
  • 网络kashgar prefecture;Kashi Prefecture;Kashi
  1. 注:排序资料不包括喀什地区各县(市)。

    Note : Data ranked excludes counties ( cities ) under Kashgar prefecture .

  2. 地震发生在喀什地区伽师县。

    The quake jolted Jiashi County in Kashgar Prefecture .

  3. 目的摸清各类人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染率和行为学指标,弥补监测数据不足,掌握喀什地区艾滋病(AIDS)流行现状,为制定可行的防治策略提供科学依据。

    Objective To investigate HIV prevalence and AIDS related behaviors among different population groups , and to upgrade surveillance data for HIV / AIDS prevention strategies .

  4. 在对问卷进行初步分析整理的基础上,运用描述性统计方法和Logistic回归分析方法对喀什地区乡镇政府职能转变的基本情况进行详细分析,这也是本文研究的核心内容。

    On the basis of preliminary analysis on the questionnaire , using descriptive statistical method and LOGISTIC regression analysis method , this paper analyzes the basic situation of township government function transformation of Kashi area in detail , which is the core content of this paper .

  5. 喀什地区近43年沙尘暴、扬沙天气

    Sand Storm and Sand Blowing in Kashi in Recently 43 Years

  6. 塔里木盆地西部喀什地区的新生代冲断构造

    Cenozoic thrust structures in the Kashi area , western Tarim Basin

  7. 喀什地区女性受教育情况实证调查及对策研究

    A Study on the Education of Minority Feminie in Kashgar Region

  8. 喀什地区公共图书馆建设浅探

    The Findings Report of Public Library in Xinjiang Kashgar 's Region

  9. 典型少数民族文化旅游地开发与保护&以喀什地区为例

    Development and protection of minority culture tourism spots in Kashi Area

  10. 1912年喀什地区的革命运动与喀什哥老会

    The 1912 Revolutionary Movement of Kashgar and the Gelao Society

  11. 喀什地区冬小麦推广品种的可行性研究

    Study on the Feasibility of Winter Wheat Varieties Diffused in Kashi Area

  12. 喀什地区地质灾害的规划和预报

    Programming and Forecast of the Geological Disaster in Kashi Area

  13. 喀什地区盐渍土基本工程性质试验研究

    Foundational Saline Soil Engineering Property Test Research in Kashgar Region

  14. 喀什地区暴雨特征及预报

    The Characteristic and Forecast of Rainstorm in Kashi Area

  15. 喀什地区特强冰雹天气云图特征分析

    Satellite Image Features of Heavy Hail in Kashi

  16. 喀什地区内脏利什曼病患者血常规及骨髓象变化的分析

    Routine Blood Test and Bone Marrow Examination in Visceral Leishmaniasis Patients in Kashi Prefecture

  17. 喀什地区设施农业可持续发展思路与对策

    Thinking and countermeasures on sustainable development of facility agriculture in the district of Kashi

  18. 探讨影响喀什地区卫生监督体系建设和进一步深化卫生监督体制改革的因素。

    Explore region health supervision system construction and further deepening health supervision system reform factors .

  19. 生活能源消费结构对荒漠化的影响&以喀什地区为例

    Impact of Consumer Energy Structure on Desertification & Taking Kashi County of Xinjiang as Case Studies

  20. 但是地处偏远,交通闭塞,严重制约了喀什地区的经济发展。

    However , remoteness , transport occlusion , severely restricted the Kashgar region 's economic development .

  21. 目的:探讨喀什地区食管癌的临床及内镜分析和流行特点。

    Objective : to investigate the clinical , endoscopic : and epidemic character of esophageal carcinoma in kashgar .

  22. 喀什地区土坯民居(广义上也称为生土建筑)也同样面临着这些问题。

    Adobe houses in Kashgar ( earth architecture in broad sense ) were also facing with these problems .

  23. 极度脆弱包括喀什地区、和田地区和吐鲁番地区,针对每一类型不同的脆弱性提出相应的发展策略。

    Aiming at different frangibility of each category , the paper puts forward suggestions for proper development policy .

  24. 周一,新疆发现26例新增无症状新冠感染病例,均来自喀什地区疏附县。

    Xinjiang detected 26 new asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 on Monday , all from Shufu County in Kashgar Prefecture .

  25. 喀什地区土壤放线菌区系及其拮抗植物病原真菌的研究

    Study on Population of Actinomycetes and Screening of Antagonistic Actinomycetes to Plant Pathogenic Fungi in Soil from Kashi Region

  26. 从这一角度出发,文章首先探讨了喀什地区发展农机合作组织的理论和现实基础。

    From this Angle , this article first discusses the Theoretical and realistic foundation of developing agricultural machinery cooperation organization .

  27. 新疆自治区喀什地区的有关部门誓言今天完成当地所有居民的核酸检测。

    Authorities in Kashgar Prefecture of Xinjiang autonomous region are vowing to complete nucleic acid testing for all local people today .

  28. 警方表示,袭击者在喀什地区砍杀平民、损毁过往车辆,这里位于中国和塔吉克斯坦以及阿富汗边界附近。

    Police say the attackers targeted civilians and passing cars in Kashgar Prefecture , near the border with Tajikistan and Afghanistan .

  29. 喀什地区是维吾尔族古老的交通、经济和文化中心,是东西方文明交流的十字路口。

    Kashi region was the ancient Uygur traffic , economic and cultural center , as well as the East-West civilization exchanges crossroads .

  30. 最后围绕喀什地区外向型经济发展的总体目标,提出了切合喀什外向型经济发展的政策措施。

    Finally , around the region the overall target of export-oriented economy development , this paper provides the relative policy and development measures .