
xīn dé lǐ
  • New Delhi
  1. 印度新德里,贫民窟的孩子们在一辆手推车下玩耍。

    Children of slum dwellers play under a pushcart in New Delhi , India .

  2. 新德里跑马场路(racecourseroad)7号的历任主人不时宣称,这将是“印度的世纪”。

    Every so often , the occupant of 7 Racecourse road in New Delhi declares it to be an " Indian century " .

  3. 行程开始于12月21日,从纽约市启程并继续前往米兰、布拉格、巴黎、曼谷和新德里,然后于1月8日抵达多伦多。

    The trip is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan , Prague , Paris , Bangkok and New Delhi before tripin Toronto on January 8 .

  4. 印度科学部(scienceministry)生物技术司将负责此中心的运作,这一中心很可能设址于新德里,但尚未得到证实。

    The Indian science ministry 's department of biotechnology will run the centre , which is likely in the capital New Delhi , although this has not yet been confirmed .

  5. 位于新德里卫星城古尔冈的Jabong最近也募集了1亿美元,投资的财团里包括德国的科技创业孵化公司RocketInternet。

    Jabong , which is based in Gurgaon outside New Delhi , recently raised $ 100 million from a consortium of investors including the German tech incubator Rocket Internet .

  6. 在印度新德里,我们测试的公司是LanguageTranslationInc.,这是一家美国的翻译和口译服务公司,在年年初开辟了24小时电话口译服务。

    In New Delhi , India , we tested Language Translation Inc. , a U.S. - based translation and interpretation services that started a24-hour telephone interpretation services early this year .

  7. LADYGAGA于本月28日在印度新德里出席的一级方程式赛车印度站的新闻发布会。

    Lady Gaga held a press conference in New Delhi , India ahead of her Formula One performance earlier today .

  8. 去新德里看我叔叔时,我在他书房的桌上看到了一摞包装考究的精装书,这是他从英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的图书馆里借来的。

    Visiting my uncle in New Delhi , I saw a stack of elegant hardcovers on a table in his study , borrowed from the library of the British Council .

  9. NPR新闻,朱莉·麦凯西新德里报道。

    Julie McCarthy , NPR News , New Delhi .

  10. 上周初,印度政府告诉英国军情5处(MilitaryIntelligence5),与巴基斯坦阿尔-凯达组织有关的武装分子可能会策划劫持自孟买或新德里起飞的印度国际航空公司或印度航空公司的班机。

    MI5 was told by the Indian authorities early last week about a suspected plot by militants linked to Al-Qaeda in Pakistan to hijack an Air India or Indian Airlines flight from Mumbai or Delhi .

  11. 他们纷纷报考李光耀公共政策学院、东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)公共政策大学院(GraduateSchoolofPublicPolicy)以及新德里附近的金德尔政府与公共政策学院(JindalSchoolofGovernmentandPublicPolicy)等学校,这些学校都开设英文授课的MPP课程。

    the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo and the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy near New Delhi , all of which run MPP courses in English .

  12. 他表示,当英国首相戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)下周正式访问新德里时,他们也会讨论这一事宜。

    He said the matter would also discussed with David Cameron , the UK Prime Minister , on his official visit to New Delhi next week .

  13. 2g频谱丑闻发作之际,新德里方面正苦苦应对另一个政治敏感问题居高不下的食品价格通胀。

    The 2G spectrum scandal has hit as New Delhi wrestles with another politically sensitive issue high levels of food-price inflation .

  14. 新德里智囊机构ObserverResearchFoundation高级研究员兼副总裁萨米尔o萨兰认为:对于这些在经济和政治事务上尚未真正进入贵宾席的国家来说,这是一项成就。

    It is an achievement for the countries who have not significantly sat on the high table on economic and political governance matters , said Samir Saran , senior fellow and vice president at Observer Research Foundation , a New Delhi based think-tank .

  15. 新德里印度国际经济关系研究会(IndiaCouncilofResearchinInternationalEconomicRelations)的会长,库马尔(RajivKumar)指出,过去四年亚洲市场占印度出口的比例稳定上升。

    Rajiv Kumar , head of the Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations in New Delhi , points out that Asia 's share in India 's exports has risen steadily in the last four years .

