
  • 网络Krakatoa;Krakatau;Krakatau Volcano
  1. 喀拉喀托火山在大爆发几年前就向外界发出了信号。

    Krakatoa signalled the beginning of its eruption in the years preceding the big eruption .

  2. 1883年8月26-27日,喀拉喀托火山喷发并且激起了冲天的火山灰和碎屑的柱体。

    On August 26-27 1883 , Krakatoa erupted and continually sent enormous plumes of ash and dust into the sky .

  3. 多年来,蒙克的灵感被认为是想象出来的,直到最近才被揭秘,1883年印度尼西亚的喀拉喀托火山爆发,那一日的天空可能的确是红色的。

    For years Munch 's inspiration was thought to be imagined until it was recently discovered that the sky that day probably actually was red that day as a result of the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia .

  4. 维利亚:嗯,一八八三年,印度洋喀拉喀托岛就有火山爆发。

    Velia : well a volcano erupted on Krakatau island there in1883 .