
ní jiā lā guā
  • Nicaragua
  1. 他也是尼加拉瓜7任总统的祖先。

    He was also a progenitor of seven presidents of Nicaragua .

  2. 尼加拉瓜背负着110亿美元的沉重外债。

    Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $ 11 billion

  3. 从旅馆的防波堤可以看到康塞普西翁火山(Conceptión)全景,这座火山高1610米,非常活跃,俯视着尼加拉瓜湖。

    A jetty from the lodge offereduninterrupted views of Concepti ó n , the 1610m-tall , very active volcano thattowered over Lake Nicaragua .

  4. 尼加拉瓜运河(NicaraguaCanal)是全球最大的拟议基础设施项目之一。

    It is one of the largest proposed infrastructure projects in the world .

  5. 我当时是开发机构国际金融公司(InternationalFinanceCorporation)驻尼加拉瓜工作人员,刚刚结婚,正准备前往卢旺达从事一份新的工作。

    I was working in Nicaragua for the International Finance Corporation , the development institution , was newly married , and preparing to leave for a post in Rwanda .

  6. 这位从美国银行(bankofamerica)来到青空银行的尼加拉瓜人,正鼓励其日本员工表达自己的观点,并参加与其上司的自由讨论。

    A Nicaraguan , who came to Aozora via Bank of America , Mr sacasa is encouraging Japanese employees to express their views and to engage in brainstorming with their boss .

  7. 上月,中国的施工队在一条贯穿尼加拉瓜的运河工地开工。这个雄心勃勃的项目投资500亿美元,有一天可能会与巴拿马运河(PanamaCanal)相匹敌。

    Last month , Chinese construction teams began work on an ambitious $ 50 billion canal across Nicaragua that could some day rival the Panama Canal .

  8. 这条计划长达278公里的运河连接加勒比海(CaribbeanSea)和太平洋(PacificOcean),从尼加拉瓜湖穿过,可能导致附近的雨林消失并威胁到附近的原住民部落。这条运河还会使得超大型油轮从奥梅特佩岛的伊甸园旁边经过。

    The proposed 278km route , connecting theCaribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean , will carve through Lake Nicaragua , potentiallydisplacing the surrounding rainforest and threatening indigenous communities.The route will also bring the supertankers right past Ometepe 's Eden .

  9. 2006年,巴拿马运河运力几近饱和,时任尼加拉瓜总统恩里克•博拉尼奥斯(EnriqueBola&241;os)也曾寻求恢复修筑运河的计划。

    In 2006 , Enrique Bola & # 241 ; os , then president of Nicaragua , also sought to revive the plan when the Panama Canal was close to capacity .

  10. 2006年,巴拿马运河运力几近饱和,时任尼加拉瓜总统恩里克•博拉尼奥斯(EnriqueBolaños)也曾寻求恢复修筑运河的计划。

    In 2006 , Enrique Bola ñ os , then president of Nicaragua , also sought to revive the plan when the Panama Canal was close to capacity .

  11. 我该说需要钱来推翻Sandinista(尼加拉瓜桑地诺民族解放阵线)

    I should 've said I needed the money to overthrow the Sandinista .

  12. 每年花18000美元,你就能在尼加拉瓜生活得非常舒适,AARP介绍,一份正式的二人餐需要约30美元。

    You can live comfortably in Nicaragua on $ 18,000 a year , AARP says , and dinner for two costs about $ 30 .

  13. 本周,他为我冲了一杯小份量咖啡——尼加拉瓜ElSuyatal咖啡(“榛子、焦糖搭配麦芽的甜味”)——同时给我讲述从坦桑尼亚到夏威夷的各种咖啡豆的独特风味。

    This week he brewed me a cup of " small lot " coffee - Nicaragua El Suyatal ( " notes of hazelnut and caramel with a malty sweetness " ) - while describing the distinctive flavor profiles of beans from Tanzania to Hawaii .

  14. 我的那杯售价4美元的12盎司尼加拉瓜咖啡是马克斯韦尔用星巴克标志性的Clover冲泡系统亲手冲泡的。这个系统的特色是“创新性真空压缩技术”。我不敢自称咖啡鉴赏家,但是这杯咖啡真的很棒,而且真的值4美元。

    My cup of Nicaraguan was $ 4 for a 12-ounce cup , and Mr. Maxwell hand-brewed it using Starbucks 's trademarked Clover brewing system , featuring " innovative vacuum-press technology . " I don 't claim to be a connoisseur , but it was remarkably good .

  15. 它是哥斯达黎加,危地马拉,洪都拉斯还是尼加拉瓜?

    Is it Costa Rica , Guatemala , Honduras or Nicaragua ?

  16. 离我们去尼加拉瓜只有短短3周了。

    Only five short weeks till we 're down in nicaragua .

  17. 曾经和尼加拉瓜儿童一起生活和工作过。

    She has also lived and worked with children in nicaragua .

  18. 请问在哪两个国家能看到尼加拉瓜瀑布

    And what two countries can you see the Niagara Falls ?

  19. 1972年的今天,当地时间上午12时29时尼加拉瓜发生地震。

    1972-Nicaragua was an earthquake that occurred at12:29 a.m.local time .

  20. 服装厂正从洪都拉斯搬往尼加拉瓜的自贸区。

    Garment factories are moving from Honduras to a Nicaraguan free-trade zone .

  21. 汗水像尼加拉瓜大瀑布般流下来。

    There 's a great Niagara of perspiration coming down .

  22. 美国国会于1984年禁止军援尼加拉瓜反政府军;

    In1984 the U.S.Congress banned military aid to the contras ;

  23. 在尼加拉瓜,您和您的家人将永远拥有土地权!直到永远!

    In Nicaragua you and your family can own the land forever !

  24. 这项保险将帮助马塔嘎帕,尼加拉瓜地区的250位咖啡种植者。

    The insurance will help 250 coffee growers in Matagalpa , Nicaragua .

  25. 尼加拉瓜废弃农田的森林恢复年代序列分析

    A chronosequence analysis of forest recovery on abandoned agricultural fields in Nicaragua

  26. 尼加拉瓜革命的性质、道路和基本国策

    Nicaraguan revolution 's nature , path and basic policies

  27. 对尼加拉瓜的贸易禁令他申请法院发禁止令。

    Trade embargo against Nicaragua He applied to the court for an injunction .

  28. 在2006尼加拉瓜赛跑上为更多访问。

    Visit for more on the 2006 Nicaragua races .

  29. 尼加拉瓜的本地人或居民。我不可能给人家一张没有瓜葛的地契。

    I can 't give anybody a clear title .

  30. 尼加拉瓜基本货币单位。

    The basic unit of money in Nicaragua ; equal to 100 centavos .