
  • 网络antananarivo;Tananarive;Madagascar;Antananarivo, Madagascar
  1. 拉乔利纳总统在塔那那利佛投票点投出了自己的一票,并呼吁他的同胞们积极参与到投票中去。

    President Andry Rajoelina cast his vote in Antananarivo and urged his countrymen to do the same .

  2. 目击者说,首都塔那那利佛的街上目前还没有军事接管的迹象。

    Witnesses say there were no immediate signs of a military takeover on the streets of the capital , Antananarivo .

  3. 美国和欧盟都谴责了塔那那利佛的权力移交。

    The United States and the European Union have both denounced the transfer of power in Antanananarivo .

  4. 马达加斯加首都塔那那利佛附近一家私人狐猴公园中,一只表情生动的卷尾狐猴隐身在树丛中。

    A Ring Tail lemur hides among leaves at the Lemurs Park , a private eco-tourism enterprise near Antananarivo , Madagascar .

  5. 拉乔利纳是马达加斯加首都塔那那利佛市市长,在拉瓦卢马纳纳总统被迫辞职后,拉乔利纳星期三宣布出任总统,并于星期四宣布解散议会。

    Mr. Rajoelina , the mayor of Antanananarivo , claimed the presidency on Wednesday and dissolved parliament Thursday after President Marc Ravalomanana was forced to resign .