  16. 印度环境与林业部(MinistryofEnvironmentandForests)说,焚烧秸秆会影响新德里的空气质量,但整顿还是叫停这一做法应该由邦政府决定。

    The Ministry of Environment and Forests says burning affects air quality in Delhi , but that it is up to the state governments to decide whether they want to regulate the practice or promote campaigns to stop it .

  17. 周四,新德里PM2.5浓度是世界卫生组织安全限值的14倍。

    The city on Thursday recorded a concentration of PM2.5 particles at 14 times over the World Health Organization safe limit .

  18. NPR新闻的朱莉·麦卡锡从新德里发回报道,这位年轻女子的生命垂危而且状况日渐恶化。

    From New Delhi , NPR 's Julie McCarthy reports young woman remains on life-support and her condition is worsening .

  19. 带着摄像机,CNN制片人将这个难题交给柏林、马德里、罗马、曼谷、东京、新德里和巴黎的路人们。

    CNN producers armed with cameras put the puzzler to passersby in Berlin , Madrid , Rome , Bangkok , Tokyo , New Delhi and Paris .

  20. 他们都在印度新德里的能源和资源研究所(TERI)工作。

    Both work at the Energy and Resources Institute ( TERI ), New Delhi , India .

  21. 人们聚集在新德里,表示对阿纳·赫扎雷(AnnaHazare)的支持。AnnaHazare说他已经绝食八天的时间。

    Crowds gathered in New Delhi in support of Anna Hazare , who says he has denied himself food for eight days .

  22. 新德里(AFP)&一级方程式赛车掌门人伯尼·埃克莱斯顿对印度明年举办成功的首次大奖赛充满信心,说准备工作如期进行。

    NEW DELHI ( AFP )– Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone is confident India will hold a successful maiden Grand Prix next year , saying preparations were well on schedule .

  23. 在新德里对于149个非依赖胰岛素型糖尿病(NIDDM)患者的研究中,69%的被调查者对瑜伽疗法明确表示满意。

    In a New Delhi study of149 non-insulin-dependent diabetics ( NIDDM ), sixty-nine percent of the respondents showed a fair to good response to yoga therapy .

  24. 电话从新德里打来时,普尼塔・德维(PunitaDevi)做好了最坏的准备。

    When the call came from New Delhi , Punita Devi braced herself for the worst .

  25. 新德里则称,中国在克什米尔(kashmir)占据着3.8万平方公里由巴基斯坦非法让与中国的印度领土。

    New Delhi in turn says China is occupying 38000 sq km of Indian territory in Kashmir illegally ceded to it by Pakistan .

  26. 仅在上月,杜克大学(dukeuniversity)富科商学院(fuquaschool)就宣布,未来3年内,将在迪拜、伦敦、新德里、圣彼得堡及上海开办两个emba课程。

    Just last month the Fuqua school at Duke University announced it would run two EMBA programmes in Dubai , London , New Delhi , St Petersburg and Shanghai within three years .

  27. 新德里——B·K·S·艾扬格于周三在印度南部城市浦那逝世,享年95岁,在西方世界开始了解“内在生活”概念期间,他曾出力将瑜伽引入西方。

    NEW DELHI - B. K. S. Iyengar , who helped introduce the practice of yoga to a Western world awakening to the notion of an inner life , died on Wednesday in the southern Indian city of Pune . He was 95 .

  28. 约会地点定在新德里高档购物中心可汗市场(KhanMarket)的海龟咖啡厅(CaféTurtle)。加里马·潘特同意开车去接马纳斯·潘特(他们碰巧是同一个姓氏)。

    A date was set for Caf é Turtle in New Delhi 's upscale Khan Market , and Ms. Pant agreed to drive Mr. Pant ( whose surname was coincidentally the same as hers ) .

  29. 新德里经济智库RPG基金会总裁帕宁迪克说,受到影响的行业不在少数。

    The head of the economic think tank , RPG Goenka Foundation in New Delhi , D.H. Pai Panindiker , says many sectors have been affected .

  30. 新德里&B·K·S·艾扬格于周三在印度南部城市浦那逝世,享年95岁,在西方世界开始了解内在生活概念期间,他曾出力将瑜伽引入西方。

    NEW DELHI & B. K. S. Iyengar , who helped introduce the practice of yoga to a Western world awakening to the notion of an inner life , died on Wednesday in the southern Indian city of Pune . He was 95 .