
  • 网络kerala;State of Kerala;kerala state
  1. 很多人并不知道“冰书挑战”是由(印度)喀拉拉邦的一个名为“一村一个图书馆”的非政府组织发起的。

    Not many of us know that The Book Bucket Challenge is a drive started by One Library per Village , an NGO based in Kerala .

  2. 将近150年来,印度的哈里森.马拉雅拉姆公司(HarrisonMalayalam)在印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦和喀拉拉邦大片土地上种植橡胶和茶叶。

    For nearly 150 years , Harrisons Malayalam has grown rubber and tea on massive plantations in the southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala .

  3. 工作中心位于Kolkata,海得拉巴和喀拉拉邦。

    The work is centered in Kolkata , Hyderabad and Kerala province .

  4. 印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的三轮车车夫,反对的是一条要求他们安装里程表以防宰客的新规。

    The Indian rickshaw drivers , based in Kerala , were objecting to a rule requiring them to install meters to prevent them overcharging .

  5. 金奈过去叫马德拉斯(Madras),位于印度泰米尔纳德邦(TamilNadu),长期以来被视为通向南印度大热旅游区喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的大门,其本身的吸引力却被低估。

    Chennai , in the state of Tamil Nadu ( and formerly known as Madras ) , was long considered the gateway to popular South Indian tourist destinations like Kerala but was overlooked as an attraction itself .

  6. 喀拉拉邦Thiruvananthapuram地区的拉吉夫·甘地生物技术中心(RGCB)的科学家说,这种方法是此类测试中第一种能够同时检测登革热和齐昆古尼亚病毒的测试手段。

    This is the first test of its kind that can detect dengue and chikungunya viruses at once , say scientists at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology ( RGCB ) in Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala .

  7. 喀拉拉邦的一座小城市特里凡得�

    Called Kerala and a little city called Trivandrum

  8. 据称,黄色、绿色和黑色的雨水也曾经光顾过喀拉拉邦地区。

    Allegedly , yellow , green and black rain has also been patronized Kerala region .

  9. 作为许诺,海洋让步于陆地,从而升起了一块叫喀拉拉邦的土地。

    As promised the sea gave way to land , thus giving rise to Kerala .

  10. 印度喀拉拉邦幼龄桉树栽植中白蚁问题的若干生态学观点

    Some ecological aspects of the termite problem in young Eucalypt Plantations in kerala , India

  11. 认真对待市民意见:印度喀拉拉邦的参与性规划和认识土地

    Taking Citizens Seriously : Participatory Planning and " Land Literacy " in Kerala , India

  12. 在印度喀拉拉邦的特里凡得琅地区开展了一项随机抽样对照临床试验。

    A cluster randomized controlled trial was initiated in Trivandrum district , Kerala , India .

  13. 这是首次有印度邦份建议以法律行动压制大家庭。喀拉拉邦人口三千三百卅万,占印度总人口十二亿一千万不足四个百分点。

    This is the first time an Indian state has recommended legal action against big families .

  14. 这在印度西南部喀拉拉邦著名的奥南节也有庆祝,他也被称为玛瓦利。

    This is celebrated as the Onam festival in Kerala , where he is also called Maveli .

  15. 有健康专家指出,就肥胖方面,喀拉拉邦位列旁遮普和古吉拉特邦之后排第三。

    Kerala ranks third after Punjab and Gujarat in terms of obesity , according to health experts .

  16. 保护梵剧是如此重要:对于喀拉拉邦,马拉雅拉姆方言亟需保护;

    The preservation of the Kuttiyattam is important : for India as a nation , preserving its national heritage ;

  17. 然而,喀拉拉邦肥胖者只占总人口的3-4%。

    However , the total percentage of obese people is only 3-4 % of total population in the state .

  18. 这种产品将成为印度西南部喀拉拉邦一个特殊项目的一部分。

    The products are being created as part of a special project in Kerala , a state in south-western India .

