
  • 网络niamey
  1. Amadou表示,萨阿迪可能会在周一抵达首都尼亚美。

    Mr Amadou said it was possible that al-Saadi Gaddafi would arrive in the capital Niamey on Monday .

  2. 她说,在尼亚美找住的地方非常困难。

    She says it is hard finding a house in Niamey .

  3. 另一项统计表明,发展最快的城市是尼日尔的尼亚美。

    By another , the fastest-growing city is Niamey in Niger .

  4. 卡扎菲的儿子萨阿迪现在正在首都尼亚美处于软禁状态。

    Gadhafi 's son Saadi is now under a kind of house arrest in the capital , Niamey .

  5. 尼亚美位于尼日尔西南端,靠近布基纳法索。两星期前,布基纳法索官员曾表示原意为卡扎菲提供庇护。

    The capital is in the country 's southwestern corner near Burkina Faso , where officials offered Gadhafi asylum about two weeks ago .

  6. 星期二来自尼日尔的报导说,车队星期一晚进入尼日尔后朝首都尼亚美方向行驶。

    Reports from Niger Tuesday said the military vehicles were heading towards the capital , Niamey , after moving into Niger late Monday .

  7. 卡扎非支持图阿雷格族反对尼亚美政府和巴马科政府而进行的叛乱,然后帮助谈判结束叛乱。

    The late Libyan leader backed , then helped negotiate the end of , Tuareg rebellions against the governments in Niamey and Bamako .

  8. 卡扎菲安全卫队指挥官达奥和其他几名利比亚人先于车队几个小时进入尼日尔。美联社援引一名海关官员的话报导说,达奥星期二早晨抵达尼日尔首都尼亚美。

    The head of Gadhafi 's security brigades , Mansour Dhao , and several other Libyans crossed into Niger hours ahead of the convoy .

  9. 在利比亚起义的过程中,好几个卡扎菲盟友的车队越境进入尼日尔,首都在尼亚美的尼日尔政府表示,这是出于人道主义。

    Throughout Libya 's rebellion , several convoys of Gadhafi allies have crossed into Niger on what the government in Niamey calls humanitarian grounds .

  10. 当时,这位母亲正打算从利比亚的黎波里飞往到尼日尔的尼亚美,而就在飞行过程中,她开始进入分娩状态。

    The newborn 's mother was on a flight from Tripoli , Libya , to Niamey , Niger , when she started going into labor .

  11. 法国政府已经证实,上周五在尼日尔首都尼亚美一座宾馆被劫持的两名法国公民已经被杀。

    France has confirmed that two of its citizens who were kidnapped from a restaurant in Niamey , the capital of Niger , on Friday have been killed .

  12. 这种测试手段是由一个尼日尔的研究组开发,他们在昨天的《公共科学图书馆·医学》杂志上报告了这项成果。尼日尔首都尼亚美的一个新的厂家将很快生产这种测试手段。

    Created by a team in Niger and described in PLoS Medicine yesterday ( 5 September ), the test will soon be produced in a new facility in Niamey .

  13. 在昨天(2月7日)《自然》杂志发表的一篇论文中,一个国际科研团队调查了为什么尼日尔的麻疹流行特别是在首都尼亚美是以一种不确定的方式出现的。

    In a paper published in Nature yesterday ( 7 February ), an international team of scientists investigate why measles epidemics in Niger particularly in the capital Niamey emerge in an erratic way .

  14. 暴雨以很快的速度淹没了农作物,河流决堤,淹没了蔬菜和稻米,迫使人们背井离乡。首都尼亚美共有5000多人流离失所。

    An abundance of rain too soon flooded crops , driving people from their homes as the river burst its banks , washing away vegetables and rice and displacing more than 5000 people around the capital , Niamey .