
  • 网络Nouakchott;Mauritania
  1. 在毛里塔尼亚,居民们说当皇群降临首都努瓦克肖特时,天空变成了棕色,并在顷刻之间将树叶吞噬殆尽,只留下光秃秃的棕色枝干。

    In Mauritania , residents say the sky turned brown as locusts descended on the capital , Nouakchott , turning green trees into brown skeletons .

  2. 从5月初至8月12日该国共报告了717例,发生在4个省(布拉克纳、吉迪马卡、努瓦克肖特和特拉扎)。

    The country reported a total of717 cases from early May to12 August occurring in4 regions ( Brakna , Guidimakha , Nouakchott , and Traza ) .

  3. 卡扎菲的发言人表示,与会各方均同意了如下先决条件:在努瓦克肖特的一个会议中心进行会谈、签署会谈谅解备忘录。

    A Gadhafi spokesman announced that all parties had agreed to pre-conditions in a meeting at a conference center in Nouakchott , and that a memorandum of understanding for the talks had been signed .