  19. 喀拉拉邦北部作为喀拉拉邦的另一半,其景色一直被低估,不为人知的回水区美景犹如破茧成蝶正慢慢浮现。

    Northern Kerala has long been the underrated half of the state , concealing its backwater charms and emerging slowly like a butterfly from a chrysalis .

  20. 印度南部喀拉拉邦的一个安静的名为Marottichal村的人们,对国际象棋有着非同寻常的热情。

    The people of Marottichal , a sleepy little village in the state of Kerala in southern India , have a rather unusual passion for chess .

  21. 故事发生在中世纪七十年代的喀拉拉邦,快四十岁的威廉是一个海岸小镇的仅有的教堂的牧师。

    Story : The story begins in mid-seventies Kerala where William-in his late thirties , is a priest in the solitary church in a small coastal town .

  22. 受影响的邦为安德拉邦、安达曼和尼科巴群岛、泰米尔纳德、卡纳塔克、马哈拉施特拉邦、古吉拉特邦、中央邦、喀拉拉邦和德里邦。

    The affected states are Andhra Pradesh , Andaman & Nicobar Islands , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Maharashtra , Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh , Kerala and Delhi .

  23. 印度南方喀拉拉邦的一场齐昆古尼亚病毒暴发促使科学家开发出了一种新的诊断测试方法,把齐昆古尼亚病毒和登革热病毒区分开来。

    An outbreak of chikungunya virus in the southern Indian state of Kerala has prompted researchers to develop a new diagnostic test to distinguish chikungunya from dengue viruses .

  24. 这些都是复杂的问题,但如果阿富汗和孟加拉国能取得巨大的进步(以及一些印度的邦,如喀拉拉邦),那么印度这个国家也可以。

    These are complex issues , but if Afghanistan and Bangladesh can make great progress ( along with Indian states like Kerala ) , so can all of India .

  25. 在喀拉拉邦等一些地方,这增加了政府医院的收入,而且有些机构使用该基金加强其基础设施。

    In some places , such as Kerala , it has increased the earnings of government hospitals , and some institutions are using the money to strengthen their infrastructure .

  26. 古巴、哥斯达黎加、中国、印度(喀拉拉邦)和斯里兰卡等一些低收入国家的国民收入较低,但国民健康状况良好。

    Some low-income countries such as Cuba , Costa Rica , China , state of Kerala in India and Sri Lanka have achieved levels of good health despite relatively low national incomes .

  27. 卫生和家庭福利部的一个小组、喀拉拉邦的卫生官员以及世卫组织驻印度办事处和东南亚区域办事处的职员调查了喀拉拉邦的疫情。

    A team from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare , health officials from Kerala and staff from the WHO India Office and Regional Office for South-East Asia investigated the outbreak in Kerala .

  28. 自1977年以来,以印共(马)为首的左翼阵线在西孟加拉邦连续执政达26年之久,印共(马)还在喀拉拉邦和特里普拉邦等邦连续或多次执政。

    The CPI ( M ) has rich experience in states ruling and has been in office in West Bengal for 26 years since 1977 . Moreover , the CPI ( M ) led the state governments in Kerala and Tripura for many times .

  29. 本周一,印度南部城邦喀拉拉邦当局下令调查一项指控,作为一项国家级医学入学考试严格防作弊措施的一部分,一名18岁学生在考试中心被迫脱掉内衣。

    Authorities in the southern Indian state of Kerala last Monday ordered a probe into allegations that an 18-year-old student was forced to remove her bra at an exam centre as part of stringent measures to stop cheating in a national-level medical entrance examination .

  30. 该事件于上周日发生在喀拉拉邦坎努尔县的TISK英语学校,全国数百名学生去那里参加这项国家级医学本科招生考试。

    The alleged incident took place at TISK English Medium School in the state 's Kannur district last Sunday , when hundreds of students went to there to appear for the National Eligibility and Entrance Test ( NEET ) for admissions to undergraduate medical courses across the country .