
  • 网络Kabul;kabul province
  1. 仅东部喀布尔省的一个地区就有40余人遇难。

    More than 40 people have been killed just in one district of eastern Kabul province .

  2. 卡特抵达阿富汗的第二天,从首都喀布尔飞往坎大哈省。此前他在喀布尔与阿富汗领导人和美军指挥官进行了一系列会谈。

    On his second day in Afghanistan , Carter few to Kandahar from the capital , Kabul , where he had held a series of talks Saturday with Afghan leaders and American military commanders .

  3. 在喀布尔和古尔省的调查人员试图理清事情原委的同时,扎赫拉的生平和死亡引发的讨论,再次让阿富汗的童婚和女性权利问题成为了焦点。

    As investigators in Kabul and Ghor tried to piece the episode together , the conversation about her life and death once again brought to the fore the issue of child marriage and women 's rights in Afghanistan .

  4. 惠特曼说,这项计划是由阿富汗政府发起的,得到了美国和北约部队的支持,将首先在邻近喀布尔的瓦尔达克省实施。塔利班在那里的势力几个月来不断加强。

    Whitman describes the plan as an Afghan government initiative that U.S. and NATO forces are supporting . He says it will start in Wardak Province , near Kabul , where Taliban fighters have been gaining strength in recent months .