
  • 网络the Nile Delta;Nile River delta
  1. 尼罗河三角洲同样也见证了葡萄酒贸易的蓬勃发展。

    The Nile Delta also witnessed the first flowering of the wine trade .

  2. 尼罗河三角洲土地肥沃。

    There are fertile fields in the Nile Delta .

  3. 他曾去过尼罗河三角洲。

    He has been to the delta of the Nile .

  4. 长江与尼罗河三角洲晚第四纪沉积对比研究

    Yangtze and Nile Delta : A Comparative Study on the Late Quaternary Sediment

  5. 哈考特港尼日利亚南部城市,位于伊巴丹东南部的尼罗河三角洲。

    A city of southern Nigeria in the Niger River delta southeast of Ibadan .

  6. 晚更新世末期尼罗河三角洲蒸发性盆地群的发现及其意义

    Discovery and Evaluation of the Evaporate Basins of the Late Pleistocene Stiff Muds , Nile Delta , Egypt

  7. 尼罗河三角洲全新世海平面变动及其对环境的影响&与长江三角洲的对比

    Holocene Nile Delta sea-level fluctuations and its impact on environment & with special reference to the Changjiang River Delta

  8. 天然气主要产于尼罗河三角洲、地中海沿岸和西部沙漠。

    Natural gas is found mainly in the Nile Delta , off the Mediterranean sea shore , and in the Western Desert .

  9. 埃及的第五电视频道设在尼罗河三角洲的坦塔市,预计在今年晚些时候开始使用。

    Egypt 's fifth local channel , in the Nile Delta city of Tanta , is expected to start up later this year .

  10. 这些洪水一直非常有用,因为它们灌溉着尼罗河三角洲,沉积下厚厚的一层表土,可以用来种庄稼。

    These floods have been very useful because they irrigate the Nile Delta and deposit a rich layer of topsoil used for growing crops .

  11. 但是其他地区也未能幸免,上升的海平面将导致洪水&特别是尼罗河三角洲和阿拉伯半岛的海湾沿海区域。

    But in other areas , the report says , rising sea levels will cause flooding & particularly the Nile Delta and the Gulf coast of the Arabian Peninsula .

  12. 这些珍宝都属于赫拉克利翁和坎诺浦斯两座古城,这两座古城曾建于尼罗河三角洲地区,现在被埋在3米多深的淤泥之下。

    The treasures belong to Heracleion and Canopus , cities built on the shifting ground of the Nile delta , which are now buried beneath three metres of silt .

  13. 其父亲在尼罗河三角洲西部省经营一个家禽养殖场的17岁男童于3月18日出现症状并于同一天住院。

    A17-year-old boy , whose father runs a poultry farm in the Gharbiya governorate in the Nile Delta , developed symptoms on18 March and was hospitalized the following day .

  14. 这次罢工最初在开罗北部尼罗河三角洲的迈哈莱城镇爆发。在那里,2万5千名工人计划举行罢工,他们提出得到更高的工资和其他一些要求。

    The strike call originated in the Nile Delta town of Mahalla , north of Cairo , where 25000 factory workers had planned a strike for higher wages and other demands .

  15. 与世界其他地区河口重金属污染程度比较,尼罗河三角洲的重金属污染属于中等水平,而长江三角洲属于中下水平。

    When compared with other estuaries in the world , heavy metals contamination level in the Nile Delta is roughly at the medium degree and the Yangtze Delta is quite moderate .

  16. 过去20年,从巴西中部的大草原,到埃及的尼罗河三角洲,产业化农业的发展席卷了所有发展中国家。

    The expansion of industrial agriculture has been seen all over the developing world over the last two decades – from the savannahs of central Brazil to Egypt 's Nile delta .

  17. 科学家们相信“神迹”发生的地点可能不在红海而是在尼罗河三角洲附近的地区,科学家相信在那里有一条远古的河流现今已经与周围的海域合并。

    Scientists believe the likely location of the'miracle'was not the Red Sea , but a nearby spot in the Nile Delta region where an ancient river is believed to have merged with a coastal lagoon .

  18. 科学家们称,更令人不安的是这种疾病已在更多地区的鸟类中失去了控制,包括埃及尼罗河三角洲和尼日利亚,这些地区的公共卫生机制很薄弱。

    More worrisome , they say , is that the disease is out of control in birds in more places than ever , including the Nile delta in Egypt and Nigeria , where public health mechanisms are weak .

  19. 穆巴拉克生于尼罗河三角洲一个中下层中产阶级农村家庭,1949年从军校毕业后,经培训成为一名战斗机飞行员&这一职业选择,奠定了他政治生涯的基础。

    Born to a lower middle class rural family in the Nile Delta , he graduated from the military academy in 1949 , then trained as a fighter pilot , a career move that was to form the foundation of his political career .

  20. 尼罗河流入大型三角洲,而后注入地中海。

    Nile empties into a large delta that consequently empties into the Mediterranean Sea .

  21. 空间范围根据埃及地理蒂貌的不同可划分成:尼罗河流域考古,三角洲地带考古,东西沙漠与绿洲考古;

    Its spatial sphere can be divided into the Nile Valley , the Delta , the eastern and western desert and the oasis , according to Egyptian geography .

  22. 埃及约有三分之一的人口在尼罗河沿岸和尼罗河三角洲地区务农。

    Approximately one-third of Egypt 's population works in agriculture , farming sugarcane , rice , and wheat in the fertile land along the Nile and in the Nile Delta .

  23. 几乎所有的人口都集中在尼罗河沿岸(尤其是亚历山大和开罗)、尼罗河三角洲和苏伊士运河附近。

    Nearly all the population is concentrated along the River Nile , notably Alexandria and Cairo , and along the Nile Delta and near the Suez Canal .