
  • 网络Khartoum;sudan;KRT;Khartum
  1. 中石油(petrochina)在苏丹经营了10多年的时间,在此期间,中国与喀土穆方面建立了密切的关系。

    PetroChina has been operating in Sudan for over a decade , during which time Beijing has forged a close relationship with Khartoum .

  2. 喀土穆大学的医学研究人员AhmedEl-Hassan认为,一个联合科研机构将是一个良好的开端,而且将有助于建立两国的良好关系。

    Ahmed El-Hassan , a medical researcher at the University of Khartoum , believes a joint research agency would be a good start , and would help establish good relations between the two countries .

  3. 介绍了Z-18催化分子筛抗焦活化剂在苏丹喀土穆炼油有限公司重油催化裂化装置(简称KRC)上的工业应用。

    This article summarizes the commercial application of the Z-18 catalyst molecular sieve retarder activator in the residuum fluid catalytic cracking unit ( RFCC ) of Khartoum Refinery Co. Ltd ( KRC ) .

  4. 苏丹输油管道在喀土穆北45km处穿越尼罗河,穿越处河床分布的主要地层为中砂、卵石及努比亚砂岩。

    Sudan oil pipeline will pass through Nile 45 km away north of Al Khartoum . The mainly distributed strata at river bed includes medium sand , peddle and Nubia sandstone .

  5. 有的人说,这巩固了中国与喀土穆的关系。

    Some say this has cemented China 's relationship with Khartoum .

  6. 苏丹喀土穆炼油厂化水系统配合施工总结

    Construction of Chemical Water Treatment System of Khartoum Refinery in Sudan

  7. 乍得指责喀土穆支持叛军抵抗力量联盟。

    Chad blames Khartoum for backing the rebel Union of Resistance Forces .

  8. 哈姆扎很被重新逮捕并且目前被关押在喀土穆的监狱。

    Hamza was quickly recaptured and is currently in prison in Khartoum .

  9. 喀土穆政府将负责学校开支直到7月。

    The government in Khartoum will pay for the schools until July .

  10. 然而在喀土穆之外,暴虐的巴希尔政府不受欢迎。

    Yet Mr Bashir 's oppressive government is not popular outside Khartoum .

  11. 但喀土穆的观点确实全然不同的。

    But the view from Khartoum is , as ever , utterly different .

  12. 这主要是由于多年的战争和苏丹喀土穆政府的渎职。

    This follows years of war and by the Sudanese government in Khartoum .

  13. 北京在苏丹有着非常广泛的商业利益,跟喀土穆的关系也十分密切。

    Beijing has extensive commercial interests in Sudan and has close relations with Khartoum .

  14. 该政策依据的是喀土穆州的药品周转基金经验。

    This policy is based on the experience of the RDF within Khartoum state .

  15. 但是喀土穆政府否认他们挑起了暴力。

    But the government in Khartoum has rejected s that it initiated the violence .

  16. 喀土穆炼油厂调度网的实施

    Achievement of dispatch net of KHARTOUM refinery company

  17. 喀土穆州3个病例的实验室结果发现是裂谷热阴性。

    Laboratory results from three cases in Khartoum state have been found negative for RVF .

  18. 喀土穆指责这些慈善组织向国际刑事法庭提供证据,不过这些组织予以否认。

    Khartoum accuses the groups of giving evidence to the court , a charge the deny .

  19. 通过谨慎的外交,中国过去曾帮助化解喀土穆方面的强硬倾向。

    Through discreet diplomacy , China has in the past helped temper hard-line tendencies in Khartoum .

  20. 喀土穆的楼宇,大多数也就两三层,让我想起了深圳的大冲。

    A humble and real Khartoum with low-rise skyline , reminding me of Dachong in Shenzhen .

  21. 巴希尔总统是多年来,北苏丹喀土穆当局迫害南苏丹的象征性人物。

    Bashir represents for many the years of oppression against southern Sudan by Khartoum in the north .

  22. 内格罗朋特周一在喀土穆与苏丹总统奥马尔。巴舍尔会面后对记者发表上述言论。

    Negroponte spoke to reporters in Khartoum on Monday following meetings with Sudanese President Omer Al Bashir .

  23. 苏丹最大的城市;位于苏丹中部白尼罗河边,与喀土穆隔岸相望。

    The largest city of Sudan ; located in the central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum .

  24. 中国驻苏丹大使罗小光到喀土穆机场送别这些员工。

    Chinese Ambassador to Sudan Luo Xiaoguang saw off the Chinese workers upon departure at the Khartoum airport .

  25. 苏丹大使穆罕默德为袭击做辩护,他说,喀土穆是在保护他们的人民不受到叛乱分子的袭击。

    Sudanese Ambassador Abdalmahmood Mohamad defended the strikes , saying Khartoum is protecting its people from the rebels .

  26. 苏丹政府采取对援助组织不利行动之后,美国国务院将派美国驻喀土穆大使馆代办到达尔富尔,评估那里的局势。

    S.Charge D'Affaires in Khartoum to Darfur to assess the situation following the moves against the aid groups .

  27. 喀土穆政府此举是希望新的货币避免从南方流出的旧货币使北方泛滥。

    Khartoum hopes the new currency will prevent the north from being flooded with old notes from South Sudan .

  28. 西部达尔富尔州州长计划陪同尸体回到喀土穆,阿明补充说。

    The governor of the west Darfur state planned to accompany the body back to Khartoum , added al-Amin .

  29. 但是南部政府办公人员说他们的军队遭受来着北方地区数名军人的袭击&指示在喀土穆戒备。

    But southern government officials say their soldiers were attacked by members of the northern army-charges denied in Khartoum .

  30. 坎帕拉指责在喀土穆的苏丹中央政府提供圣主抵抗军予以帮助,喀土穆否认此指控。

    Kampala accused Sudan 's central government in Khartoum of providing support to the LRA , a charge Khartoum denies .