10. 佐治亚理工学院信息安全中心一份新的报告把搜索引擎、移动电话和个人信息列为黑客攻击的首要目标。

    A new Georgia Tech Information Security Center report cites search engines , mobile phones and personal information as prime targets for hackers .

  11. 德克萨斯A&M是在一个很好的公司,磨边大学密歇根大学和佐治亚理工学院的头把交椅。

    Texas A & M is in good company , edging out the University of Michigan and Georgia Tech for the top spot .

  12. 因为在佐治亚理工学院的研究人员发现小虫子虽小,却可以轻轻松松地推开雨点,将他们放置一边。

    Because researchers at Georgia Tech have found that the bugs are so light , speeding water drops simply brush them aside , without imparting much force .

  13. 本月早些时候,新加坡国立大学和佐治亚理工学院的研究人员提出了一种创造“虚拟柠檬水”的方法。

    Earlier this month , researchers out of the National University of Singapore and Georgia Institute of Technology presented a method for creating " virtual lemonade . "

  14. 布鲁斯。斯蒂夫泰尔,城市与区域规划教授,佐治亚理工学院城市与区域规划主任。

    Bruce Stiftel , FAICP , is Professor of City and Regional Planning , and Director of the City and Regional Planning Program at Georgia Institute of Technology ( USA ) .

  15. 佐治亚理工学院的研究人员想要研究当人们被要求躺着什么都不做的时候,他们的大脑模式会发生何种情况--这是走神的绝佳机会。

    Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology wanted to study what happens to people 's brain patterns when they 're told to lie still and do nothing-a prime opportunity for mind-wandering .

  16. 当安德森先生刚起步的时候,他所希望的一些技术(作为他深深喜欢的佐治亚理工学院的一位系统工程研究生,他只是半想像这些技术)还没有发明出来。

    Some of the technologies Mr Anderson hoped for ( and half-envisaged , as a graduate in systems engineering from his much-loved Georgia Tech ) had not been invented when he started .

  17. 本周早些时候,我走访了佐治亚理工学院与一名同学谈论了新经济环境下高等教育的重要性,并介绍了我们为让高校学费更亲民所要做的事情。

    Earlier this week , I visited with students at Georgia Tech to talk about the importance of higher education in the new economy , and how we can make it more affordable .

  18. 舌头驱动的发明者,佐治亚理工学院电气工程的副教授梅萨姆·戈万诺称当病人轻轻动她的舌头,轮椅就会滚动进而改变方向。

    As the patient gently moves her tongue , the wheelchair starts rolling and changes direction , said the inventor of the tongue drive , Maysam Ghovanloo , associate professor of electrical engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology .