
  • 网络Cascades;the Cascade Range;Cascade Mountains
  1. 生态旅游:西南喀斯特山区摆脱贫困陷阱之路现在他朝着太阳驶去,开始了穿越喀斯喀特山脉的漫长而曲折的路程。

    Eco-tourism : An Approach to Escaping From the Poverty Trap in Karst Mountains of Southwestern China ; Turning into the sun , he began the long , winding drive through the Cascades .

  2. 现在他朝着太阳驶去,开始了穿越喀斯喀特山脉的漫长而曲折的路程。

    Turning into the sun , he began the long , winding drive through the Cascades .

  3. 北边的喀斯喀特山脉由一群火山组成。

    The Cascade Range , to the north , is made up of volcanoes .

  4. 在华盛顿州的喀斯喀特山脉的火山也喷出过这样的熔岩。

    Such lavas also once came from the volcanoes in the Cascade Range in Washington .

  5. 在加州的喀斯喀特山脉(位于拉森火山以北),天文学家们正在寻找着外星生命。

    IN THE Cascade mountains of California , north of Lassen Peak , astronomers are looking for aliens .

  6. 一座活火山,海拔3188.2米(10453英尺),位于美国加利福尼亚州北部的喀斯喀特山脉中。

    An active volcano , 3,188.2 m ( 10,453 ft ) high , in the Cascade Range of northern California .

  7. 华盛顿中西部一山峰,海拔为4318.2米(14158英尺),位于喀斯喀特山脉中、雷尼尔山附近。

    A peak , 4,318.2 m ( 14,158 ft ) high , in the Cascade Range of west-central Washington near Mount Rainier .

  8. 我们工作的较大部分是喀斯喀特山脉,这是一个几乎直线分布的火山链。

    The larger setting for our work was the Cascade Range , a chain of volcanoes that lie in a remarkably straight line .

  9. 俄勒冈州的喀斯喀特山脉,其山谷比山脊低2600英尺,而所记录的温度显示,山谷比山脊的温度低了华氏27度。

    In the Oregon Cascades , ridgeline temperatures have clocked in at 27 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than those in a valley 2,600 feet below .