
Kā bù ěr
  • Kabul
喀布尔 [kā bù ěr]
  • [Kabul] 阿富汗首都,人口37万

  1. 从那里到喀布尔只需走上3英里。

    It was only a three-mile walk to Kabul from there

  2. 整个喀布尔都能看到腾起的黑烟。

    The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Kabul .

  3. 卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪的声音和连续不断的大炮声在喀布尔回荡。

    Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery .

  4. 美联社(AssociatedPress)报道称,加拿大还将派遣特种部队前往喀布尔,帮助使馆工作人员撤离。

    The Associated Press reported Canada would also deploy special forces troops to Kabul to help in the evacuation of embassy workers .

  5. 据《华盛顿邮报》(WashingtonPost)上周报道,阿富汗央行已经接管喀布尔银行,迫使该行两名最高管理人员辞职。

    The Washington Post reported last week that the central bank had taken control of Kabul Bank , forcing its top two managers to resign .

  6. 喀布尔国际机场简称KIA,“在行动中被杀“

    Kabul International Airport . K.I.A. ! " Killed In Action . "

  7. NPR新闻,拉里·艾布拉姆森喀布尔报道。

    Larry Abramson , NPR News , Kabul .

  8. NPR新闻,莎伦·卡伯里喀布尔报道。

    Sharon Carberry , NPR News , Kabul .

  9. NPR新闻,肖恩·卡伯恩喀布尔报道。

    Sean Carberry , NPR News , Kabul .

  10. SayedAbdullah是喀布尔一名阿富汗政府雇员。

    Sayed Abdullah is an Afghan government employee in Kabul .

  11. 我第一次接触塔利班(taliban)是在1996年,当时我是他们占领喀布尔时唯一的随行记者。

    My first contact with the Taliban came in 1996 , when I was the only correspondent travelling with them when they took Kabul .

  12. DHL公司办公室位于繁忙的街道路口,对面是伊朗大使馆,处于喀布尔的高收入阶层地区。

    The DHL office is located at a busy intersection across from the Iranian Embassy , in an upscale section of Kabul .

  13. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,协议文本必须要经过聚集在喀布尔的长老团的同意。

    NPR 's Michelle Kelemen reports the text of the deal must to be approved by council of elders gathering in Kabul .

  14. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里报道,嫌疑人是前美国特种部队驻瓦尔达克省的翻译人员,该省位于喀布尔附近。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry reports that the suspect is a former interpreter for US Special Forces in Wardak province near Kabul .

  15. 我们现在在喀布尔南部的FOB作战基地。这切实表明了阿富汗面临的持续的安全挑战。

    For where we are right now at FOB , Forward Operating Base Shank , south of Kabul , really s the continuing security challenge in this country .

  16. 美国军方而后确认在袭击中丧生的美国军官是34岁的老兵少将哈罗德J格林。他在喀布尔担任阿富汗联合安全转型指挥部副指挥官。

    The killed American officer has eventually been identified by the US military as Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene , a 34-year veteran , who was the deputy commanding general of Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan in Kabul .

  17. 我在伊拉克、Bagram(阿富汗)和喀布尔呆了很长时间。

    I spend a lot of time in Iraq , Bagram [ Afghanistan ] and Kabul .

  18. 塔利班(Taliban)武装分子打破了为期7个月的平静,对喀布尔发动袭击,针对军事基地、各国大使馆和阿富汗议会的一系列经过精心策划的袭击,标志着塔利班春季攻势的开始。

    Taliban fighters shattered a seven-month lull in attacks on Kabul with a tightly-choreographed series of raids on military bases , embassies and the parliament , to mark the start of their spring offensive .

  19. 阿富汗最大的城市是它的首都喀布尔,此外还有Herat、贾拉拉巴德(Jalalabad)、马扎尔沙里夫(Mazar-eSharif)和坎大哈(Kandahar)。

    The major cities of Afghanistan are its capital Kabul , Herat , Jalalabad , Mazar-e Sharif and Kandahar .

  20. 在阿富汗首都喀布尔,麦克里斯特尔与美国驻阿富汗大使、前任指挥官卡尔艾肯伯里(karleikenberry)将军有时甚至互不理睬。

    In Kabul , Gen McChrystal and retired general Karl Eikenberry , the US ambassador , have at times barely been on speaking terms .

  21. 她的新家所在的村庄Karmalahang离主道公路(GrandTrunkRoad)约18英里(合29公里)。这条路自古就是商业路线,连接印度东部的加尔各答与阿富汗首都喀布尔,位于盖穆尔山(KaimurHills)脚下。

    Her new village , Karmalahang , is about 18 miles from the Grand Trunk Road , a commercial route since ancient times that connects Kolkata in eastern India to the Afghan capital of Kabul , and sits at the foot of the Kaimur Hills .

  22. 喀布尔美国阿富汗问题研究所主任MohammedOmarSharifi表示,感觉也是一个关键的问题。

    The director of the American Institute for Afghan Studies in Kabul , Mohammed Omar Sharifi , says perception is also a key problem .

  23. 我跟他一起,每逢喀布尔队跟坎大哈Kandahar,阿富汗南部城市。队比赛,就大喊大叫;每逢我们的球队遭到判罚,就咒骂裁判。

    I cheered with him when Kabul 's team scored against Kandahar and yelped insults at the referee when he called a penalty against our team .

  24. 一系列的薄荷生产商合作社在Helmand、喀布尔、Kunduz以及Nangarhar省出现。

    A series of cooperatives of mint producers have sprung up in Helmand , Kabul , Kunduz and Nangarhar provinces .

  25. 一天前,美国和北约驻阿富汗军队指挥官戴维·彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)表示,北约促进塔利班领袖顺利前往喀布尔,与阿富汗政府进行对话。

    This comes a day after the commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan , General David Petraeus , said NATO has facilitated the safe passage of Taliban leaders to Kabul for talks with the Afghan government .

  26. 他在喀布尔告诉VOA,他认为,在战争继续进行的时候,全世界不会看到塔利班领袖和阿富汗政府坐到同一个桌前进行和平对话。

    He tells VOA in Kabul that he does not believe the world will ever see the Afghan government and Taliban leadership at the same table while the war continues .

  27. 首都喀布尔(Kabul)长久以来都是该国的宗教文化的中心,不过外国人通常都集中在Herat城,这里的音乐跟伊朗音乐更接近些。

    The capital of Kabul has long been the regional cultural capital , but outsiders have tended to focus on the city of Herat , which is more closely related to Iranian music .

  28. 北约驻喀布尔大使SimonGass指出,只要当我们的解决方案悬而未决,或者“尝试最大化自身作用”之时,暴力行动就会不断增加。

    Simon Gass , NATO 's ambassador in Kabul , points out that violence is likely only to increase as talks of a settlement are in the air , and as groups " try to maximise their leverage " .

  29. 但是,世界银行驻喀布尔的教育专家HabibullahWajdi看到了积极的变化迹象。

    Yet , Habibullah Wajdi , education specialist with the World Bank in Kabul sees positive signs of change .

  30. 一名阿富汗妇女一直走在她的喀布尔附近,Afghnaistan星期一,07年2月19日,积雪的道路。

    An Afghan woman walks along a snowy path in her Kabul neighborhood , Afghnaistan , on Monday , Feb.19,2007 .