
  • 网络Tarawa
  1. 美国正在与盟友和合作伙伴探讨应对这项挑战的新倡议,包括开展新的地区项目来清除基里巴斯塔拉瓦(Tarawa)的未爆炸武器。

    The United States is exploring with friends and partners new initiatives to address this challenge including the launch of a new regional project to remove UXO from Tarawa , Kiribati .

  2. 我永远都不会忘记在塔拉瓦岛的那场战役。

    I have never forgotten the battle at Tarawa .

  3. 你们也许对塔拉瓦有所了解,它的海拔很低。

    And you 'll notice something about Tarawa ; it is very low-lying .

  4. 基里巴斯国的两个无人岛特布·塔拉瓦和阿巴尼亚在1999年被海水淹没,已经消失了。

    Two uninhabited Kiribati islands , Tebua Tarawa and Abanuea , disappeared underwater in1999 .

  5. 塔拉瓦据点被解决后,向马绍尔群岛进攻的道路便平坦无阻了。

    With Tarawa eliminated , the way was clear for attack on the Marshall Group .

  6. 位于塔拉瓦环礁上的拜里基是行政中心。

    Bairiki , on Tarawa atoll , is the administrative center . Population , 56,213 .

  7. 基里巴斯电台报道说,塔拉瓦岛多处遭遇洪水,连接各小岛的堤道也被海水淹没。

    Radio Kiribati reported that many parts of Tarawa were flooded and causeways linking the islets were covered with seawater .

  8. 从美海军陆战队特遣队塔拉瓦有助于打开仓库后,与一女子袋面粉。

    A US Marine from Task Force Tarawa helps a woman with a bag of flour after opening a warehouse .

  9. 伊拉克人欢呼为美国陆战队特遣队塔拉瓦通过他们的家作为海军陆战队通过伊拉克中部移动。

    Iraqis cheer as United States Marines from Task Force Tarawa pass their home as the Marines move through central Iraq .

  10. 1943年二战期间,美国武力占领日本所有的塔拉瓦岛和马肯岛。

    In 1943 , during World War Two , US forces seized control of Tarawa and Makin atolls from the Japanese .

  11. 转年,我又出发,进行我横渡太平洋的第二个阶段,从夏威夷到塔拉瓦。

    And , the following year , set out on the second stage of the Pacific , from Hawaii down to Tarawa .

  12. 由具备投送“由舰到岸”攻击部队能力的各单位组成。如“塔拉瓦”级和“黄蜂”级两栖攻击舰以及登陆艇等。

    It is composed of units capable of delivering ship-to-shore assault troops , such as Tarawa-class and Wasp-class amphibious assault ships , and landing craft .

  13. 塔拉瓦声称,如果全球变暖导致海平面上升,本岛连同其邻国图瓦卢将遭灭顶之灾。

    Tarawa claims , along with the neighboring nation of Tuvalu , that it faces extinction should global warming lead to any sea level rise .

  14. 塔拉瓦岛是基里巴斯的首都,有近6万人口,此岛最大宽度尚不足100码。

    Kiribati 's capital island of Tarawa , which is seldom more than tens of yards wide at its widest , is home to around 60,000 people .

  15. 强风,减少了食物供应,一破水生产商意味着她不得不改变路线,前往的塔拉瓦环礁代替。

    Strong winds , a dwindling supply of food , and a broken water maker meant she had to change course and head to the atoll of Tarawa instead .

  16. 他们在一些叫贝鲁伍德、阿尔贡、奥马哈滩、萨莱诺的地方,在相隔半个地球之遥的瓜达卡钠尔、塔拉瓦、独排山、长津水岸和一个叫越南--有着许许多多稻田和丛林的地方献出了他们的生命。

    Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood , The Argonne , Omaha Beach , Salerno and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal , Tarawa , Pork Chop Hill , the Chosin Reservoir , and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called Vietnam .

  17. 在功能对等理论的指导下翻译了《一平方英里的地狱:血战塔拉瓦》一书的部分章节,并总结了翻译过程中的经验,指出应使译文从形式到内容都具备与原文相同的功能。

    The author translated some chapters of One Square Mile of Hell : The Battle For Tarawa in light of the Functional Equivalence theory , and summarized the experience and lessons learned from the translation , pointed out that functional equivalence should be achieved in both content and form .