
  • 网络Niger River
  1. 尼日尔河委员会成员国部长级理事会

    Ministerial Council of the Member States of the Niger River Commission

  2. 尼日尔河流域管理局理事会尼罗河流域常设联合技术委员会

    Council of the Niger Basin Authority Permanent Joint Technical Commission for Nile Waters

  3. 如今,尼日尔河三角洲的居民已开始加工原油。

    Now , inhabitants of the Delta have started processing crude .

  4. 关于尼日尔河流域国家航行和经济合作条约

    Act regarding Navigation and Economic cooperation between the States of the Niger Basin

  5. 马里中部一城市,靠近尼日尔河;以前以黄金交易闻名。

    A city in central Mali near the Niger river ; formerly famous for its gold trade .

  6. 尼日尔河流域委员会

    Niger River Basin Committee

  7. 上周末,尼日尔河决堤,导致大约五千人失去了家园和庄稼。

    Some five thousand people in Niger lost their homes and crops after the River Niger burst its banks at the weekend .

  8. 受到影响的河流包括印度的恒河、西非的尼日尔河以及美国西南部的科罗拉多河等等。

    Affected rivers include the Ganges in India , the Niger in West Africa , and the Colorado in the southwestern United States .

  9. 尼日尔河三角洲和伊拉克沙漠上的熊熊火光,象征着发展中国家石油生产所带来的污染和破坏。

    Flares blazing in the Niger Delta or the deserts of Iraq have epitomised the pollution and disruption caused by oil production in developing countries .

  10. 尼日利亚称,对尼日尔河三角洲地区的反分子的特赦,了暴力活动而受的当地原油生产。

    Nigeria says the amnesty it is offering to rebels in the oil-rich Niger Delta is boosting production of crude oil that had been hurt by violence . U.

  11. 在简短的讲话中,乔纳森誓言打击腐败,努力实现公平选举,努力推动尼日尔河三角洲地区的和平。

    In a brief address , he pledged to fight corruption , to work for fair elections , and to work to move towards peace in the Niger Delta .

  12. 他们来自尼日尔河附近名为“尼日尔三角洲”的地区。肯·萨罗威瓦多年来一直在为他的人民争取权利。

    They come from an area near the Niger river , called the ' Niger Delta . ' Ken Saro-Wiwa spent many years fighting for the rights of his people .

  13. 1/3的河流出现了流量变化,而其中的大多数包括西非的尼日尔河、南亚的恒河以及中国的黄河水量都变少了。

    A third of these had registered a change in flow and most of them including the Niger in West Africa , the Ganges in South Asia and the Yellow River in China were dryer .

  14. 全国的感染总量估值掩盖了重要的地方变量,例如,尼日尔大多数的埃及血吸虫感染发生在尼日尔河流域。

    National aggregate estimates of infection mask important local variations : e.g.most S.haematobium infections in the Niger occur in the Niger River valley .