
  • 网络Nuuk;chinook;nook
  1. 嗨大家好嗨…你好啊努克镇不好意思有点小紧张好嘞

    Hi . Hello , everyone . Hi . Uh ... Hello , Nuuk . Sorry , I 'm a little nervous . Okay .

  2. 不仅因为她很美,而且因为木乃伊大会(在格陵兰努克召开)是我所参加的最奇妙的大会。

    Not just because she 's beautiful , but because the Mummy Congress ( held in Nuuk , Greenland ) was the most amazing meeting I 've ever attended .

  3. 2011年,在抱着玩玩的心态饲养了一些用于动物饲料的昆虫之后,克劳利和妻子埃里卡o科尔特努克、联合创始人丹o奥尼尔以及几个朋友在盐湖城开设了一家餐厅,开始尝试着以蟋蟀为原料制作面粉。

    After toying with farming insects in 2011 for animal feed , Crowley , his wife Erica Koltenuk , co-founder Dan O'Neill and several friends set up shop in a local restaurant in Salt Lake City and began experimenting with making flour from crickets .